< 1 Kings 9 >

1 And it was when had finished Solomon to build [the] house of Yahweh and [the] house of the king and all [the] desire of Solomon which he delighted to do.
Solomon ni BAWIPA im hoi siangpahrang im hah a sak teh, a tawk hane a noe e pueng a cum torei teh,
2 And he appeared Yahweh to Solomon a second [time] just as he had appeared to him at Gibeon.
Gibeon vah a kamnue pouh e patetlah Solomon koe BAWIPA teh apâhni lah bout a kamnue pouh.
3 And he said Yahweh to him I have heard prayer your and supplication your which you have sought favor before me I have consecrated the house this which you have built by putting name my there until perpetuity and they will be eyes my and heart my there all the days.
BAWIPA ni ahni koe ka hmalah ratoumnae hoi kâheinae na sak e hah, ka thai toe. Hete im sak e heh, yungyoe ka min o nahanelah kathoung sak toe. Ka mit hoi ka lungthin teh hawvah poe ao han toe.
4 And you if you will walk before me just as he walked David father your in integrity of heart and in uprightness by doing according to all that I have commanded you statutes my and judgments my you will keep.
Kalan e hoi yuemkamcu e lungthin hoi sak hanelah, kâ na poe e pueng hah na sak teh, na pa Devit patetlah ka hmalah na hring teh, ka phunglam hoi kâ na poe e hah na tarawi pawiteh,
5 And I will establish [the] throne of kingdom your over Israel for ever just as I spoke on David father your saying not it will be cut off to you a man from on [the] throne of Israel.
Isarel bawitungkhung dawk e, ka tahung hane tami na vout mahoeh, telah na pa Devit koe lawk ka kam tangcoung e patetlah Isarelnaw e lathueng vah, na uknaeram na bawitungkhung teh, yungyoe hanelah ka caksak han.
6 Certainly [if] you will turn back! you and descendants your from after me and not you will keep commandments my statutes my which I have set before you and you will walk and you will serve gods other and you will bow down to them.
Hateiteh, nang nama thoseh, na capa hai thoseh, ka hnuk na kâbang hoeh lah lamthung na phen awh teh, kaie kâpoelawknaw hoi kaie phunglawknaw na panuesak e hah na tawm hoeh lah cathut alouke hah na bawk awh pawiteh,
7 And I will cut off Israel from on [the] surface of the ground which I have given to them and the house which I have consecrated for name my I will cast out from on face my and it will become Israel a byword and a taunt among all the peoples.
Kai ni na poe e ramnaw thung hoi Isarel hah ka raphoe vaiteh, hete im ka min hanlah, kathoung sak tangcoung e hah ka hmaitung hoi ka takhoe han. Isarel teh miphun pueng ni lairui hoi panuilai lah a coung han.
8 And the house this it will be most high every [one who] passes by at it he will be appalled and he will hiss and people will say concerning what? did he do Yahweh thus to the land this and to the house this.
Hahoi, tawmrasang lah kaawm e hete im heh ka tapuet e pueng ni kângairunae hoi lungroumsinnae, a hnong tangkhuek sin vaiteh, bang kecu dawk maw BAWIPA ni hete ram hoi im heh hettelah a sak vai, telah ati awh han.
9 And they will say on that they forsook Yahweh God their who he brought out ancestors their from [the] land of Egypt and they took hold on gods other (and they bowed down *Q(K)*) to them and they served them there-fore he has brought Yahweh on them all the calamity this.
Hahoi tami ni, Izip ram hoi a na mintoenaw ka tâcawtkhai e amamae BAWIPA Cathut a ceitakhai teh, cathut alouknaw hah a bawk awh teh, a thaw a tawk pouh dawkvah, BAWIPA ni het patet e rawknae pueng teh a pha sak e doeh telah, bout a dei awh han telah a ti.
10 And it was from [the] end of twenty year[s] which he had built Solomon [the] two the houses [the] house of Yahweh and [the] house of the king.
Solomon ni im kahni touh, BAWIPA im hoi siangpahrang im a sak nathung kum 20 touh aloum hnukkhu,
11 Hiram [the] king of Tyre he had supported Solomon with wood of cedar and with wood of cypresses and with gold to all desire his then he gave the king Solomon to Hiram twenty citi[es] in [the] land of Galilee.
Taire siangpahrang Hiram ni Solomon hah Sidar thing hoi hmaica thing hoi, sui hah panki e yit touh a poe teh, siangpahrang Solomon ni, Hiram teh Galilee ram e kho 20 touh a poe awh.
12 And he came out Hiram from Tyre to see the cities which he had given to him Solomon and not they were pleasing in view his.
Hiram Taire kho hoi Solomon ni a poe e khonaw khet hanelah a cei teh, a ngai e phun lah awm hoeh.
13 And he said what? [are] the cities these which you have given to me O brother my and someone called them [the] land of Cabul until the day this.
Ahnimouh ni hmaunawngha na poe e khonaw heh, bangpatet e khonaw maw telah ati. Hatdawkvah, atu totouh, Kabul ram telah a ti.
