< 1 Samuel 21 >
1 And he went David Nob towards to Ahimelech the priest and he trembled Ahimelech to meet David and he said to him why? [are] you to alone you and [is] anyone there not with you.
David kom derpaa til Præsten Ahimelek i Nob. Ahimelek kom ængstelig David i Møde og sagde til ham: »Hvorfor er du alene og har ingen med dig?«
2 And he said David to Ahimelech the priest the king he commanded me a matter and he said to me anyone may not he know anything the matter which I [am] sending you and which I have commanded you and the young men I have directed to a place of a certain one a certain one.
David svarede Præsten Ahimelek: »Kongen overdrog mig et Ærinde og sagde til mig: Ingen maa vide noget om det Ærinde, jeg sender dig ud i og overdrager dig! Derfor har jeg sat Folkene Stævne paa et aftalt Sted.
3 And therefore what? [is] there under hand your five bread[s] give! in hand my or that [which] may be found.
Men hvis du har fem Brød ved Haanden, saa giv mig dem, eller hvad du har!«
4 And he answered the priest David and he said there not [is] bread of profaneness to under hand my that except [is] bread of holiness there if they have kept themselves the young men only from a woman.
Præsten svarede David: »Jeg har intet almindeligt Brød ved Haanden, kun helligt Brød; Folkene har da vel holdt sig fra Kvinder?«
5 And he answered David the priest and he said to him that except woman [is] withheld to us as yesterday three days ago when go out I and they were [the] vessels of the young men holiness and it [is] a journey of profaneness and indeed? for this day it is holy in the vessel.
David svarede Præsten: »Ja visselig, vi har været afskaaret fra Omgang med Kvinder i flere Dage. Da jeg drog ud, var Folkenes Legemer rene, skønt det var en dagligdags Rejse; hvor meget mere maa de da i Dag være rene paa Legemet!«
6 And he gave to him the priest a holy thing for not it was there bread that except [the] bread of the presence which had been removed from to before Yahweh to put bread of heat on [the] day was taken away it.
Præsten gav ham da det hellige Brød; thi der var ikke andet Brød der end Skuebrødene, som tages bort fra deres Plads for HERRENS Aasyn, samtidig med at der lægges frisk Brød i Stedet.
7 And there a man one of [the] servants of Saul on the day that [was] detained before Yahweh and name his [was] Doeg the Edomite [the] mighty [one] of the shepherds who [belonged] to Saul.
Men den Dag var en Mand af Sauls Folk lukket inde der for HERRENS Aasyn, en Edomit ved Navn Doeg, den øverste af Sauls Hyrder.
8 And he said David to Ahimelech and where? there here under hand your [is] a spear or a sword for both sword my as well as weapons my not I took in hand my for it was [the] matter of the king urgent.
David spurgte derpaa Ahimelek: »Har du ikke et Spyd eller et Sværd ved Haanden her? Thi hverken mit Sværd eller mine andre Vaaben fik jeg med, da Kongens Ærinde havde Hast.«
9 And he said the priest [the] sword of Goliath the Philistine whom you struck down - in [the] valley of Elah here! it [is] wrapped in the cloak behind the ephod if it you will take for yourself take [it] for there not [is] another except it in this [place] and he said David there not [is] like it give it to me.
Præsten svarede: »Det Sværd, som tilhørte Filisteren Goliat, ham, som du dræbte i Terebintedalen, er her, hyllet i en Kappe bag Efoden. Vil du have det, saa tag det! Thi her er intet andet!« Da sagde David: »Dets Lige findes ikke; giv mig det!«
10 And he arose David and he fled on the day that from before Saul and he went to Achish [the] king of Gath.
Derpaa brød David op og flygtede samme Dag for Saul, og han kom til Kong Akisj af Gat.
11 And they said [the] servants of Achish to him ¿ not [is] this David [the] king of the land ¿ not of this [one] do people sing with dances saying he has struck down Saul (thousands his *Q(K)*) and David (ten thousands his. *Q(K)*)
Men Akisj's Folk sagde til ham: »Er det ikke David, Landets Konge, er det ikke ham, om hvem man sang under Dans: Saul slog sine Tusinder, men David sine Titusinder!«
12 And he put David the words these in heart his and he was afraid exceedingly of Achish [the] king of Gath.
Disse Ord gav David Agt paa, og han grebes af stor Frygt for Kong Akisj af Gat;
13 And he changed it sense his in view their and he pretended to be mad in hand their (and he made marks *Q(k)*) on [the] doors of the gate and he made to flow down spittle his to beard his.
derfor lod han afsindig overfor dem og rasede imellem Hænderne paa dem, idet han trommede paa Portfløjene og lod sit Spyt flyde ned i Skægget.
14 And he said Achish to servants his there! you see a man behaving like a madman why? do you bring him to me.
Da sagde Akisj til sine Folk: »I kan da se, at Manden er gal; hvorfor bringer I ham til mig?
15 Lacking of madmen [am] I? that you have brought this one to behave like a madman on me ¿ this one will he come into house my.
Har jeg ikke gale Mennesker nok, siden I bringer mig ham til at plage mig med sin Galskab? Skal han komme i mit Hus?«