< 1 Thessalonians 4 >

1 Finally then, brothers, we implore you and we exhort [you] in [the] Lord Jesus (so that *NO*) even as you have received from us in what manner it behooves you to walk and to please God (even as also you walk [now], *NO*) so you may abound more; 2 You know for what instructions we gave you through the Lord Jesus. 3 This for is [the] will of God, the sanctification of you: To abstain you [are] from sexual immorality; 4 to know each of you [how] the his own vessel to control in holiness and honor, 5 not in [the] passion of lust as also the Gentiles not knowing God; 6 not to go beyond and to overreach in the matter the brother of him; because avenging [is] (the *k*) Lord concerning all these things even as also we told before you and thoroughly warned. 7 Not for has called us God to impurity but into holiness. 8 So then the [one] rejecting [this] not man disregards but God the [One] also (giving *N(k)O*) the Spirit of Him Holy to (you. *N(K)O*) 9 Concerning now brotherly love no need you have [for me] to write to you; yourselves for you yourselves taught by God are in order to love one another; 10 And for you are doing this toward all the brothers the [ones] in all Macedonia. We exhort however you, brothers, to abound more and more 11 and to strive earnestly to live quietly and to attend to [your] own and to work with the own hands of you even as you we commanded; 12 so that you may walk properly toward those outside and of no one need may have. 13 Not (we do want *N(K)O*) but you to be ignorant, brothers, concerning those (themselves falling asleep, *N(k)O*) so that not you may be grieved even as also the rest those not having hope. 14 If for we believe that Jesus died and rose again, so also God those having fallen asleep through Jesus will bring with Him. 15 This for to you we declare in [the] word of [the] Lord that we ourselves the living who are remaining untill the coming of the Lord certainly not may precede those having fallen asleep; 16 because Himself the Lord with a loud command, with [the] voice of an archangel and with [the] trumpet of God will descend from heaven, and the dead in Christ will rise first, 17 Then we ourselves the living those remaining together with them we will be caught away in [the] clouds for [the] meeting of the Lord in [the] air; and so always with [the] Lord we will be. 18 Therefore do encourage one another with words these.

< 1 Thessalonians 4 >