< 2 Corinthians 1 >

1 Paul apostle of Christ Jesus through [the] will of God and Timothy the brother To the church of God which is being in Corinth with the saints all who are being in all Achaia;
Od Pavla, apostola Isusa Hrista po volji Božijoj i brata Timotija crkvi Božijoj u Korintu, sa svima svetima koji su u svoj Ahaji:
2 Grace to you and peace from God [the] Father of us and [the] Lord Jesus Christ.
Blagodat vam i mir od Boga oca našega, i Gospoda Isusa Hrista.
3 Blessed [be] the God and Father of the Lord of us Jesus Christ, the Father of compassions and God of all comfort,
Blagosloven Bog i otac Gospoda našega Isusa Hrista, otac milosti i Bog svake utjehe,
4 who is comforting us in all the tribulation of us for to be able us to comfort those in every tribulation through the comfort with which we are comforted ourselves by God;
Koji nas utješava u svakoj nevolji našoj, da bismo mogli utješiti one koji su u svakoj nevolji utjehom kojom nas same Bog utješava.
5 because even as abound the sufferings of the Christ toward us, thus so through Christ abounds also the comfort of us.
Jer kako se stradanja Hristova umnožavaju na nama tako se i utjeha naša umnožava kroz Hrista.
6 If however we are constricted, [it is] for your comfort and salvation if we are encouraged, [it is] for your comfort (and salvation *KO*) which is operating in [the] endurance of the same sufferings that also we ourselves suffer,
Ako li smo pak u nevolji, za vašu je utjehu i spasenije, koje postaje u trpljenju tijeh istijeh stradanja koja i mi podnosimo.
7 And the hope of us [is] steadfast for of you; knowing that (as *N(k)O*) partners you are of the sufferings, so also of the comfort.
I nadanje naše tvrdo je za vas. Ako li se utješavamo, za vašu je utjehu i spasenije, znajuæi da kao što ste zajednièari u našemu stradanju tako i u utjesi.
8 Not for do we want you to be ignorant brothers, (as to *NK(o)*) the affliction of us having happened (to us *k*) in Asia that against excessively beyond [our] power we were weighed so as to despair for us even to live;
Jer vam neæemo, braæo, zatajiti nevolje naše koja nam se dogodi u Aziji kad nam je bilo preteško i preko sile tako da se nijesmo nadali ni življeti;
9 But we in ourselves the sentence of death has, in order that not having trusted we may be in ourselves but in God who is raising the dead;
Nego sami u sebi osudismo da nam valja pomrijeti da se veæ ne uzdasmo u sebe nego u Boga koji podiže mrtve.
10 who from such a great a death has delivered us and (will deliver [us] *N(k)O*) in whom we have hope that also still He will deliver [us]
Koji nas je od tolike smrti izbavio, i izbavlja; i u njega se uzdamo da æe nas i još izbaviti,
11 joining together also of you for us by supplication, so that by many persons for the toward us grace bestowed through many thanks may be given for (us. *NK(O)*)
S pomoæu i vaše molitve za nas; da mnogi ljudi mnogu hvalu daju Bogu za dare koji su nama dati vas radi.
12 For boasting of us this is, the testimony of the conscience of us, that in (openness *NK(O)*) and sincerity (*no*) of God, (and *no*) not in wisdom fleshly but in [the] grace of God we have conducted ourselves in the world, more abundantly now toward you.
Jer je naša slava ovo: svjedoèanstvo savjesti naše da smo u prostoti i èistoti Božijoj a ne u mudrosti tjelesnoj nego po blagodati Božijoj življeli na svijetu, a osobito meðu vama.
13 No for other things we write to you, other than what you read or even understand; I hope now that (and *k*) to [the] end you will understand,
Jer vam drugo ne pišemo nego što èitate i razumijevate. A nadam se da æete i do kraja razumjeti.
14 even as also you have understood us in part that boasting of you we are, even as also you [are] ours in the day of the Lord (of us *NO*) Jesus.
Kao što neki i razumjeste da smo vam slava kao i vi nama za dan Gospoda našega Isusa Hrista.
15 And with this confidence I was planning (*o*) previously to you to come so that secondly (grace *NK(O)*) (you may have *N(k)O*)
I u ovom pouzdanju šæadijah da vam doðem prije, da drugu blagodat imate;
16 and through you to pass through into Macedonia and again from Macedonia to come to you and by you to be set forward to Judea.
I kroz vas da doðem u Maæedoniju, i opet iz Maæedonije da doðem k vama, i vi da me pratite u Judeju.
17 Thus therefore (deciding *N(k)O*) surely not ever then levity did I use? Or what I purpose according to flesh do I purpose, so that there may be with me myself Yes yes and No no?
Ali kad sam ovo htio, eda li sam dakle što nepostojano èinio? Ili što se nakanjujem, da se po tijelu nakanjujem, da bude u mene da da, a ne ne?
18 Faithful however God [is], that the word of us to you not (was *N(k)O*) Yes and No;
Ali je Bog vjeran, te rijeè naša k vama ne bi da i ne.
19 The of God for Son Jesus Christ the [One] among you through us having been proclaimed through me and Silvanus and Timothy, not was Yes and No, but Yes in Him it has always been;
Jer sin Božij Isus Hristos, kojega mi vama propovijedasmo ja i Silvan i Timotije, ne bi da i ne, nego u njemu bi da.
20 As many as for promises of God [there are], in Him [is] the Yes; (Therefore *NO*) also (thorugh Him *N(k)O*) the Amen to God [is] for glory through us.
Jer koliko je obeæanja Božijeh, u njemu su da, i u njemu amin, Bogu na slavu kroz nas.
21 The [One] now establishing us with you unto Christ and having anointed us [is] God,
A Bog je koji nas utvrdi s vama u Hristu, i pomaza nas,
22 the [One] also having sealed us and having given the pledge of the Spirit in the hearts of us.
Koji nas i zapeèati, i dade zalog Duha u srca naša.
23 I myself however as witness God call upon my soul that sparing you no longer no longer have I come to Corinth;
A ja za svjedoka Boga prizivam na svoju dušu da štedeæi vas ne doðoh više u Korint.
24 Not for we lord it over your faith, but fellow workers are of the joy with you; in the for faith you have stood firm.
Ne kao da mi vladamo vjerom vašom, nego smo pomagaèi vaše radosti; jer u vjeri stojite.

< 2 Corinthians 1 >