< 1 Kings 13 >

1 And there! - a man of God he came from Judah by [the] word of Yahweh to Beth-el and Jeroboam [was] standing at the altar to make smoke.
Nokuda kweshoko raJehovha munhu waMwari akabva kuJudha akauya kuBheteri, Jerobhoamu paakanga akamira pedyo nearitari ava kupirisa zvinonhuhwira.
2 And he called out on the altar by [the] word of Yahweh and he said O altar altar thus he says Yahweh here! a son [is] about to be born to [the] house of David [will be] Josiah name his and he will sacrifice on you [the] priests of the high places who make smoke on you and bones of humankind people will burn on you.
Akadanidzira kuaritari akati, “Iwe aritari, aritari! Zvanzi naJehovha: ‘Mwanakomana anonzi Josia achaberekwa muimba yaDhavhidhi. Vaprista vamatunhu akakwirira vari kupisira zvinonhuhwira pano zvino, achavabayira pamusoro pako, uye mapfupa avanhu achapiswa pamusoro pako.’”
3 And he gave on the day that a sign saying this [is] the sign which he has spoken Yahweh here! the altar [is] about to be torn apart and it will be poured out the fatty ash which [is] on it.
Musi mumwe chete iwoyo munhu waMwari akapa chiratidzo akati, “Ichi ndicho chiratidzo chataurwa naJehovha: Aritari ichatsemuka uye madota ari pamusoro payo acharasirwa pasi.”
4 And it was when heard the king [the] word of [the] man of God which he called out on the altar at Beth-el and he stretched out Jeroboam hand his from at the altar saying - seize him and it dried up hand his which he had stretched out on him and not he was able to bring back it to himself.
Zvino Mambo Jerobhoamu paakanzwa zvakanga zvadanidzirwa nomunhu waMwari kuaritari paBheteri, akatambanudza ruoko rwake ruchibva kuaritari akati, “Mubatei!” Asi ruoko rwaakatambanudzira kumurume uyu rwakaoma, zvokuti akatadza kurudzosa zvakare.
5 And the altar it was torn apart and it was poured out the fatty ash from the altar according to the sign which he had given [the] man of God by [the] word of Yahweh.
Aritariwo yakatsemuka uye madota ayo akarasikira pasi zvichienderana nechiratidzo chakanga chapiwa nomunhu waMwari nokuda kweshoko raJehovha.
6 And he answered the king and he said - to [the] man of God entreat please [the] face of Yahweh God your and pray for me so may it come back hand my to me and he entreated [the] man of God [the] face of Yahweh and it came back [the] hand of the king to him and it was as at the former [time].
Ipapo mambo akati kumunhu waMwari, “Ndinamatirewo kuna Jehovha Mwari wako uchindinamatira kuti ruoko rwangu ruporeswe.” Naizvozvo munhu waMwari akamunamatira kuna Jehovha ruoko rwamambo rukaporeswa rukaita sezvarwakanga rwakaita pakutanga.
7 And he spoke the king to [the] man of God come! with me the house towards and sustain! so let me give to you a gift.
Mambo akati kumunhu waMwari, “Handei kumba kwangu undowana zvaungadya, uye ndichakupa chipo.”
8 And he said [the] man of God to the king if you will give to me half of household your not I will go with you and not I will eat bread and not I will drink water in the place this.
Asi munhu waMwari akapindura mambo akati, “Kunyange maindipa hafu yezvose zvamunazvo, handaimboenda nemi, uye handaimbodya chingwa kana kunwa mvura kuno.
9 For thus - he commanded me by [the] word of Yahweh saying not you must eat bread and not you must drink water and not you must return by the way which you went.
Nokuti ndakarayirwa neshoko raJehovha kuti, ‘Haufaniri kudya chingwa kana kunwa mvura kana kudzoka nenzira yawabva nayo.’”
10 And he went by a way another and not he returned by the way which he had come by it to Beth-el.
Saka akaenda neimwe nzira, haana kudzokera nenzira yaakanga auya nayo kuBheteri.
