< 1 Samuel 13 >

1 [was] a son of (Thirty *X*) year[s] Saul when became king he (and forty *X*) and two years he reigned over Israel.
HABÍA ya Saúl reinado un año; y reinado que hubo dos años sobre Israel,
2 And he chose for himself Saul three thousand from Israel and they were with Saul two thousand at Micmash and in [the] hill country of Beth-el and one thousand they were with Jonathan at Gibeah of Benjamin and [the] rest of the people he sent away each man to tents his.
Escogióse luego tres mil de Israel: los dos mil estuvieron con Saúl en Michmas y en el monte de Beth-el, y los mil estuvieron con Jonathán en Gabaa de Benjamín; y envió á todo el otro pueblo cada uno á sus tiendas.
3 And he attacked Jonathan [the] garrison of [the] Philistines which [was] at Geba and they heard [the] Philistines and Saul he gave a blast on the trumpet in all the land saying let them hear the Hebrews.
Y Jonathán hirió la guarnición de los Filisteos que había en el collado, y oyéronlo los Filisteos. E hizo Saúl tocar trompetas por toda la tierra, diciendo: Oigan los Hebreos.
4 And all Israel they heard saying he has attacked Saul [the] garrison of [the] Philistines and also it has made itself odious Israel with the Philistines and they were summoned the people after Saul Gilgal.
Y todo Israel oyó que se decía: Saúl ha herido la guarnición de los Filisteos; y también que Israel olía mal á los Filisteos. Y juntóse el pueblo en pos de Saúl en Gilgal.
5 And [the] Philistines they gathered - to fight with Israel thirty thousand chariot[s] and six thousand horsemen and a people like the sand which [is] on [the] shore of the sea for multitude and they came up and they encamped at Micmash [the] east of Beth Aven.
Entonces los Filisteos se juntaron para pelear con Israel, treinta mil carros, y seis mil caballos, y pueblo como la arena que está á la orilla de la mar en multitud; y subieron, y asentaron campo en Michmas, al oriente de Beth-aven.
6 And everyone of Israel they saw that it was distress to it for it was hard pressed the people and they hid themselves the people in caves and in thickets and in cliffs and in underground chambers and in cisterns.
Mas los hombres de Israel, viéndose puestos en estrecho, (porque el pueblo estaba en aprieto), escondióse el pueblo en cuevas, en fosos, en peñascos, en rocas y en cisternas.
7 And Hebrews they passed over the Jordan [the] land of Gad and Gilead and Saul still he [was] at Gilgal and all the people they trembled after him.
Y algunos de los Hebreos pasaron el Jordán á la tierra de Gad y de Galaad: y Saúl se estaba aún en Gilgal, y todo el pueblo iba tras él temblando.
8 (And he waited *Q(K)*) seven days to the appointed time which Samuel and not he had come Samuel Gilgal and it scattered the people from with him.
Y él esperó siete días, conforme al plazo que Samuel [había dicho]; pero Samuel no venía á Gilgal, y el pueblo se le desertaba.
9 And he said Saul bring near to me the burnt offering and the peace offerings and he offered up the burnt offering.
Entonces dijo Saúl: Traedme holocausto y sacrificios pacíficos. Y ofreció el holocausto.
10 And it was when finished he to offer up the burnt offering and there! Samuel [was] coming and he went out Saul to meet him to bless him.
Y como él acababa de hacer el holocausto, he aquí Samuel que venía; y Saúl le salió á recibir para saludarle.
11 And he said Samuel what? have you done and he said Saul if I saw that it was scattered the people from with me and you not you had come to [the] appointed time of the days and [the] Philistines [were] gathering Micmash.
Entonces Samuel dijo: ¿Qué has hecho? Y Saúl respondió: Porque vi que el pueblo se me iba, y que tú no venías al plazo de los días, y que los Filisteos estaban juntos en Michmas,
12 And I said now they will come down [the] Philistines against me Gilgal and [the] face of Yahweh not I have entreated and I forced myself and I offered up the burnt offering.
Me dije: Los Filisteos descenderán ahora contra mí á Gilgal, y yo no he implorado el favor de Jehová. Esforcéme pues, y ofrecí holocausto.
13 And he said Samuel to Saul you have acted foolishly not you have kept [the] commandment of Yahweh God your which he commanded you for now he established Yahweh kingdom your to Israel until perpetuity.
Entonces Samuel dijo á Saúl: Locamente has hecho; no guardaste el mandamiento de Jehová tu Dios, que él te había intimado; porque ahora Jehová hubiera confirmado tu reino sobre Israel para siempre.
14 And now kingdom your not it will endure he has sought Yahweh for himself a man according to own heart his and he has appointed him Yahweh to ruler over people his for not you have kept [that] which he commanded you Yahweh.
Mas ahora tu reino no será durable: Jehová se ha buscado varón según su corazón, al cual Jehová ha mandado que sea capitán sobre su pueblo, por cuanto tú no has guardado lo que Jehová te mandó.
15 And he arose Samuel and he went up from Gilgal (and he went on way his and the rest of the people it went up after Saul to meet [the] people [of] the battle and they went from Gilgal *X*) Gibeah of Benjamin and he mustered Saul the people who were found with him about six hundred man.
Y levantándose Samuel, subió de Gilgal á Gabaa de Benjamín. Y Saúl contó la gente que se hallaba con él, como seiscientos hombres.
16 And Saul and Jonathan son his and the people which was found with them [were] remaining in Geba of Benjamin and [the] Philistines they encamped in Micmash.
Saúl pues y Jonathán su hijo, y el pueblo que con ellos se hallaba, quedáronse en Gabaa de Benjamín: mas los Filisteos habían puesto su campo en Michmas.
17 And it came out the destroyer from [the] camp of [the] Philistines three companies the company one it turned to [the] direction of Ophrah to [the] land of Shual.
Y salieron del campo de los Filisteos en correría tres escuadrones. El un escuadrón tiró por el camino de Ophra hacia la tierra de Sual.
18 And the company one it turned [the] direction of Beth Horon and the company one it turned [the] direction the border which looks down over [the] valley of Zeboim the wilderness towards.
El otro escuadrón marchó hacia Beth-oron, y el tercer escuadrón marchó hacia la región que mira al valle de Seboim hacia el desierto.
19 And a craftsman not he was found in all [the] land of Israel for (they said *Q(K)*) [the] Philistines lest they should make the Hebrews a sword or a spear.
Y en toda la tierra de Israel no se hallaba herrero; porque los Filisteos habían dicho: Para que los Hebreos no hagan espada ó lanza.
20 And they went down all Israel the Philistines to sharpen each man plowshare his and mattock his and axe his and plowshare his.
Y todos los de Israel descendían á los Filisteos cada cual á amolar su reja, su azadón, su hacha, ó su sacho,
21 And it was the charge two thirds of a shekel for the plowshares and for the mattocks and for three fork and for the axes and to make straight the goad[s].
Y cuando se hacían bocas en las rejas, ó en los azadones, ó en las horquillas, ó en las hachas; hasta para una ahijada que se hubiera de componer.
22 And it was on a day of battle and not it was found a sword and a spear in [the] hand of any of the people which [was] with Saul and with Jonathan and it was found to Saul and to Jonathan son his.
Así aconteció que el día de la batalla no se halló espada ni lanza en mano de alguno de todo el pueblo que estaba con Saúl y con Jonathán, excepto Saúl y Jonathán su hijo, que las tenían.
23 And it came out [the] garrison of [the] Philistines to [the] pass of Micmash.
Y la guarnición de los Filisteos salió al paso de Michmas.

< 1 Samuel 13 >