< 1 Kings 21 >

1 And it was after the things these a vineyard it belonged to Naboth the Jezreelite which [was] in Jezreel beside [the] palace of Ahab [the] king of Samaria.
Sesudah itu terjadilah hal yang berikut. Nabot, orang Yizreel, mempunyai kebun anggur di Yizreel, di samping istana Ahab, raja Samaria.
2 And he spoke Ahab to Naboth - saying - give! to me vineyard your so may it belong to me to a garden of vegetables for it [is] near beside house my and I will give to you in place of it a vineyard good more than it if [it is] good in view your I will give to you money [the] price of this [one].
Berkatalah Ahab kepada Nabot: "Berikanlah kepadaku kebun anggurmu itu, supaya kujadikan kebun sayur, sebab letaknya dekat rumahku. Aku akan memberikan kepadamu kebun anggur yang lebih baik dari pada itu sebagai gantinya, atau jikalau engkau lebih suka, aku akan membayar harganya kepadamu dengan uang."
3 And he said Naboth to Ahab far be it to me from Yahweh than to give I [the] inheritance of ancestors my to you.
Jawab Nabot kepada Ahab: "Kiranya TUHAN menghindarkan aku dari pada memberikan milik pusaka nenek moyangku kepadamu!"
4 And he went Ahab to house his sullen and furious on the word which he had spoken to him Naboth the Jezreelite and he said not I will give to you [the] inheritance of ancestors my and he lay down on bed his and he turned around face his and not he ate food.
Lalu masuklah Ahab ke dalam istananya dengan kesal hati dan gusar karena perkataan yang dikatakan Nabot, orang Yizreel itu, kepadanya: "Tidak akan kuberikan kepadamu milik pusaka nenek moyangku." Maka berbaringlah ia di tempat tidurnya dan menelungkupkan mukanya dan tidak mau makan.
5 And she came to him Jezebel wife his and she spoke to him why? this [is] spirit your sullen and not you [are] eating food.
Lalu datanglah Izebel, isterinya, dan berkata kepadanya: "Apa sebabnya hatimu kesal, sehingga engkau tidak makan?"
6 And he spoke to her for I spoke to Naboth the Jezreelite and I said to him give! to me vineyard your for money or if [are] desiring you I will give to you a vineyard in place of it and he said not I will give to you vineyard my.
Lalu jawabnya kepadanya: "Sebab aku telah berkata kepada Nabot, orang Yizreel itu: Berikanlah kepadaku kebun anggurmu dengan bayaran uang atau jika engkau lebih suka, aku akan memberikan kebun anggur kepadamu sebagai gantinya. Tetapi sahutnya: Tidak akan kuberikan kepadamu kebun anggurku itu."
7 And she said to him Jezebel wife his you now are you doing? kingship over Israel arise eat food so it may be good heart your I I will give to you [the] vineyard of Naboth the Jezreelite.
Kata Izebel, isterinya, kepadanya: "Bukankah engkau sekarang yang memegang kuasa raja atas Israel? Bangunlah, makanlah dan biarlah hatimu gembira! Aku akan memberikan kepadamu kebun anggur Nabot, orang Yizreel itu."
8 And she wrote letters in [the] name of Ahab and she sealed [them] with seal his and she sent (letters *Q(K)*) to the elders and to the nobles who [were] in city his who dwelt with Naboth.
Kemudian ia menulis surat atas nama Ahab, memeteraikannya dengan meterai raja, lalu mengirim surat itu kepada tua-tua dan pemuka-pemuka yang diam sekota dengan Nabot.
9 And she wrote in the letters saying proclaim a fast and make sit Naboth at [the] head of the people.
Dalam surat itu ditulisnya demikian: "Maklumkanlah puasa dan suruhlah Nabot duduk paling depan di antara rakyat.
10 And make sit two men sons of worthlessness before him and let them testify against him saying you have blessed God and [the] king and take out him and stone him so may he die.
Suruh jugalah dua orang dursila duduk menghadapinya, dan mereka harus naik saksi terhadap dia, dengan mengatakan: Engkau telah mengutuk Allah dan raja. Sesudah itu bawalah dia ke luar dan lemparilah dia dengan batu sampai mati."
11 And they did [the] people of city his the elders and the nobles who [were] the [ones who] dwelt in city his just as she had sent to them Jezebel just as [it was] written in the letters which she had sent to them.
Orang-orang sekotanya, yakni tua-tua dan pemuka-pemuka, yang diam di kotanya itu, melakukan seperti yang diperintahkan Izebel kepada mereka, seperti yang tertulis dalam surat yang dikirimkannya kepada mereka.
12 They proclaimed a fast and they made sit Naboth at [the] head of the people.
Mereka memaklumkan puasa dan menyuruh Nabot duduk paling depan di antara rakyat.
13 And they came [the] two the men sons of worthlessness and they sat before him and they testified against him [the] men of worthlessness Naboth before the people saying he has blessed Naboth God and [the] king and they took out him from [the] outside of the city and they stoned him with stones and he died.
Kemudian datanglah dua orang, yakni orang-orang dursila itu, lalu duduk menghadapi Nabot. Orang-orang dursila itu naik saksi terhadap Nabot di depan rakyat, katanya: "Nabot telah mengutuk Allah dan raja." Sesudah itu mereka membawa dia ke luar kota, lalu melempari dia dengan batu sampai mati.
14 And they sent to Jezebel saying he has been stoned Naboth and he has died.
Setelah itu mereka menyuruh orang kepada Izebel mengatakan: "Nabot sudah dilempari sampai mati."
