< 1 Samuel 20 >

1 And he fled David (from Naioth *Q(k)*) in Ramah and he went and he said - before Jonathan what? have I done what? [is] iniquity my and what? [is] sin my before father your that [is] seeking life my. 2 And he said to him far be it not you will die here! (not he does *Q(K)*) father my anything great or anything small and not he uncovers ear my and why? will he hide father my from me the thing this there not [is] this. 3 And he swore an oath again David and he said certainly he knows father your that I have found favor in view your and he has said may not he know this Jonathan lest he should be grieved and but [by] [the] life of Yahweh and [by] [the] life of self your for about a step between me and between death. 4 And he said Jonathan to David whatever it will say self your so I may do for you. 5 And he said David to Jonathan here! a new moon [will be] tomorrow and I certainly I will sit with the king to eat and you will let go me and I will hide myself in the field until the evening third. 6 Certainly [if] he will miss me father your and you will say certainly he asked for himself from me David to run Beth-lehem city his for [the] sacrifice of the days [is] there for all the clan. 7 If thus he will say good safety [belongs] to servant your and if certainly it will burn to him know that it has been determined harm from with him. 8 And you will do covenant loyalty towards servant your for in [the] covenant of Yahweh you have brought servant your with you and if there in me [is] iniquity put to death me you and to father your why? this will you bring me. 9 And he said Jonathan far be it to you that - if ever I will know that it has been determined harm from with father my to come on you and not it will I tell to you. 10 And he said David to Jonathan who? will he tell to me or what? will he answer you father your hard. 11 And he said Jonathan to David come! so we may go out the field and they went out [the] two of them the field. 12 And he said Jonathan to David Yahweh [the] God of Israel that I will sound out father my about this time - tomorrow the third and there! good [is] to David and not? then will I send to you and I will uncover ear your. 13 Thus may he do Yahweh to Jonathan and thus may he add if it will make good to father my harm on you and I will uncover ear your and I will send away you and you will go to peace and may he be Yahweh with you just as he has been with father my. 14 And not if still I [am] alive and not you will do with me [the] covenant loyalty of Yahweh and not I will die. 15 And not you must cut off covenant loyalty your from with house my until perpetuity and not when cuts off Yahweh [the] enemies of David everyone from on [the] surface of the earth. 16 And he made Jonathan with [the] house of David and he will require Yahweh from [the] hand of [the] enemies of David. 17 And he repeated Jonathan to make swear an oath David in love his him for [the] love of own self his he loved him. 18 And he said to him Jonathan [will be] tomorrow a new moon and you will be missed if it will be empty seat your. 19 And you will do three times you will come down exceedingly and you will come to the place where you hid yourself there on [the] day of the deed and you will stay beside the stone Ezel. 20 And I [the] three the arrows [its] side I will shoot to send [them] for myself to a target. 21 And there! I will send the lad go find the arrows certainly [if] I will say to the lad there! the arrows - [are] from you and hither fetch it - and come! for safety [belongs] to you and there not [is] anything [by] [the] life of Yahweh. 22 And if thus I will say to the young man there! the arrows [are] from you and beyond go for he has sent away you Yahweh. 23 And the matter which we have spoken I and you here! Yahweh [will be] between me and between you until perpetuity. 24 And he hid himself David in the field and it was the new moon and he sat down the king (to *Q(K)*) the food to eat. 25 And he sat down the king on seat his as time - on time to [the] seat of the wall and he arose Jonathan and he sat down Abner from [the] side of Saul and it was empty [the] place of David. 26 And not he spoke Saul anything on the day that for he said [is] an accident it not [is] clean he for not clean. 27 And it was from [the] next day of the new moon second and it was empty [the] place of David. And he said Saul to Jonathan son his why? not has he come [the] son of Jesse both yesterday as well as this day to the food. 28 And he answered Jonathan Saul certainly he asked for himself David from with me to Beth-lehem. 29 And he said let go me please for a sacrifice of [the] clan [belongs] to us in the city and he he has commanded to me brother my and therefore if I have found favor in view your let me slip away please so I may see brothers my there-fore not he has come to [the] table of the king. 30 And it burned [the] anger of Saul on Jonathan and he said to him O son of perverse [woman] of rebelliousness ¿ not do I know that [are] choosing you [the] son of Jesse to own shame your and to [the] shame of [the] nakedness of mother your. 31 For all the days which [the] son of Jesse he lives on the earth not you will be established you and kingdom your and therefore send and fetch him to me for [is] a son of death he. 32 And he answered Jonathan Saul father his and he said to him why? will he be put to death what? has he done. 33 And he threw Saul the spear on him to strike him and he knew Jonathan that it had been determined it from with father his to kill David. 34 And he arose Jonathan from with the table in [the] heat of anger and not he ate on [the] day of the new moon second food for he was grieved concerning David for he had put to shame him father his. 35 And it was in the morning and he went out Jonathan the field to [the] appointed time of David and a lad small [was] with him. 36 And he said to lad his run find please the arrows which I [am] about to shoot the lad he ran and he he shot the arrow to make [it] pass beyond him. 37 And he came the lad to [the] place of the arrow which he had shot Jonathan and he called out Jonathan after the lad and he said ¿ not [is] the arrow from you and beyond. 38 And he called out Jonathan after the lad quickly make haste! may not you delay and he picked up [the] lad of Jonathan (the arrows *Q(K)*) and he came to master his. 39 And the lad not he knew anything only Jonathan and David they knew the matter. 40 And he gave Jonathan weapons his to the lad who [belonged] to him and he said to him go take [them] the city. 41 The lad he went and David he arose from beside the south and he fell to face his [the] ground towards and he bowed down three times and they kissed - each friend his and they wept for each friend his until David he did great things. 42 And he said Jonathan to David go to peace that we have sworn an oath [the] two of us we by [the] name of Yahweh saying Yahweh he will be - between me and between you and between offspring my and between offspring your until perpetuity. And he arose and he went and Jonathan he went the city.

< 1 Samuel 20 >