< 2 Chronicles 20 >

1 And it was after this they came [the] people of Moab and [the] people of Ammon and with them - some of the Ammonites on Jehoshaphat for battle.
Beberapa waktu kemudian tentara Moab dan Amon, bersama-sama dengan sekutu mereka tentara Meunim, menyerang Yehuda.
2 And people came and they told to Jehoshaphat saying [is] coming on you a multitude great from [the] other side of the sea from Aram and there they [are] in Hazezon Tamar it [is] En Gedi.
Maka datanglah orang membawa berita ini kepada Raja Yosafat, "Banyak sekali tentara Edom telah datang dari seberang Laut Mati untuk menyerbu Baginda. Mereka sudah merebut Hazezon-Tamar." (Hazezon-Tamar adalah nama lain untuk En-Gedi.)
3 And he was afraid and he gave Jehoshaphat face his to seek Yahweh and he proclaimed a fast over all Judah.
Yosafat menjadi takut lalu ia berdoa minta petunjuk dari TUHAN. Kemudian ia memerintahkan supaya seluruh rakyat berpuasa.
4 And they gathered Judah to seek from Yahweh also from all [the] cities of Judah they came to seek Yahweh.
Dari setiap kota di Yehuda orang pergi ke Yerusalem untuk minta tolong kepada TUHAN.
5 And he stood Jehoshaphat in [the] assembly of Judah and Jerusalem in [the] house of Yahweh before the courtyard new.
Mereka bersama-sama dengan penduduk Yerusalem berkumpul di pelataran yang baru di Rumah TUHAN. Raja Yosafat berdiri di depan mereka,
6 And he said O Yahweh [the] God of ancestors our ¿ not [are] you he God in the heavens and you [are] ruler over all [the] kingdoms of the nations and [are] in hand your power and strength and there not [is] with you to hold ground.
dan berdoa dengan suara keras, "Ya TUHAN, Allah leluhur kami! Engkau Allah di surga dan memerintah atas semua bangsa di bumi. Engkau berkuasa dan kuat; tak seorang pun sanggup melawan Engkau.
7 ¿ Not - you O God our did you dispossess [the] inhabitants of the land this from to before people your Israel and you gave it to [the] offspring of Abraham friend your for ever.
Engkaulah Allah kami. Ketika umat-Mu, bangsa Israel, datang ke negeri ini, Engkau mengusir orang-orang yang pada waktu itu tinggal di sini. Lalu Engkau memberikan negeri ini kepada keturunan Abraham, sahabat-Mu, untuk menjadi tanah milik mereka selama-lamanya.
8 And they have dwelt in it and they have built for you - in it a sanctuary for name your saying.
Mereka telah tinggal di sini dan mendirikan sebuah rumah tempat menyembah Engkau. Mereka tahu
9 If it will come on us calamity sword judgment and pestilence and famine we will stand before the house this and before you for name your [is] in the house this so we may cry out to you from distress our so you may hear and you may save.
bahwa kalau mereka mendapat hukuman karena dosa-dosa mereka, dan mereka ditimpa peperangan, wabah penyakit, atau kelaparan, mereka dapat datang kepada-Mu dan berdiri di depan rumah ibadat ini. Di dalam kesukaran mereka, mereka dapat berdoa kepada-Mu, dan Engkau akan mendengarkan dan menolong mereka.
10 And therefore here! [the] people of Ammon and Moab and [the] mountain of Seir which not you permitted to Israel to go in them when came they from [the] land of Egypt for they turned aside from on them and not they destroyed them.
Sekarang bangsa Amon, Moab dan Edom menyerang kami. Ketika leluhur kami datang dari Mesir, Engkau tidak mengizinkan mereka menduduki negeri bangsa-bangsa itu. Maka leluhur kami mengambil jalan keliling dan tidak menghancurkan bangsa Amon, Moab dan Edom itu.
11 And here! they [are] repaying to us by coming to drive out us from possession your which you caused to possess us.
Sekarang, beginilah tindakan bangsa-bangsa itu kepada kami. Mereka mau mengusir kami dari negeri yang Kauberikan kepada kami.
12 O God our ¿ not will you enter into judgment on them for there not in us [is] strength before the multitude great this which is coming on us and we not we know what? will we do for [are] on you eyes our.
Engkaulah Allah kami! Hukumlah mereka, karena kami ini tak berdaya menghadapi tentara yang banyak itu, yang mau menyerang kami. Kami tidak tahu harus berbuat apa, sebab itu kami datang kepada-Mu minta tolong."
13 (And all *LAB(h)*) Judah [were] standing before Yahweh also little one[s] their wives their and children their.
