< 2 Kings 18 >

1 And it was in year three of Hoshea [the] son of Elah [the] king of Israel he became king Hezekiah [the] son of Ahaz [the] king of Judah.
Mugore rechitatu raHoshea mwanakomana waEra Mambo weIsraeri, Hezekia mwanakomana waAhazi mambo weJudha akatanga kutonga.
2 A son of twenty and five year[s] he was when became king he and twenty and nine year[s] he reigned in Jerusalem and [the] name of mother his [was] Abi [the] daughter of Zechariah.
Akanga ava namakore makumi maviri namashanu paakava mambo, uye akatonga muJerusarema kwamakore makumi maviri namapfumbamwe. Zita ramai vake rainzi Abhiya mwanasikana waZekaria.
3 And he did the right in [the] eyes of Yahweh according to all that he had done David ancestor his.
Akaita zvakanaka pamberi paJehovha, sezvakanga zvaita baba vake Dhavhidhi.
4 He - he removed the high places and he broke the sacred pillars and he cut down the Asherah pole and he crushed to pieces [the] snake of bronze which he had made Moses for until the days those they were [the] people of Israel making smoke to it and someone had called it Nehushtan.
Akabvisa matunhu akakwirira, akaputsa matombo okunamata, uye akatema matanda aAshera. Akaputsa nyoka yendarira yakanga yaitwa naMozisi, nokuti kusvikira panguva iyoyo vaIsraeri vakanga vachipisira zvinonhuhwira kwairi. (Yakanga ichinzi Nehushitani.)
5 In Yahweh [the] God of Israel he trusted and after him not anyone was like him among all [the] kings of Judah and [those] who they were before him.
Hezekia akanga achivimba naJehovha, Mwari waIsraeri. Kwakanga kusina akafanana naye pakati pamadzimambo ose eJudha, vakamutangira kana vakamutevera.
6 And he clung to Yahweh not he turned aside from after him and he kept commandments his which he had commanded Yahweh Moses.
Akanamatira kuna Jehovha uye haana kurega kumutevera; akachengeta mirayiro yakapiwa Mozisi naJehovha.
7 And he was Yahweh with him in all that he went out he prospered and he rebelled against [the] king of Assyria and not he served him.
Uye Jehovha aiva naye; akabudirira pane zvose zvaakaita. Akamukira mambo weAsiria akasazomushandira.
8 He he struck down [the] Philistines to Gaza and territories its from a tower of watchmen unto a city of fortification.
Akakunda vaFiristia, kubva pachirindo chavarindi kusvikira kuguta rakakomberedzwa, zvichienda kuGaza nenyika yayo.
9 And it was in the year fourth of the king Hezekiah it [was] the year seventh of Hoshea [the] son of Elah [the] king of Israel he came up Shalmaneser [the] king of Assyria on Samaria and he laid siege on it.
Mugore rechina ramambo Hezekia, iro raiva gore rechinomwe raHoshea mwanakomana waEra mambo weIsraeri, Sharimaneseri mambo weAsiria akaenda kundorwa neSamaria akarikunda.
10 And they captured it from [the] end of three years in year six of Hezekiah it [was] year nine of Hoshea [the] king of Israel it was captured Samaria.
Pakupera kwamakore matatu vaAsiria vakaritora. Saka Samaria yakatorwa mugore rechitanhatu raMambo Hezekia, iro rakanga riri gore rechipfumbamwe raHoshea mambo weIsraeri.
11 And he took into exile [the] king of Assyria Israel Assyria towards and he led them in Halah and on [the] Habor [the] river of Gozan and [the] cities of Media.
Mambo weAsiria akavatapa akavaendesa kuAsiria akandovagarisa muHara, muGozani paRwizi rweHabhori nomumaguta avaMedhesi.
12 On - that not they had listened to [the] voice of Yahweh God their and they had transgressed covenant his all that he had commanded Moses [the] servant of Yahweh and not they listened and not they did.
Izvi zvakaitika nokuti vakanga vasina kuteerera Jehovha Mwari wavo, asi vakanga vadarika sungano yake nezvose zvakanga zvarayirwa naMozisi muranda waJehovha. Vakaramba kunzwa mirayiro kana kuiita.
13 And in four-teen year of the king Hezekiah he came up Sennacherib [the] king of Assyria on all [the] cities of Judah fortified and he seized them.
Mugore regumi namana rokutonga kwamambo Hezekia, Senakeribhi mambo weAsiria akarwisa maguta ose eJudha akakomberedzwa namasvingo akaatora.
14 And he sent Hezekiah [the] king of Judah to [the] king of Assyria - Lachish towards - saying - I have sinned turn back from on me [that] which you will put on me I will bear and he imposed [the] king of Assyria on Hezekiah [the] king of Judah three hundred talent[s] of silver and thirty talent[s] of gold.