11 And a prophet one old [was] dwelling in Beth-el and he came son his and he recounted to him every deed which he had done [the] man of God - this day in Beth-el the words which he had spoken to the king and they recounted them to father their.
Zvino paiva nomumwe muprofita akanga ava harahwa aigara muBheteri, vana vake vakauya vakamuudza zvose zvakanga zvaitwa nomunhu waMwari musi iwoyo muBheteri. Vakaudzawo baba vavo zvaakanga ataura kuna mambo.
12 And he spoke to them father their where? this [is] the way [which] he went and they had seen sons his the way which he had gone [the] man of God who he had come from Judah.
Baba vavo vakavabvunza kuti, “Aenda nenzira ipiko?” Zvino vana vake vakamuratidza nzira yakanga yaendwa nayo nomunhu waMwari aibva kuJudha.
13 And he said to sons his saddle for me the donkey and they saddled for him the donkey and he rode on it.
Saka akati kuvana vake, “Ndisungirirei chigaro pambongoro.” Zvino vakati vamusungirira chigaro pambongoro, akaitasva.
14 And he went after [the] man of God and he found him sitting under the oak and he said to him ¿ [are] you [the] man of God who you came from Judah and he said I [am].
Akatevera munhu waMwari. Akamuwana agere pasi pomuti womuouki akamubvunza akati, “Ndiwe here munhu waMwari akabva kuJudha?” Akapindura akati, “Ndini.”
15 And he said to him come with me the house towards and eat bread.
Ipapo muprofita akati kwaari, “Handei kumba kwangu undodya.”
16 And he said not I am able to turn back with you and to go with you and not I will eat bread and not I will drink with you water in the place this.
Munhu waMwari akati, “Handigoni kudzoka nemi, zvakare handigoni kudya chingwa kana kunwa mvura nemi panzvimbo ino.
17 For a word [was] to me by [the] word of Yahweh not you must eat bread and not you must drink there water not you must return to go by the way which you went by it.
Ndakaudzwa neshoko raJehovha kuti, ‘Haufaniri kudya chingwa kana kunwa mvura ikoko kana kudzoka nenzira yaunenge wauya nayo.’”
18 And he said to him also I [am] a prophet like you and an angel it has spoken to me by [the] word of Yahweh saying bring back him with you to house your so he may eat bread so he may drink water he lied to him.
Muprofita akanga ava harahwa akapindura akati, “Neniwo ndiri muprofita sezvawakaita. Zvino mutumwa ati kwandiri neshoko raJehovha, ‘Dzoka naye kumba kwako kuitira kuti adye chingwa uye anwe mvura.’” Asi akanga achimunyepera.
19 And he went back with him and he ate bread in house his and he drank water.
Saka munhu waMwari akadzokera naye akandodya uye akanwa mumba make.
20 And it was they [were] sitting to the table. And it came [the] word of Yahweh to the prophet who he had brought back him.
Zvavakanga vachakagara patafura, shoko raJehovha rakauya kumuprofita akanga ava harahwa, uyo akanga amudzosa.
21 And he called out to [the] man of God who he had come from Judah saying thus he says Yahweh because for you have been disobedient to [the] mouth of Yahweh and not you have kept the command which he commanded you Yahweh God your.
Akadanidzira kumunhu waMwari akanga abva kuJudha akati, “Zvanzi naJehovha: ‘Hauna kuteerera shoko raJehovha uye hauna kuchengeta murayiro wawakapiwa naJehovha Mwari wako.
22 And you went back and you ate bread and you drank water in the place which he spoke to you may not you eat bread and may not you drink water not it will go corpse your to [the] grave of ancestors your.
Wadzoka ukadya chingwa uye ukanwa mvura munzvimbo yaakakuudza kuti usadya kana kunwa. Naizvozvo mutumbi wako hausi kuzovigwa muguva ramadzibaba ako.’”
23 And it was after ate he bread and after drank he and he saddled for him the donkey for the prophet whom he had brought back him.