14 And he had sent Hiram to the king one hundred and twenty talent[s] of gold.
Hottelah Hiram ni siangpahrang sui talen 120 a patawn.
15 And this [is] [the] word of the forced labor which he raised - the king Solomon to build [the] house of Yahweh and own house his and the Millo and [the] wall of Jerusalem and Hazor and Megiddo and Gezer.
Solomon siangpahrang ni, thaw ka tawk hane a ta ngainae teh, BAWIPA im hoi amae im ka sak hanelah, Millo kho hoi Jerusalem rapan hoi Hazor kho hoi, Maggido kho, Gezer khonaw ka sak nahane doeh.
16 Pharaoh [the] king of Egypt he had gone up and he had captured Gezer and he had burned it with fire and the Canaanite[s] who was dwelling in the city he had killed and he had given it dowri to daughter his [the] wife of Solomon.
Izip siangpahrang Faro hah a tuk teh, Gezer a la teh hmai a sawi. Hote kho ka sak e Kanaan taminaw, koung a thei teh, amae canu, Solomon e a yu e phu lah a poe toe.
17 And he rebuilt Solomon Gezer and Beth Horon lower.
Hahoi Solomon ni Gezer kho hoi Bethhoron akalah kaawm e
18 And Baalath and (Tadmor *Q(K)*) in the wilderness in the land.
Baalath kho hoi Judah ram thung kahrawng e Tamar kho,
19 And all [the] cities of storage which they belonged to Solomon and [the] cities of the chariotry and [the] cities of the horsemen and - [the] desire of Solomon which he desired to build in Jerusalem and in Lebanon and in all [the] land of dominion his.
Solomon ni hnopai kuemnae khonaw pueng, leng a kuemnae khonaw hoi, marang kâcuinaw onae khonaw hoi, Jerusalem tengpam thoseh, Lebanon mon dawk thoseh, a uknaeram thung pueng e Solomon ni sak han a noe e pueng hah koung a sak.
20 All the people which remained of the Amorite[s] the Hittite[s] the Perizzite[s] the Hivite[s] and the Jebusite[s] who not [were] of [the] people of Israel they.
Isarel catoun laipalah, kaawm rae Amornaw, Hit taminaw, Periznaw, Hivnaw hoi, Jubusitnaw pueng,
21 Descendants their who they were left after them in the land whom not they were able [the] people of Israel to totally destroy them and he raised them Solomon to forced labor of laboring until the day this.
Ahnimae a hnukkhu hoi a catounnaw hote ram dawk ka'awm rae Isarelnaw ni be a thei hoeh e hah, Solomon thaw ka tawk hanelah atu totouh san lah ao sak.
22 And any of [the] people of Israel not he made Solomon a slave for they [were] [the] men of war and servants his and officials his and officers his and [the] commanders of chariotry his and horsemen his.
Hateiteh, Isarel catounnaw teh Solomon ni thaw tawk sak awh hoeh. Taran ka tuk hane hoi kahrawikung kacuenaw, a ransa kahawi e leng kaukkung, marang kâcui e naw kahrawikung lah a ta.
23 These - [were] [the] leaders of the overseers who [were] over the work of Solomon fifty and five hundred who ruled over the people who were doing the work.
Aloukenaw teh Solomon ni tawk e thaw dawkvah, kahrawikung thaw katawknaw ka ring hanelah, 550 touh ao awh.
24 Only [the] daughter of Pharaoh she went up from [the] city of David to own house her which he had built for her then he built the Millo.
Hateiteh, Faro e canu teh, Devit khopui hoi amae im Solomon ma ni a sak pouh e dawk, a kampuen teh, Millo kho hah a sak.
25 And he offered up Solomon three times in the year burnt offerings and peace offerings on the altar which he had built for Yahweh and he made smoke with it which [was] before Yahweh and he completed the house.
Solomon ni BAWIPA hanelah khoungroe a saknae dawkvah, kum tangkuem kum touh dawk vai thum hmaisawi thuengnae hoi roum thuengnae hah ouk a poe. BAWIPA hma lae khoungroe dawk hmuitui hai ouk a sawi. Hottelah bawkim teh a cum.
26 And ship[s] he made the king Solomon at Ezion Geber which [is] with Elath on [the] shore of [the] sea of reed[s] in [the] land of Edom.
Siangpahrang Solomon ni Edom ram e tuipui paling a tengpam vah, Eloth kho teng kaawm e Eziongeber khovah, longnaw kâhat nahane hai a sak.
27 And he sent Hiram in the ship[s] servants his men of ships [who] knew the sea with [the] servants of Solomon.
Hiram ni long hoi tuipui dawk ouk ka cet e a sannaw hoi Solomon e a sannaw hoi cungtalah reirei tawk hanelah a patoun awh.
28 And they went Ophir towards and they took from there gold four hundred and twenty talent[s] and they brought [it] to the king Solomon.
Ophir kho dawk a cei awh teh, hote sui talen 420 aphu awh teh, Siangpahrang Solomon koe a thokhai awh.

< 1 Kings 9 >