Saka Hezekia mambo weJudha akatuma shoko kuna mambo weAsiria paRakishi achiti, “Ndakakanganisa hangu. Ibvai henyu kwandiri, uye ndicharipa zvose zvamuchareva kwandiri.” Mambo weAsiria akaripisa Hezekia mambo weJudha mutero wamazana matatu amatarenda esirivha namatarenda egoridhe makumi matatu.
15 And he gave Hezekiah all the silver which was found [the] house of Yahweh and in [the] treasuries of [the] house of the king.
Saka Hezekia akamupa sirivha yose yakawanikwa mutemberi yaJehovha nomumatura omumuzinda wamambo.
16 At the time that he cut off Hezekiah [the] doors of [the] temple of Yahweh and the door-posts which he had overlaid Hezekiah [the] king of Judah and he gave them to [the] king of Assyria.
Panguva iyoyo Hezekia mambo weJudha akabvisa goridhe raakanga afukidza naro makonhi nembiru dzamakonhi etemberi yaJehovha, akazvipa kuna mambo weAsiria.
17 And he sent [the] king of Assyria [the] commander in chief and [the] chief court-official - and [the] chief commander from Lachish to the king Hezekiah with an army massive Jerusalem and they went up and they came Jerusalem and they went up and they came and they stood at [the] conduit of the pool upper which [is] on [the] highway of [the] field of [the] washer.
Mambo weAsiria akatuma mukuru wehondo, nomukuru wavabati uye nomukuru wavatariri, nehondo huru, kubva kuRakishi kuti vaende kuna mambo Hezekia kuJerusarema. Vakakwira kuJerusarema vakamira pamugero weDziva roKumusoro, mumugwagwa unoenda kuMunda woMusuki.
18 And they called out to the king and he went out to them Eliakim [the] son of Hilkiah who [was] over the house and Shebna the scribe and Joah [the] son of Asaph the recorder.
Vakadana mambo; uye Eriakimi mwanakomana waHirikia mutariri womuzinda wamambo, naShebhina munyori, naJoa mwanakomana waAsafi munyori wenhoroondo vakabuda vakaenda kwavari.
19 And he said to them [the] chief commander say please to Hezekiah thus he says the king great [the] king of Assyria what? [is] the trust this which you trust.
Mukuru wavatariri akati kwavari, “Udzai Hezekia kuti: “‘Zvanzi namambo mukuru, mambo weAsiria: Chaunovimba nacho chii?
20 You have said only a word of lips counsel and strength for war now on whom? do you rely that you have rebelled against me.
Unoti unogona kuronga uye une simba rokurwa, asi uri kungotaura mashoko asingazari mukombe. Uri kuvimba naaniko, kuti undimukire?
21 Now there! you rely yourself on [the] staff of reed crushed this on Egypt which he will support himself anyone on it and it will go in palm his and it will pierce it [is] thus Pharaoh [the] king of Egypt to all those [who] rely on him.
Tarira zvino, wakasendamira paIjipiti, uya mudonzvo werutsanga rwakatsemuka runobaya ruoko rwomunhu ruchimupa ronda kana asendamira parwuri! Ndizvo zvakaita Faro mambo weIjipiti kuna vose vanosendamira paari.
22 And if you will say! to me to Yahweh God our we trust ¿ not [is] he [the one] whom he has removed Hezekiah high places his and altars his and he has said to Judah and to Jerusalem before the altar this you will bow down in Jerusalem.
Asi kana ukati kwandiri, “Tinovimba naJehovha Mwari wedu,” ko, haazi iye ane matunhu akakwirira nearitari dzakabviswa naHezekia, achiti kuJudha neJerusarema, “Munofanira kunamata pamberi pearitari iyi muJerusarema here?”
23 And therefore make a wager please with master my with [the] king of Assyria and let me give to you two thousand horses if you will be able to put yourself riders on them.
“‘Chiuya zvino, uite chitsidzo natenzi wangu, mambo weAsiria. Ndichakupa zviuru zviviri zvamabhiza, kana uchigona kuisa vatasvi pamusoro pawo!
24 And how? will you turn back [the] face of [the] governor one of [the] servants of master my small and you have been relying yourself on Egypt for chariotry and for horsemen.
Ungagona seiko kukunda mumwe wamachinda madiki atenzi wangu kunyange dai uchivimba neIjipiti kuti uchapiwa ngoro navatasvi vamabhiza?
25 Now ¿ from without Yahweh have I come up on the place this to destroy it Yahweh he said to me go up on the land this and destroy it.
Pamusoro pezvo, handina kuuya kuzorwa nokuparadza nzvimbo ino ndisina shoko rinobva kuna Jehovha here? Jehovha pachake akandiudza kuti ndiuye kuzorwisa nyika uye ndiiparadze.’”
