< 2 Chronicles 21 >

1 And he lay down Jehoshaphat with ancestors his and he was buried with ancestors his in [the] city of David and he became king Jehoram son his in place of him.
Потом почину Јосафат код отаца својих, и би погребен код отаца својих у граду Давидовом; а на његово се место зацари Јорам, син његов.
2 And [belonged] to him brothers [the] sons of Jehoshaphat Azariah and Jehiel and Zechariah and Azariahu and Michael and Shephatiah all these [were] [the] sons of Jehoshaphat [the] king of Israel.
А браћа му, синови Јосафатови, беху: Азарија и Јехило и Захарија и Азарија и Михаило и Сефатија; ти сви беху синови Јосафата цара Израиљевог.
3 And he had given to them - father their gifts many to silver and to gold and to excellent things with cities of fortifications in Judah and the kingdom he gave to Jehoram for he [was] the firstborn.
И отац им даде велике дарове, сребра и злата и заклада с тврдим градовима у земљи Јудиној; царство пак даде Јораму, јер беше првенац.
4 And he arose Jehoram over [the] kingdom of father his and he strengthened himself and he killed all brothers his with the sword and also some of [the] leaders of Israel.
А Јорам ступивши на царство оца свог и утврдивши се, поби сву браћу своју мачем и неке кнезове Израиљеве.
5 [was] a son of Thirty and two year[s] Jehoram when became king he and eight years he reigned in Jerusalem.
Имаше Јорам тридесет и две године кад се зацари, и царова осам година у Јерусалиму.
6 And he walked in [the] way of - [the] kings of Israel just as they did [the] house of Ahab for [the] daughter of Ahab she was of him wife and he did the evil in [the] eyes of Yahweh.
И хођаше путем царева Израиљевих, као што чињаше дом Ахавов, јер се ожени кћерју Ахавовом; и чињаше што је зло пред Господом.
7 And not he was willing Yahweh to destroy [the] house of David on account of the covenant which he had made to David and since he had said to give to him a lamp and to descendants his all the days.
Али Господ не хте затрти дом Давидов ради завета који учини с Давидом и што му беше рекао да ће дати видело њему и синовима његовим увек.
8 In days his it rebelled Edom from under [the] hand of Judah and they made king over them a king.
За његовог времена одврже се Едом да не буде под Јудом, и поставише себи цара.
9 And he passed over Jehoram with commanders his and all the chariotry with him and it was he arose night and he struck down Edom which was surrounding him and [the] commanders of the chariotry.
Зато отиде Јорам с војводама својим и са свим колима својим; и уста ноћу, те поби Едомце који га беху опколили, и заповеднике од кола.
10 And it has rebelled Edom from under [the] hand of Judah until the day this then it rebelled Libnah at the time that from under hand his for he had forsaken Yahweh [the] God of ancestors his.
Ипак се одвргоше Едомци да не буду под Јудом до данас. У исто време одврже се Ливна да не буде под њим, јер остави Господа Бога отаца својих.
11 Also he he made high places in [the] mountains of Judah and he made prostitute [themselves] [the] inhabitants of Jerusalem and he thrust aside Judah.
Још и висине начини по брдима Јудиним, и наведе на прељубу Јерусалимљане и преласти Јуду.
12 And it came to him a writing from Elijah the prophet saying thus - he says Yahweh [the] God of David ancestor your because that not you have walked in [the] ways of Jehoshaphat father your and in [the] ways of Asa [the] king of Judah.
Тада му дође књига од Илије пророка, где му говораше: Овако вели Господ Бог Давида оца твог: Што ниси ходио путевима Јосафата, оца свог и путевима Асе, цара Јудиног,
13 And you have walked in [the] way of [the] kings of Israel and you have made prostitute [themselves] Judah and [the] inhabitants of Jerusalem as made [them] prostitute [themselves] [the] house of Ahab and also brothers your [the] house of father your good more than you you killed.
Него си ходио путем царева Израиљевих и навео си на прељубу Јуду и Јерусалимљане, као што је дом Ахавов навео на прељубу Израиља, и још си побио браћу своју, дом оца свог, боље од себе,
14 Here! Yahweh [is] about to strike a blow great on people your and on sons your and on wives your and on all property your.
Ево, Господ ће ударити великим злом народ твој и синове твоје и жене твоје и све што имаш.
15 And you [will be] in sickness great in [the] sickness of bowels your until they will come out bowels your from the sickness days to days.
И ти ћеш боловати тешко, од болести у цревима, да ће ти црева изаћи од болести, која ће трајати две године.
16 And he stirred up Yahweh on Jehoram [the] spirit of the Philistines and the Arabs who [were] on [the] hand [the] Cushites.
И тако подиже Господ на Јорама дух Филистејима и Арапима који живе од Етиопљана.
17 And they came up on Judah and they broke into it and they took captive all the property which was found to [the] house of the king and also sons his and wives his and not he remained to him a son that except Jehoahaz [the] young [one] of sons his.
И они дошавши на земљу Јудину продреше у њу, и однесоше све благо што се нађе у дому царевом, и синове његове и жене његове, да му не оста ниједан син осим Јоахаза најмлађег сина његовог.
18 And after all this he struck him Yahweh - in bowels his to a sickness to there not [was] healing.
И после свега тога удари га Господ болешћу у цревима, којој не беше лека.
19 And it was to days - from days and about [the] time of [the] going out of the end of days two they came out bowels his with sickness his and he died in diseases harmful and not they made for him people his a burning like [the] burning of ancestors his.
И дан по дан пролажаше, и кад се навршише две године, изиђоше му црева с болешћу и умре од тешких болова и народ му не пали мириса као што је чинио оцима његовим.
20 A son of thirty and two [years] he was when became king he and eight years he reigned in Jerusalem and he went with not desire and people buried him in [the] city of David and not in [the] graves of the kings.
Имаше тридесет и две године кад поче царовати, и царова осам година у Јерусалиму, и премину да нико не зажали за њим; и погребоше га у граду Давидовом, али не у гробу царском.

< 2 Chronicles 21 >