15 And it was when heard Jezebel that he had been stoned Naboth and he had died and she said Jezebel to Ahab arise take possession of [the] vineyard of - Naboth the Jezreelite which he refused to give to you for money for not Naboth [is] alive for he has died.
Segera sesudah Izebel mendengar, bahwa Nabot sudah dilempari sampai mati, berkatalah Izebel kepada Ahab: "Bangunlah, ambillah kebun anggur Nabot, orang Yizreel itu, menjadi milikmu, karena Nabot yang menolak memberikannya kepadamu dengan bayaran uang, sudah tidak hidup lagi; ia sudah mati."
16 And it was when heard Ahab that he had died Naboth and he arose Ahab to go down to [the] vineyard of Naboth the Jezreelite to take possession of it.
Segera sesudah Ahab mendengar, bahwa Nabot sudah mati, ia bangun dan pergi ke kebun anggur Nabot, orang Yizreel itu, untuk mengambil kebun itu menjadi miliknya.
17 And it came [the] word of Yahweh to Elijah the Tishbite saying.
Tetapi datanglah firman TUHAN kepada Elia, orang Tisbe itu, bunyinya:
18 Arise go down to meet Ahab [the] king of Israel who [is] in Samaria there! [he is] in [the] vineyard of Naboth where he has gone down there to take possession of it.
"Bangunlah, pergilah menemui Ahab, raja Israel yang di Samaria. Ia telah pergi ke kebun anggur Nabot untuk mengambil kebun itu menjadi miliknya.
19 And you will speak to him saying thus he says Yahweh ¿ have you murdered and also have you taken possession? and you will speak to him saying thus he says Yahweh in [the] place where they licked up the dogs [the] blood of Naboth they will lick up the dogs blood your also you.
Katakanlah kepadanya, demikian: Beginilah firman TUHAN: Engkau telah membunuh serta merampas juga! Katakan pula kepadanya: Beginilah firman TUHAN: Di tempat anjing telah menjilat darah Nabot, di situ jugalah anjing akan menjilat darahmu."
20 And he said Ahab to Elijah ¿ have you found me O enemy my and he said I have found [you] because you having sold yourself to do the evil in [the] eyes of Yahweh.
Kata Ahab kepada Elia: "Sekarang engkau mendapat aku, hai musuhku?" Jawabnya: "Memang sekarang aku mendapat engkau, karena engkau sudah memperbudak diri dengan melakukan apa yang jahat di mata TUHAN.
21 Here I ([am] about to bring *Q(k)*) to you evil and I will sweep away after you and I will cut off to Ahab [one who] urinates on a wall and shut up and freed in Israel.
Sesungguhnya, Aku akan mendatangkan malapetaka kepadamu, Aku akan menyapu engkau dan melenyapkan setiap orang laki-laki dari keluarga Ahab, baik yang tinggi maupun yang rendah kedudukannya di Israel.
22 And I will make house your like [the] house of Jeroboam [the] son of Nebat and like [the] house of Baasha [the] son of Ahijah because of the provocation which you have provoked to anger and you have caused to sin Israel.
Dan Aku akan memperlakukan keluargamu sama seperti keluarga Yerobeam bin Nebat dan seperti keluarga Baesa bin Ahia, oleh karena engkau menimbulkan sakit hati-Ku, dan oleh karena engkau mengakibatkan orang Israel berbuat dosa.
23 And also of Jezebel he has spoken Yahweh saying the dogs they will devour Jezebel in [the] rampart of Jezreel.
Juga mengenai Izebel TUHAN telah berfirman: Anjing akan memakan Izebel di tembok luar Yizreel.
24 The [one who] dies of Ahab in the city they will devour the dogs and the [one who] dies in the open country they will devour [the] bird[s] of the heavens.
Siapa dari keluarga Ahab yang mati di kota akan dimakan anjing dan yang mati di padang akan dimakan burung di udara."
25 Certainly not anyone was like Ahab who he sold himself to do the evil in [the] eyes of Yahweh whom she incited him Jezebel wife his.
Sesungguhnya tidak pernah ada orang seperti Ahab yang memperbudak diri dengan melakukan apa yang jahat di mata TUHAN, karena ia telah dibujuk oleh Izebel, isterinya.
26 And he acted abominably exceedingly by walking after the idols according to all that they had done the Amorite[s] whom he dispossessed Yahweh from before [the] people of Israel.
Bahkan ia telah berlaku sangat keji dengan mengikuti berhala-berhala, tepat seperti yang dilakukan oleh orang Amori yang telah dihalau TUHAN dari depan orang Israel.
27 And it was when heard Ahab the words these and he tore clothes his and he put sackcloth on body his and he fasted and he lay down in the sackcloth and he went about dejectedly.
Segera sesudah Ahab mendengar perkataan itu, ia mengoyakkan pakaiannya, mengenakan kain kabung pada tubuhnya dan berpuasa. Bahkan ia tidur dengan memakai kain kabung, dan berjalan dengan langkah lamban.
28 And it came [the] word of Yahweh to Elijah the Tishbite saying.
Lalu datanglah firman TUHAN kepada Elia, orang Tisbe itu:
29 ¿ Have you seen that he has humbled himself Ahab from to before me because for he has humbled himself from before me not (I will bring *Q(k)*) evil in days his in [the] days of son his I will bring evil on house his.
"Sudahkah kaulihat, bahwa Ahab merendahkan diri di hadapan-Ku? Oleh karena ia telah merendahkan diri di hadapan-Ku, maka Aku tidak akan mendatangkan malapetaka dalam zamannya; barulah dalam zaman anaknya Aku akan mendatangkan malapetaka atas keluarganya."

< 1 Kings 21 >