< 1 Kings 21 >

1 And it was after the things these a vineyard it belonged to Naboth the Jezreelite which [was] in Jezreel beside [the] palace of Ahab [the] king of Samaria.
Voici ce qui arriva à la suite de ces événements. Naboth, le Jezreélite, demeurant à Jezreël, possédait une vigne auprès du palais d’Achab, roi de Samarie.
2 And he spoke Ahab to Naboth - saying - give! to me vineyard your so may it belong to me to a garden of vegetables for it [is] near beside house my and I will give to you in place of it a vineyard good more than it if [it is] good in view your I will give to you money [the] price of this [one].
Achab paria ainsi à Naboth: "Cède-moi ta vigne pour que j’en fasse un jardin potager, car elle est près de ma maison; je te donnerai en échange une vigne meilleure. Si tu le préfères, je t’en remettrai la valeur en argent."
3 And he said Naboth to Ahab far be it to me from Yahweh than to give I [the] inheritance of ancestors my to you.
Naboth répondit à Achab: "Le Seigneur me préserve de te céder l’héritage de mes pères!"
4 And he went Ahab to house his sullen and furious on the word which he had spoken to him Naboth the Jezreelite and he said not I will give to you [the] inheritance of ancestors my and he lay down on bed his and he turned around face his and not he ate food.
Achab rentra chez lui triste et abattu, à cause de la réponse que lui avait faite Naboth le Jézreélite, en disant: "Je ne te céderai pas l’héritage de mes pères." Il se jeta sur son lit, la face tournée vers le mur, et ne prit point d’aliments.
5 And she came to him Jezebel wife his and she spoke to him why? this [is] spirit your sullen and not you [are] eating food.
Jézabel, sa femme, vint le voir et lui dit: "Pourquoi ton esprit est-il abattu et ne prends-tu pas de nourriture?"
6 And he spoke to her for I spoke to Naboth the Jezreelite and I said to him give! to me vineyard your for money or if [are] desiring you I will give to you a vineyard in place of it and he said not I will give to you vineyard my.
Il lui répondit: "C’Est que j’ai parlé à Naboth, le Jezreélite, et lui ai dit: "Donne-moi ta vigne à prix d’argent, ou, si tu le préfères, je t’en donnerai une autre à la place. Il a répondu: Je ne te donnerai point ma vigne."
7 And she said to him Jezebel wife his you now are you doing? kingship over Israel arise eat food so it may be good heart your I I will give to you [the] vineyard of Naboth the Jezreelite.
Jézabel, sa femme, lui répondit: "Est-ce bien toi qui exerces aujourd’hui la royauté sur Israël? Lève-toi, prends de la nourriture et sois de bonne humeur; c’est moi qui te procurerai la vigne de Naboth, le Jezreélite."
8 And she wrote letters in [the] name of Ahab and she sealed [them] with seal his and she sent (letters *Q(K)*) to the elders and to the nobles who [were] in city his who dwelt with Naboth.
Elle écrivit des lettres au nom d’Achab, les scella du sceau royal et les expédia aux anciens et aux nobles de sa ville, qui demeuraient près de Naboth.
9 And she wrote in the letters saying proclaim a fast and make sit Naboth at [the] head of the people.
Elle avait écrit dans ces lettres: "Proclamez un jeûne, faites asseoir Naboth à la tête du peuple;
10 And make sit two men sons of worthlessness before him and let them testify against him saying you have blessed God and [the] king and take out him and stone him so may he die.
placez en face de lui deux individus sans scrupules, qui déposeront contre lui, en disant: Tu as outragé Dieu et le Roi. Puis on le fera sortir, et on le tuera à coups de pierres."
11 And they did [the] people of city his the elders and the nobles who [were] the [ones who] dwelt in city his just as she had sent to them Jezebel just as [it was] written in the letters which she had sent to them.
Les anciens et les nobles, qui habitaient dans sa ville, exécutèrent l’ordre de Jézabel, tel qu’il était consigné dans les lettres qu’elle leur avait envoyées.
12 They proclaimed a fast and they made sit Naboth at [the] head of the people.
Ils proclamèrent un jeûne, et placèrent Naboth à la tête du peuple.
13 And they came [the] two the men sons of worthlessness and they sat before him and they testified against him [the] men of worthlessness Naboth before the people saying he has blessed Naboth God and [the] king and they took out him from [the] outside of the city and they stoned him with stones and he died.
Les deux hommes, des gens pervers, vinrent s’asseoir en face de lui, et déposèrent contre Naboth en présence du peuple en disant: "Naboth a outragé Dieu et le roi." On l’emmena hors de la ville, on le lapida, et il mourut.
14 And they sent to Jezebel saying he has been stoned Naboth and he has died.
Puis on envoya dire à Jézabel: "Naboth a été lapidé, il est mort."
