< 1 Timothy 3 >

1 Trustworthy [is] the saying: If anyone overseership aspires to, of good a work he is desirous. 2 It behooves therefore the overseer above reproach to be, of one wife [the] husband, sober, self-controlled, respectable, hospitable, able to teach, 3 not given to wine, not a striker (not greedy of base gain *K*) but gentle, peaceable, not loving money, 4 [his] own house well managing, children having in submission with all dignity. 5 if but one his [own] household to manage not knows, how [the] church of God will he care for? 6 not a novice, that not having been puffed up into [the] judgment he may fall of the devil. 7 It behooves now (him *k*) also a testimony good to have from those outside, so that not into reproach he may fall and [the] snare of the devil. 8 Deacons likewise [must be] dignified, not double-tongued, not to wine much being given, not greedy of dishonest gain, 9 holding to the mystery of the faith with clear a conscience. 10 Also these now they should be tested first, then they should serve blameless being. 11 Women likewise [must be] dignified, not slanderers, (clear-minded, *N(k)O*) faithful in all things. 12 Deacons should be of one wife husbands, [their] children well managing and [their] own households. 13 Those for well having served a standing for themselves good acquire and great confidence in [the] faith that [is] in Christ Jesus. 14 These things to you I am writing hoping to come to you (with *no*) (speed; *N(k)O*) 15 if however I shall delay, so that you may know how it behooves [one] in [the] household of God to conduct oneself, which is [the] church of God [the] living, [the] pillar and base of the truth. 16 And confessedly great is the of godliness mystery: (Who *N(K)O*) was revealed in [the] flesh, was justified in [the] Spirit, beheld by angels, was proclaimed among [the] nations, was believed on in [the] world, was taken up in glory.

< 1 Timothy 3 >