26 And he said Eliakim [the] son of Hilkiah and Shebna and Joah to [the] chief commander speak please to servants your Aramaic for [are] understanding we and may not you speak with us [in] Judean in [the] ears of the people which [is] on the wall.
Ipapo Eriakimu mwanakomana waHirikia, naShebhina naJoa vakati kumukuru wavatariri, “Tapota, taurai kuvaranda venyu norurimi rwechiAramu sezvo tichirunzwa. Musataura nesu nechiHebheru vanhu vari parusvingo vachizvinzwa.”
27 And he said to them [the] chief commander ¿ to master your and to you has he sent me master my to speak the words these ¿ not to the men who are sitting on the wall to eat (own excrement their *Q(K)*) and to drink ([the] water of feet their *Q(K)*) with you.
Asi mukuru wehondo akapindura akati, “Ko, ndakatumwa natenzi wangu kuna tenzi wako nokwauri chete here kuti nditaure mashoko aya ndisingatauri kuvarume vagere parusvingo, ivo pamwe chete newe vanofanira kudya tsvina yavo nokunwa mvura yemiviri yavo?”
28 And he stood [the] chief commander and he called out with a voice great [in] Judean and he spoke and he said hear [the] word of the king great [the] king of Assyria.
Ipapo mukuru wehondo akasimuka akadanidzira norurimi rwechiHebheru achiti, “Inzwai shoko ramambo mukuru, mambo weAsiria!
29 Thus he says the king may not he deceive you Hezekiah for not he will be able to deliver you from hand his.
Zvanzi namambo: Musarega Hezekia achikunyengerai. Haagoni kukudzikinurai kubva muruoko rwangu
30 And may not he make trust you Hezekiah to Yahweh saying certainly he will deliver us Yahweh and not it will be given the city this in [the] hand of [the] king of Assyria.
Musarega Hezekia achikukurudzirai kuti muvimbe naJehovha paanoti, ‘Zvirokwazvo Jehovha achatirwira; guta rino harizopiwi muruoko rwamambo weAsiria.’
31 May not you listen to Hezekiah for thus he says [the] king of Assyria make with me a blessing and come out to me and eat everyone own vine his and everyone own fig tree his and drink everyone [the] water of own cistern his.
“Musateerera Hezekia. Zvanzi namambo weAsiria: Itai rugare neni mugouya kuno kwandiri. Ipapo mumwe nomumwe wenyu achadya zvinobva pamuzambiringa wake napamuonde wake, uye achanwa mvura inobva muchirongo chake,
32 Until come I and I will take you to a land like own land your a land of grain and new wine a land of bread and vineyards a land of olive tree of fresh oil and honey and live and not you will die and may not you listen to Hezekiah for he misleads you saying Yahweh he will deliver us.
kusvikira ndauya ndikakutorai ndigokuisai kunyika yakafanana neyenyu, nyika ine zvokudya newaini itsva, nyika yechingwa neminda yemizambiringa, nyika yemiti yemiorivhi nouchi. Sarudzai upenyu kwete rufu! “Musateerera Hezekia, nokuti anokutsausai kana akati, ‘Jehovha achatirwira.’
33 ¿ Really have they delivered [the] gods of the nations anyone land its from [the] hand of [the] king of Assyria.
Pana mwari wenyika ipi zvayo akamborwira nyika yake kubva muruoko rwamambo weAsiria?
34 Where? [were] [the] gods of Hamath and Arpad where? [were] [the] gods of Sepharvaim Hena and Ivvah that they have delivered Samaria from hand my.
Vamwari veHamati neveAripadhi varipi? Vamwari veSefarivhaimi, neHena neIvha varipi? Vakanunura Samaria muruoko rwangu here?
35 Who? among all [the] gods of the lands [are those] which they have delivered land their from hand my that he will deliver Yahweh Jerusalem from hand my.
Ndiani wavamwari vose venyika idzi akagona kuponesa nyika yake kubva kwandiri? Zvino Jehovha achanunura Jerusarema sei kubva muruoko rwangu?”
36 And they kept silent the people and not they answered him anything for [was] [the] command of the king it saying not you must answer him.
Asi vanhu vakaramba vakanyarara vakasataura chinhu, nokuti mambo akanga arayira akati, “Musamupindura.”
37 And he went Eliakim [the] son of Hilkiah who [was] over the house and Shebna the scribe and Joah [the] son of Asaph the recorder to Hezekiah torn of clothes and they told to him [the] words of [the] chief commander.
Ipapo Eriakimi mwanakomana waHirikia mutariri womuzinda wamambo, naShebhina munyori naJoa mwanakomana waAsafi munyori wenhoroondo vakaenda kuna Hezekia, nenguo dzavo dzakabvaruka, vakamuudza zvakanga zvataurwa nomukuru wavarwi.

< 2 Kings 18 >