15 And it was when heard Jezebel that he had been stoned Naboth and he had died and she said Jezebel to Ahab arise take possession of [the] vineyard of - Naboth the Jezreelite which he refused to give to you for money for not Naboth [is] alive for he has died.
En recevant cette nouvelle, Jézabel dit à Achab: "Va, prends possession de la vigne de Naboth, le Jezreélite, qui avait refusé de te la céder à prix d’argent; Naboth a cessé de vivre, et il est mort."
16 And it was when heard Ahab that he had died Naboth and he arose Ahab to go down to [the] vineyard of Naboth the Jezreelite to take possession of it.
En apprenant la mort de Naboth, Achab se leva et se dirigea vers la vigne de Naboth pour en prendre possession.
17 And it came [the] word of Yahweh to Elijah the Tishbite saying.
Mais la parole de l’Eternel s’adressa à Elie, le Tisbite, en ces termes:
18 Arise go down to meet Ahab [the] king of Israel who [is] in Samaria there! [he is] in [the] vineyard of Naboth where he has gone down there to take possession of it.
"Lève-toi, va au-devant d’Achab, roi d’Israël, qui est à Samarie; il se trouve dans la vigne de Naboth, où il est descendu pour en prendre possession.
19 And you will speak to him saying thus he says Yahweh ¿ have you murdered and also have you taken possession? and you will speak to him saying thus he says Yahweh in [the] place where they licked up the dogs [the] blood of Naboth they will lick up the dogs blood your also you.
Tu lui parleras en ces termes: Ainsi a dit l’Eternel: Quoi! Tu as assassiné et maintenant tu prends possession! Ainsi parle l’Eternel: A cette même place où les chiens ont léché le sang de Naboth, ils lécheront aussi le tien."
20 And he said Ahab to Elijah ¿ have you found me O enemy my and he said I have found [you] because you having sold yourself to do the evil in [the] eyes of Yahweh.
Achab dit à Elie: "Tu m’as donc atteint, ô mon ennemi? Je t’ai atteint, répondit-il, parce que tu t’es livré toi-même en faisant ce qui déplaît à l’Eternel.
21 Here I ([am] about to bring *Q(k)*) to you evil and I will sweep away after you and I will cut off to Ahab [one who] urinates on a wall and shut up and freed in Israel.
Eh bien! Moi, (dit l’Eternel), je susciterai le malheur contre toi, je balaierai tes derniers vestiges, je ne laisserai point subsister d’Achab la plus infime créature, ni retraite, ni ressources en Israël.
22 And I will make house your like [the] house of Jeroboam [the] son of Nebat and like [the] house of Baasha [the] son of Ahijah because of the provocation which you have provoked to anger and you have caused to sin Israel.
Bref, je traiterai ta maison comme celle de Jéroboam, fils de Nebat, et comme celle de Baasa, fils d’Ahiyya, parce que tu as provoqué mon irritation et fait pécher Israël.
23 And also of Jezebel he has spoken Yahweh saying the dogs they will devour Jezebel in [the] rampart of Jezreel.
Et sur Jézabel aussi le Seigneur a dit cette parole: Les chiens dévoreront Jézabel dans le territoire de Jezreël.
24 The [one who] dies of Ahab in the city they will devour the dogs and the [one who] dies in the open country they will devour [the] bird[s] of the heavens.
Ceux d’Achab qui mourront dans la ville seront dévorés par les chiens, et ceux qui mourront dans la campagne seront la proie des oiseaux du ciel."
25 Certainly not anyone was like Ahab who he sold himself to do the evil in [the] eyes of Yahweh whom she incited him Jezebel wife his.
En vérité, personne encore ne s’était, comme Achab, adonné à faire ce qui déplaît à l’Eternel, entraîné qu’il fut par sa femme Jézabel.
26 And he acted abominably exceedingly by walking after the idols according to all that they had done the Amorite[s] whom he dispossessed Yahweh from before [the] people of Israel.
Il commit force abominations, en adoptant le culte des impures idoles, comme avaient fait les Amorréens, que l’Eternel avait dépossédés en faveur des enfants d’Israël.
27 And it was when heard Ahab the words these and he tore clothes his and he put sackcloth on body his and he fasted and he lay down in the sackcloth and he went about dejectedly.
Lorsque Achab entendit ces paroles, il déchira ses vêtements, se couvrit le corps d’un cilice et jeûna; il coucha dans ce cilice, et se traînait en marchant.
28 And it came [the] word of Yahweh to Elijah the Tishbite saying.
Alors l’Eternel s’adressa en ces termes à Elie, le Tisbite:
29 ¿ Have you seen that he has humbled himself Ahab from to before me because for he has humbled himself from before me not (I will bring *Q(k)*) evil in days his in [the] days of son his I will bring evil on house his.
"Tu as vu comme Achab s’est humilié devant moi! Pour prix de cette humilité, je ne susciterai pas le malheur sous son règne; c’est du temps de son fils que je susciterai le malheur sur sa maison."

< 1 Kings 21 >