< 2 Chronicles 18 >
1 And it belonged to Jehoshaphat wealth and honor to abundance and he became son-in-law to Ahab.
2 And he went down to [the] end of years to Ahab to Samaria and he slaughtered for him Ahab sheep and cattle to abundance and for the people which [was] with him and he incited him to go up against Ramoth Gilead.
3 And he said Ahab [the] king of Israel to Jehoshaphat [the] king of Judah ¿ will you go with me Ramoth Gilead and he said to him as me as you and [will be] as people your people my and with you in the battle.
4 And he said Jehoshaphat to [the] king of Israel seek please as the day [the] word of Yahweh.
約沙法特對以色列王說:「請你先求問上主的答話! 」
5 And he assembled [the] king of Israel the prophets four hundred man and he said to them ¿ will we go against Ramoth Gilead for battle or? will I desist and they said go up so he may give [it] God in [the] hand of the king.
6 And he said Jehoshaphat ¿ [is] there not here a prophet of Yahweh still so we may enquire from him.
7 And he said [the] king of Israel - to Jehoshaphat still a man one to consult Yahweh from him and I I hate him for not he [is] prophesying on me good for all days his evil he [is] Micaiah [the] son of Imlah and he said Jehoshaphat may not he say the king thus.
以色列王回答約沙法特說:「還有一個人,可以託他求問天主,不過我憎恨他,因為他對我說預言,總不說吉祥話,常說兇言;這人就是依默拉的兒子米加雅。」約沙法特對他說:「請大王別這樣說! 」
8 And he called [the] king of Israel to a court-official one and he said bring quickly (Micaiah *Q(K)*) [the] son of Imlah.
於是以色列王召來一個宦官,吩咐他說:「快去將依默拉的兒子米加雅召來! 」
9 And [the] king of Israel and Jehoshaphat [the] king of Judah [were] sitting each on throne his clothed garments and sitting at [the] threshing floor [the] entrance of [the] gate of Samaria and all the prophets [were] prophesying before them.
10 And he had made for himself Zedekiah [the] son of Kenaanah horns of iron and he said thus he says Yahweh with these you will gore Aram until destroy them.
11 And all the prophets [were] prophesying thus saying go up Ramoth Gilead and succeed and he will give [it] Yahweh in [the] hand of the king.
所有的先知也這樣預言說:「你上辣摩特基肋阿得去必會勝利,上主必將那地交於大王手中! 」[米加雅預言戰敗]
12 And the messenger who he had gone - to summon Micaiah he spoke to him saying here! [the] words of the prophets a mouth one [is] good concerning the king and let it be please word your like one from them and you will speak good.
那去召米加雅的使者對米加雅說:「看,先知們都異口同聲對君王說吉祥的話,希望你說的話也與他們每人說的話一樣,也是吉祥的話! 」
13 And he said Micaiah [by] [the] life of Yahweh that [that] which he will say God my it I will speak.
米加雅回答說:「我指著永生的上主起誓:我的天主吩咐什麼,我就說什麼! 」
14 And he came to the king and he said the king to him O Micah ¿ will we go against Ramoth Gilead for battle or? will I desist and he said go up and succeed so they may be given in hand your.
15 And he said to him the king until how many? times [will] I make swear you that not you will speak to me only truth in [the] name of Yahweh.
16 And he said I saw all Israel scattered on the mountains like flock which not [belongs] to them a shepherd and he said Yahweh not masters [belong] to these let them return each to own house his in peace.
米加雅答說:「我看見全以色列散在山上,好像沒有牧人的羊群。上主說:這些人既然沒有主人,更好各自平安回家去罷! 」
17 And he said [the] king of Israel to Jehoshaphat ¿ not did I say to you not he prophesies on me good that except evil.
18 And he said therefore hear [the] word of Yahweh I saw Yahweh sitting on throne his and all [the] host of the heavens [were] standing on right [hand] his and left [hand] his.
19 And he said Yahweh who? will he deceive Ahab [the] king of Israel so he may go up and he may fall at Ramoth Gilead and he said this one [was] saying thus and this one [was] saying thus.
20 And it came forth the spirit and it stood before Yahweh and it said I I will deceive him and he said Yahweh to it how?
21 And it said I will go out and I will become a spirit of falsehood in [the] mouth of all prophets his and he said you will deceive and also you will prevail go out and do thus.
22 And now here! he has put Yahweh a spirit of falsehood in [the] mouth of prophets your these and Yahweh he has spoken on you calamity.
23 And he drew near Zedekiah [the] son of Kenaanah and he struck Micaiah on the cheek and he said where? this [is] the way [which] it passed [the] spirit of Yahweh from with me to speak with you.
24 And he said Micaiah here you [will be] seeing on the day that when you will go a room in a room to hide yourself.
米加雅答說:「在你進入最嚴密的室內隱藏的那一天,你就會知道了! 」
25 And he said [the] king of Israel take Micaiah and return him to Amon [the] official of the city and to Joash [the] son of the king.
26 And you will say thus he says the king put this one [the] house of imprisonment and feed him bread oppression and water oppression until return I in safety.
27 And he said Micaiah certainly [if] you will return in safety not he has spoken Yahweh by me and he said listen O peoples all of them.
米加雅說:「你如果能平安回來,那麼,上主就沒藉我說過話。」又說:「眾百姓! 你們要聽清楚啊! 」[阿哈布陣亡]
28 And he went up [the] king of Israel and Jehoshaphat [the] king of Judah against Ramoth Gilead.
29 And he said [the] king of Israel to Jehoshaphat I will disguise myself and I will go in battle and you wear own clothes your and he disguised himself [the] king of Israel and they went in battle.
30 And [the] king of Aram he had commanded [the] commanders of the chariotry which [belonged] to him saying not you must do battle with the small with the great that except with [the] king of Israel to only him.
31 And it was when saw [the] commanders of the chariotry Jehoshaphat and they they said [is] [the] king of Israel he and they surrounded him to fight and he cried out Jehoshaphat and Yahweh he helped him and he lured them God away from him.
戰車隊長一看見約沙法特,便說:「這必是以色列王! 」遂將他包圍,向他進攻;約沙法特連聲叫苦,上主援助了他,天主使敵人遠離了他。
32 And it was when saw [the] commanders of the chariotry that not it was [the] king of Israel and they turned back from after him.
33 And someone he drew on the bow to innocence his and he struck [the] king of Israel between the joints and between the body armor and he said to the charioteer turn around (hand your *Q(K)*) and you will take out me from the camp for I have been wounded.
34 And it went up the battle on the day that and [the] king of Israel he was [was] holding upright in the chariot opposite to Aram until the evening and he died to [the] time of [the] going of the sun.