Sementara itu semua orang laki-laki Yehuda bersama dengan istri dan anak-anak mereka berdiri di Rumah TUHAN.
14 And Jahaziel [the] son of Zechariah [the] son of Benaiah [the] son of Jeiel [the] son of Mattaniah the Levite one of [the] descendants of Asaph it was on him [the] spirit of Yahweh in [the] midst of the assembly.
Di tengah-tengah orang banyak itu ada seorang Lewi bernama Yahaziel. Ia anak Zakharia dari kaum Asaf dalam garis keturunan Benaya, Yeiel, Matanya. Pada saat itu Yahaziel dikuasai Roh TUHAN,
15 And he said pay attention O all Judah and [the] inhabitants of Jerusalem and the king Jehoshaphat thus he says Yahweh to you O you may not you be afraid and may not you be dismayed because of the multitude great this for not [belongs] to you the battle for to God.
dan ia berkata, "Paduka Yang Mulia serta Saudara-saudara sekalian. TUHAN berkata bahwa kalian tidak boleh putus asa atau takut menghadapi tentara yang banyak itu. Sebab yang bertempur bukan kalian, melainkan Allah.
16 Tomorrow go down on them there they [will be] coming up on [the] ascent of Ziz and you will find them at [the] end of the wadi [the] face of [the] wilderness of Jeruel.
Besok pada waktu mereka naik melalui jalan menanjak di Zis, seranglah mereka. Kalian akan berhadapan dengan mereka pada ujung lembah di depan padang gurun dekat Yeruel.
17 Not [belongs] to you to fight in this [battle] take your stand stand and see [the] victory of Yahweh with you O Judah and Jerusalem may not you be afraid and may not you be dismayed tomorrow go out before them and Yahweh [will be] with you.
Kalian tidak perlu bertempur dalam perang ini. Pergilah ke tempat yang telah ditentukan bagimu dan tunggu saja di situ. Kalian akan melihat TUHAN memberikan kemenangan kepada kalian. Hai penduduk Yehuda dan Yerusalem, janganlah cemas atau takut. Masukilah saja pertempuran itu, TUHAN akan menolong kalian!"
18 And he bowed low Jehoshaphat face [the] ground towards and all Judah and [the] inhabitants of Jerusalem they fell down before Yahweh to bow down to Yahweh.
Maka sujudlah Raja Yosafat. Seluruh rakyat turut juga dengan dia sujud menyembah TUHAN.
19 And they stood the Levites of [the] descendants of the Kohathites and of [the] descendants of the Korahites to praise Yahweh [the] God of Israel with a voice great upwards.
Lalu orang-orang Lewi dari kaum Kehat dan Korah berdiri, dan bersorak memuji TUHAN, Allah Israel.
20 And they rose early in the morning and they went out to [the] wilderness of Tekoa and when went out they he stood Jehoshaphat and he said listen to me O Judah and [the] inhabitants of Jerusalem trust in Yahweh God your so you may be established trust in prophets his and succeed.
Keesokan harinya pagi-pagi benar, rakyat keluar dan pergi ke daerah padang gurun dekat Tekoa. Ketika mereka hendak berangkat, Yosafat memberikan pesan ini kepada mereka, "Rakyat Yehuda dan Yerusalem! Percayalah kepada TUHAN Allahmu, maka kamu akan sanggup bertahan. Terimalah nasihat dari nabi-nabimu, maka kamu akan berhasil!"
21 And he consulted the people and he appointed [those who] sang to Yahweh and [those who] praised to adornment of holiness when went out before the [man] equipped and saying give thanks to Yahweh for [is] for ever covenant loyalty his.
Setelah berunding dengan rakyat, raja menyuruh paduan suara memakai pakaian seragam yang biasanya dipakai pada upacara-upacara khusus dalam agama. Paduan suara itu harus berbaris dengan semarak di depan barisan tentara sambil menyanyi, "Pujilah TUHAN! Kasih-Nya kekal abadi!"
22 And at [the] time [when] they began with a shout of joy and praise he set Yahweh - ambushers on [the] people of Ammon Moab and [the] mountain of Seir who were coming to Judah and they were defeated.
Pada waktu paduan suara itu mulai bersorak menyanyi, TUHAN mengadakan kekacauan di tengah-tengah tentara musuh yang sedang menyerang.
23 And they rose up [the] people of Ammon and Moab on [the] inhabitants of [the] mountain of Seir to totally destroy [them] and to destroy [them] and just as had finished they with [the] inhabitants of Seir they helped each on neighbor his to destruction.
Tentara Amon dan Moab menyerang tentara Edom dan menghancurkannya sama sekali. Kemudian mereka balik menyerang satu sama lain dengan sengit.