Munhu waMwari paakapedza kudya nokunwa, muprofita akanga amudzosa akamusungirira chigaro pambongoro.
24 And he went and it met him a lion on the way and it killed him and it was corpse his thrown down in the road and the donkey [was] standing beside it and the lion [was] standing beside the corpse.
Akati ava munzira, shumba yakasangana naye panzira, ikamuuraya, mutumbi wake ukakandwa munzira, mbongoro neshumba zvikamira pauri.
25 And there! men [were] passing by and they saw the corpse thrown down in the road and the lion standing beside the corpse and they went and they spoke in the city which the prophet old [was] dwelling in it.
Vamwe vanhu vaipfuura nepo vakaona mutumbi uyu wakakandwa panzira, shumba yakamira parutivi pomutumbi, vakaenda vakandozvitaura muguta maigara muprofita uya akanga ava harahwa.
26 And he heard the prophet who he had brought back him from the way and he said [is] [the] man of God that who he was disobedient to [the] mouth of Yahweh and he has given him Yahweh to the lion and it has mauled him and it has killed him according to [the] word of Yahweh which he spoke to him.
Muprofita akanga amudzosa parwendo rwake paakazvinzwa, akati, “Ndiye munhu waMwari asina kuteerera shoko raJehovha. Jehovha amupa kushumba, iyo yamubvambura nokumuuraya, sokumuyambira kwakanga kwaita shoko raJehovha.”
27 And he spoke to sons his saying saddle for me the donkey and they saddled [it].
Muprofita akati kuvanakomana vake, “Ndisungirirei chigaro pambongoro,” ivo vakaita saizvozvo.
28 And he went and he found corpse his thrown down in the road and [the] donkey and the lion [were] standing beside the corpse not it had eaten the lion the corpse and not it had mauled the donkey.
Ipapo akaenda akandoona mutumbi wakakandwa panzira, mbongoro neshumba zvakamira parutivi pawo. Shumba yakanga isina kudya mutumbi kana kubvambura mbongoro.
29 And he picked up the prophet [the] corpse of [the] man of God and he placed him to the donkey and he brought back him and he came to [the] city of the prophet old to mourn and to bury him.
Saka muprofita akasimudza mutumbi womunhu waMwari, akauisa pamusoro pembongoro akadzoka nawo kuguta rake kuti andomuchema uye amuvige.
30 And he placed corpse his in own grave his and people mourned on him alas! O brother my.
Akaisa mutumbi wake muguva rake, vakamuchema vakati, “Yowe-e, hama yangu!”
31 And it was after buried he him and he said to sons his saying at death my and you will bury me in the grave which [the] man of God [is] buried in it beside bones his place bones my.
Mushure mokumuviga, akati kuvanakomana vake, “Kana ndafa, mundivige muguva mataviga munhu waMwari; muise mapfupa angu parutivi peake.
32 For certainly it will happen the word which he called out by [the] word of Yahweh on the altar which [is] in Beth-el and on all [the] houses of the high places which [are] in [the] cities of Samaria.
Nokuti zvaakataura neshoko raJehovha pamusoro pearitari iri muBheteri napamusoro pedzimba dzose dziri panzvimbo dzakakwirira mumaguta eSamaria zvichaitika saizvozvo.”
33 After the matter this not he turned back Jeroboam from way his evil and he returned and he appointed from [the] ends of the people priests of high places the [one] desiring he filled hand his and he may be priests of high places.
Kunyange shure kwaizvozvi, Jerobhoamu haana kupinduka pamaitiro ake akaipa, asi akasarudzazve vaprista venzvimbo dzakakwirira kubva kuvanhu vakangosiyana-siyana. Munhu wose wose aida kuva muprista aigadzwa kuti ashande panzvimbo dzakakwirira.
34 And it became by the matter this [the] sin of [the] house of Jeroboam and to annihilate [it] and to destroy [it] from on [the] surface of the ground.
Ichi ndicho chivi cheimba yaJerobhoamu chakaita kuti iwe uye iparare pamusoro penyika.

< 1 Kings 13 >