< 1 Samuel 16 >

1 And he said Yahweh to Samuel until when? [are] you mourning to Saul and I I have rejected him from reigning over Israel fill horn your oil and go I will send you to Jesse [the] Beth-lehemite for I have seen among sons his for myself a king.
Le Seigneur dit à Samuel: "Jusqu’à quand t’affligeras-tu au sujet de Saül, alors que je l’ai jugé indigne de régner sur Israël? Remplis ton cornet d’huile, et va, envoyé par moi, chez Jessé le Bethléémite, car c’est un de ses fils que je me suis choisi pour roi."
2 And he said Samuel how? will I go and he will hear Saul and he will kill me. And he said Yahweh a heifer of cattle you will take in hand your and you will say to sacrifice to Yahweh I have come.
"Et comment irais-je? dit Samuel. Si Saül l’apprend, il me fera mourir." Le Seigneur répondit: "Emmène avec toi une génisse, et tu diras que tu es venu sacrifier à l’Eternel.
3 And you will invite Jesse at the sacrifice and I I will make known to you [that] which you will do and you will anoint for me [the one] whom I will say to you.
Tu inviteras Jessé au festin de la victime; je t’apprendrai alors ce que tu dois faire, et, en mon nom, tu sacreras roi celui que je t’indiquerai."
4 And he did Samuel [that] which he said Yahweh and he came Beth-lehem and they trembled [the] elders of the city to meet him and someone said [in] peace [are] coming? you.
Samuel fit ce qu’avait dit l’Eternel, et se rendit à Bethléem; les anciens de la ville se précipitèrent à sa rencontre, disant: "Salut à ton arrivée!"
5 And he said - peace to sacrifice to Yahweh I have come consecrate yourselves and you will come with me at the sacrifice and he consecrated Jesse and sons his and he invited them to the sacrifice.
"Salut! Répondit-il; je suis venu sacrifier à l’Eternel: préparez-vous à venir célébrer le sacrifice avec moi." Il invita également Jessé et ses fils à se mettre en état d’y prendre part.
6 And it was when came they and he saw Eliab and he said surely [is] before Yahweh anointed his.
A leur arrivée, il remarqua Eliab et se dit: "L’Élu de l’Eternel est certainement là devant lui."
7 And he said Yahweh to Samuel may not you look to appearance his and to [the] height of stature his for I have rejected him for - not [that] which he sees man for man he sees to the eyes and Yahweh he sees to the heart.
Mais Dieu dit à Samuel: "Ne considère point sa mine ni sa haute taille, celui-là je le repousse. Ce que voit l’homme ne compte pas: l’homme ne voit que l’extérieur, Dieu regarde le cœur."
8 And he called Jesse to Abinadab and he made pass by him before Samuel and he said also this one not he has chosen Yahweh.
Alors Jessé appela Abinadab et le fit passer devant Samuel, qui dit: "Celui-ci non plus, Dieu ne l’a choisi."
9 And he made pass by Jesse Shammah and he said also this one not he has chosen Yahweh.
Et Jessé fit avancer Chamma, mais il dit: "Celui-ci non plus, Dieu ne l’a choisi."
10 And he made pass by Jesse seven of sons his before Samuel and he said Samuel to Jesse not he has chosen Yahweh these.
Jessé présenta ainsi ses sept fils devant Samuel, et Samuel lui dit: "Ce ne sont pas ceux-là que Dieu a choisis.
11 And he said Samuel to Jesse ¿ are they finished the young men and he said still he remains the young [one] and there! [he is] shepherding the flock and he said Samuel to Jesse send! and bring him for not we will turn round until comes he here.
Mais, demanda Samuel à Jessé, sont-ce là tous tes garçons? Il reste encore le plus jeune, répondit-il; il est au pâturage avec les brebis. Envoie-le chercher, dit Samuel à Jessé; car nous ne nous mettrons pas à table qu’il ne soit ici."
12 And he sent and he brought him and he [was] red with beautiful of eyes and good of appearance. And he said Yahweh arise anoint him for this [is] he.
On le fit donc venir. Or, il avait le teint vermeil, avec cela de beaux yeux et bonne mine… Et Dieu dit à Samuel: "Va, oins-le, c’est lui!"
13 And he took Samuel [the] horn of oil and he anointed him in [the] midst of brothers his and it rushed [the] spirit of Yahweh to David from the day that and on-wards and he arose Samuel and he went Ramah towards.
Et Samuel prit le cornet à l’huile, et il l’oignit au milieu de ses frères; et depuis ce jour-là, l’esprit divin ne cessa d’animer David. Alors Samuel s’en alla, et retourna à Rama.
14 And [the] spirit of Yahweh it departed from with Saul and it terrified him a spirit evil from with Yahweh.
Or, l’esprit divin avait abandonné Saül, et il était en proie à un mauvais esprit suscité par le Seigneur.
15 And they said [the] servants of Saul to him here! please a spirit of God evil [is] terrifying you.
Les serviteurs de Saül lui dirent: "Hélas! Un mauvais esprit de Dieu te tourmente.
16 Let him say please lord our servants your before you let them seek a person [who] knows playing on the harp and it will be when is on you a spirit of God evil and he will play with hand his and good [will belong] to you.
Daigne ordonner, Seigneur, que tes serviteurs qui t’entourent se mettent en quête d’un habile joueur de harpe, afin qu’il en joue quand Dieu t’enverra ce mauvais esprit, et cela te fera du bien."
17 And he said Saul to servants his see please for me a person [who] does well to play and you will bring [him] to me.
Saül dit à ses serviteurs: "Découvrez-moi donc un habile joueur d’instrument et me l’amenez."
18 And he answered one from the young men and he said here! I have seen a son of Jesse [the] Beth-lehemite [who] knows to play and a mighty [man] of strength and a man of war and [one] discerning of word and a man of form and Yahweh [is] with him.
L’Un des serviteurs prit la parole et dit: "J’Ai remarqué un fils de Jessé le Bethléémite, musicien habile, guerrier vaillant, entendu en toute chose, d’une belle apparence, et Dieu est avec lui."
19 And he sent Saul messengers to Jesse and he said send! to me David son your who [is] with the flock.
Et Saül envoya des messagers à Jessé en lui mandant: "Envoie-moi David, ton fils, qui garde les brebis."
20 And he took Jesse a donkey bread and a skin-bottle of wine and a kid of goats one and he sent [them] by [the] hand of David son his to Saul.
Jessé chargea un âne de pain, avec une outre de vin et un jeune chevreau, qu’il envoya par son fils David à Saül.
21 And he came David to Saul and he stood before him and he loved him exceedingly and he was of him bearer of armor.
David, arrivé chez Saül, se présenta devant lui, lui plut fort, et devint son écuyer.
22 And he sent Saul to Jesse saying let him stand please David before me for he has found favor in view my.
Saül fit dire à Jessé: "Je désire que David reste à mon service, car il m’a plu."
23 And it was when was a spirit of God to Saul and he took David the harp and he played with hand his and it was relief to Saul and good [belonged] to him and it departed from on him [the] spirit of evil.
Depuis, lorsque l’esprit venu de Dieu s’emparait de Saül, David prenait sa harpe, en jouait avec les doigts; Saül en éprouvait du soulagement et du bien-être, et le mauvais esprit le quittait.

< 1 Samuel 16 >