24 And Judah it came to the watchtower of the wilderness and they turned to the multitude and there they [were] corpses lying [the] ground towards and there not [was] an escaped remnant.
Ketika tentara Yehuda sampai pada menara jaga di padang gurun dan mengamati tempat musuh, mereka melihat mayat-mayat musuh berserakan di tanah. Tidak seorang pun dari tentara musuh itu yang hidup.
25 And he went Jehoshaphat and people his to plunder booty their and they found among them to abundance and property and corpses and articles of precious things and they plundered for themselves to there not [was] carrying and they were days three plundering the booty for [was] much it.
Maka Yosafat bersama anak buahnya pergi merampas barang-barang musuh. Mereka menemukan banyak ternak, perlengkapan, pakaian, dan barang-barang berharga lainnya. Sesudah mengumpulkan barang-barang itu tiga hari lamanya, masih banyak barang-barang lain, sehingga terpaksa ditinggalkan.
26 And on the day fourth they assembled to [the] valley of Berachah for there they blessed Yahweh there-fore people have called [the] name of the place that [the] valley of Berachah until this day.
Pada hari keempat mereka semua berkumpul di Lembah Pujian dan memuji TUHAN atas semua yang telah dilakukan-Nya. Itu sebabnya lembah itu disebut "Pujian".
27 And they turned back every man of Judah and Jerusalem and Jehoshaphat at head their to return to Jerusalem with joy for he had made rejoice them Yahweh from enemies their.
Lalu Yosafat memimpin seluruh pasukan pulang ke Yerusalem dengan sukacita karena TUHAN sudah mengalahkan musuh mereka.
28 And they came Jerusalem with lyres and with harps and with trumpets to [the] house of Yahweh.
Ketika tiba di kota, mereka berbaris ke Rumah TUHAN diiringi kecapi dan trompet.
29 And it was [the] dread of God on all [the] kingdoms of the lands when heard they that he had fought Yahweh with [the] enemies of Israel.
Semua negara lain menjadi takut ketika mendengar bagaimana TUHAN mengalahkan musuh-musuh Israel.
30 And it was at peace [the] kingdom of Jehoshaphat and he had given rest to him God his from round about.
Itu sebabnya Yosafat memerintah dengan tenteram, dan TUHAN memberikan kepadanya keadaan damai di seluruh negeri.
31 And he reigned Jehoshaphat over Judah a son of thirty and five year[s] when became king he and twenty and five year[s] he reigned in Jerusalem and [the] name of mother his [was] Azubah [the] daughter of Shilhi.
Yosafat menjadi raja Yehuda pada usia 35 tahun, dan ia memerintah di Yerusalem 25 tahun lamanya. Ibunya ialah Azuba anak Silhi.
32 And he walked in [the] way of father his Asa and not he turned aside from it to do the right in [the] eyes of Yahweh.
Seperti Asa ayahnya, Yosafat melakukan yang baik pada pemandangan TUHAN.
33 Only the high places not they were removed and still the people not they directed heart their to [the] God of ancestors their.
Tetapi tempat-tempat penyembahan berhala tidak dihancurkannya. Rakyat belum juga dengan sepenuh hati beribadat kepada Allah leluhur mereka.
34 And [the] rest of [the] matters of Jehoshaphat former and latter there they [are] written in [the] words of Jehu [the] son of Hanani which it was recorded on [the] scroll of [the] kings of Israel.
Kisah lainnya mengenai Yosafat, dari permulaan sampai akhir pemerintahannya, dicatat dalam Riwayat Yehu Anak Hanani, yang tercantum dalam buku Sejarah Raja-raja Israel.
35 And after this he made an alliance Jehoshaphat [the] king of Judah with Ahaziah [the] king of Israel he he acted wickedly to do.
Pada suatu waktu Yosafat raja Yehuda mengadakan hubungan persahabatan dengan Ahazia raja Israel, yang melakukan banyak kejahatan.
36 And he allied himself with him to make ships to go Tarshish and they made ships in Ezion Geber.
Di pelabuhan Ezion-Geber mereka membuat kapal-kapal untuk berlayar ke Tarsis.
37 And he prophesied Eliezer [the] son of Dodavahu from Mareshah on Jehoshaphat saying as making alliance you with Ahaziah he will break Yahweh works your and they were broken ships and not they retained to go to Tarshish.
Tetapi Nabi Eliezer anak Dodawa dari kota Maresa memberi peringatan kepada Yosafat, katanya, "Karena Baginda mengadakan hubungan persahabatan dengan Ahazia, TUHAN akan menghancurkan pekerjaan Baginda." Maka hancurlah kapal-kapal yang telah dibuatnya sehingga tak dapat berlayar sama sekali.

< 2 Chronicles 20 >