< 2 Kings 12 >

1 In year seven of Jehu he became king Jehoash and forty year[s] he reigned in Jerusalem and [the] name of mother his [was] Zibiah from Beer Sheba. 2 And he did Jehoash the right in [the] eyes of Yahweh all days his which he instructed him Jehoiada the priest. 3 Only the high places not they were removed still the people [were] sacrificing and [were] making smoke at the high places. 4 And he said Jehoash to the priests all [the] money of the holy gifts which it will be brought [the] house of Yahweh money passing along everyone [the] money of persons of valuation his all [the] money which it will come up on [the] heart of a person to bring [the] house of Yahweh. 5 Let them take themselves the priests each from with acquaintance his and they they will repair [the] damage of the house to every where it will be found there damage. 6 And it was in year twenty and three year of the king Jehoash not they had repaired the priests [the] damage of the house. 7 And he summoned the king Jehoash Jehoiada the priest and the priests and he said to them why? [are] not you repairing [the] damage of the house and now may not you take money from with acquaintances your for for [the] damage of the house you will give it. 8 And they agreed the priests to not to take money from with the people and to not to repair [the] damage of the house. 9 And he took Jehoiada the priest a chest one and he bored a hole in lid its and he put it beside the altar (from [the] right [side] *Q(K)*) when comes anyone [the] house of Yahweh and they put there the priests [who] kept of the threshold all the money which was brought [the] house of Yahweh. 10 And it was when saw they that much the money [was] in the chest and he came up [the] scribe of the king and the priest great and they tied up and they counted the money which was found [the] house of Yahweh. 11 And they put the money weighed out on ([the] hands of *Q(K)*) [the] doers of the work (who were appointed *Q(K)*) [the] house of Yahweh and they brought out it to [the] craftsmen of wood and to the builders who were working on [the] house of Yahweh. 12 And to the masons and to [the] cutters of stone and to acquire wood and stones of hewing to repair [the] damage of [the] house of Yahweh and for all that it went out on the house to repair [it]. 13 Only not it was made [the] house of Yahweh basins of silver snuffers bowls trumpets any article of gold and article of silver from the money which was brought [the] house of Yahweh. 14 For to [the] doers of the work they gave it and they repaired with it [the] house of Yahweh. 15 And not they settled accounts with the men whom they put the money on hand their to give to [the] doers of the work for in faithfulness they [were] working. 16 Money of guilt offering and money of sin offerings not it was brought [the] house of Yahweh to the priests they belonged. 17 Then he went up Hazael [the] king of Aram and he fought on Gath and he captured it and he set Hazael face his to go up on Jerusalem. 18 And he took Jehoash [the] king of Judah all the holy things which they had consecrated Jehoshaphat and Jehoram and Ahaziah ancestors his [the] kings of Judah and own holy things his and all the gold which was found in [the] treasuries of [the] house of Yahweh and [the] house of the king and he sent [them] to Hazael [the] king of Aram and he went up from on Jerusalem. 19 And [the] rest of [the] matters of Joash and all that he did ¿ not [are] they written on [the] scroll of [the] matters of the days of [the] kings of Judah. 20 And they arose servants his and they conspired a conspiracy and they struck down Joash Beth-Millo which goes down Silla. 21 And Jozabad [the] son of Shimeath and Jehozabad [the] son of Shomer - servants his they struck down him and he died and people buried him with ancestors his in [the] city of David and he became king Amaziah son his in place of him.

< 2 Kings 12 >