< 1 Corinthians 9 >

1 Surely I am free? Surely I am an apostle Surely Jesus (Christ *K*) the Lord of us have I seen? Surely the work of mine you yourselves are in [the] Lord?
Ei ining tamba mi ama nattra? Ei pakhonchatpa ama nattra? Eina eikhoigi Ibungo Jisu Christtabu ukhraba nattra? Aduga nakhoi eina Ibungogidamak sujaba eigi thabakki mahei nattra?
2 If to others not I am an apostle, yet at least to you I am; the for seal (of my *N(k)O*) apostleship you yourselves are in [the] Lord.
Atoppasingna eibu pakhonchatpa ama oina loubidrabasu nakhoigi naphamdadi tasengnamak oijari. Maramdi nakhoigi punsina Ibungoga amata oiminnaba adugi maramna nakhoi nasamakna eihak pakhonchatpa amani haiba achumba adugi khudam changdam oiri.
3 My defense to those me myself examining is this:
Misingna eibu chang yengba matamda kamdouna ei isana isabu ngakthokchabage haiba adu asini:
4 certainly surely we have [the] right to eat and to drink?
Eigi thougalgidamak eina chanaba amadi thaknaba phangnabagi hak leitabra?
5 certainly surely we have authority a sister a wife to take about as also the other apostles and the brothers of the Lord and Cephas?
Atoppa pakhonchatpasing, Ibungogi manaosing amadi Peter-gumna thajabi loinabibu eikhoigi khongchatsingda eikhoina punnabagi hak leitabra?
6 Or only I myself and Barnabas not have permission (*k*) not to work?
Aduga hingnabagidamak thabak sugadaba adu Barnabas-ka ei khaktagara?
7 who serves as a soldier at [his] own expense at any time? Who plants a vineyard and (from *k*) (the fruit *N(k)O*) of it not does eat? Or who shepherds a flock and from the milk of the flock not does drink?
Kanana masagi sel puthokchaduna lanmi oina thabak tounabage? Anggur ingkhol koiraga masagi ingkhol adudagi mahei chadaba kana leibage? Yao sanggu loiraga madudagi sanggom thaktaba yaosenba kana leibage?
8 Not according to man these things do I speak? Or also the law these things (not *N(k)O*) says?
Masi eina mioibagi oiba wakhallon adugi matung inna haiba khaktara? Wayel Yathangnasu masiga chap manana haiba nattabra?
9 In for the of Moses law it has been written: Not you will muzzle an ox treading out grain. Surely not for the oxen is there care with God?
Maramdi Moses-ki Wayel Yathangda asumna iduna lei: “Nahakna sallabasingbu mahei marong nethahannaba sijinaringeida makhoigi machin punphade.” Masida Tengban Mapuna khanbiriba asi sallabasing asi khaktagira?
10 Or because of us entirely is He speaking? For sake of us for it was written because ought in hope the [one] plowing to plow, and the [one] threshing (of the hope of him *K*) in hope ([that he] *no*) is to partake.
Mahakna hairiba asi eikhoida haiba nattabra? Tasengnamak masi eikhoigi maramda ibani. Maramdi khoiriba adunasu aduga lokliba adunasu mahei adugi saruk phanggani haibagi ashada makhoina thabak tougadabani.
11 If we ourselves among you spiritual things sowed, [is it] a great thing if we ourselves from you material things will reap?
Eikhoina nakhoigi narakta thawaigi oiba maru hullaga, hakchanggi oiba kannaba lokpa asi yamna henmallabra?
12 If others of the over you authority partake, surely more we ourselves? But not we did use right this, Instead all things we bear so that not any hindrance we may place to the gospel of Christ.
Atoppasingna nakhoidagi masi asha tounabagi hak leirabadi, eikhoinasu hak adu henna leipham thoktabra? Adum oinamak eikhoina asigumba hak asi sijinnade. Madugi mahutta Christtagi Aphaba Pao-da apanba thoktanaba eikhoina pumnamak khaangli.
13 Surely you know that those in the sacred [things] working (the [things] *no*) of the temple eat? those at the altar attending at the altar partake?
Mapugi Sanglenda thougal touriba makhoina Mapugi Sanglendagi chananaba phangjei haibadu nakhoi khangdabra? Aduga iratpungda thougal touriba makhoina latnapungda katlakliba iratpot adugi saruk phangminei haibadu nakhoi khangdabra?
14 So also the Lord has prescribed to those the gospel proclaiming from the gospel to live.
Matou adugumna Aphaba Pao sandokpa makhoising aduna madugi mapanna hinggadabani haina Ibungona yathang pire.
15 I myself however (not *no*) (have used *N(k)O*) not any of these; Neither have I written now these things that thus it may become with me myself; good for me rather to die than the boasting of mine (so that *K*) (no [one] will make void. *N(k)O*)
Adubu haksing asidagi hak amata eina sijinnade. Aduga asumna nakhoina iphamda touhannabagi ashada eina masi ikhibasu natte. Maramdi eigi chaothokchaba asibu kanagumbana karisu nattaba oihallabadi eigidamak sikhibana henna phei.
16 If for I shall evangelise, nothing there is to me boasting; necessity for me is laid upon; Woe (however *N(k)O*) to me be if not (I shall evangelise. *N(k)O*)
Adum oinamak eina Aphaba Pao sandokpa matamda eina chaothokpa ngamjade, maramdi madu eina sandoktaba yadabani. Aduga Aphaba Pao adu eina sandoktrabadi ei awabanida!
17 If for willingly this I do, a reward I have; if however unwillingly, a stewardship I have been entrusted with.
Karigumba Aphaba Pao adu eina sandokningna sandoklabadi eigi mana lei. Adubu sandokningna sandoktrabasu Tengban Mapuna eingonda thabak asi sinnabagi maramna madu eina ithou ama oina touribani.
18 What then (of me *N(k)O*) is the reward? That in evangelising free of charge I may offer the gospel (of the Christ *K*) so as not to use up the right of me in the gospel.
Adu oirabadi eigi mana karino? Aphaba Paogi thabakkidamak eigi hak adu tandana amasung lemna Aphaba Pao sandokpa asimak eigi khudongchaba amani.
19 Free for being from all to all myself I became servant so that the more I may gain;
Ei ining tamba mi amani, kanagisu minai natte; adumakpu eina ngamliba makhei misingbu Christtagi maphamda puraknanaba isana isabu mi pumnamakki minai oihanjare.
20 And I became to the Jews like a Jew so that Jews I may win; To those under [the] Law as under [the] law (not being myself *NO*) under [the] law so that those under [the] law I may win;
Jihudisingbu Christtada purakpa yanabagidamak Jihudisinggi marakta ei Jihudisinggumna oire. Aduga ei isamak Moses-ki Wayel Yathanggi makha ponna leitrabasu Wayel Yathanggi makha ponna leiba makhoi adubu Christtada purakpa yanabagidamak eina makhoigumna Wayel Yathanggi makha ponba oire.
21 To those outside [the] Law like outside [the] Law — not being outside [the] law (of God *N(k)O*) but under [the] law (of Christ — *N(k)O*) so that I may win (those *no*) outside [the] Law.
Maduga chap mannana Jihudigi Wayel Yathang makha pondaba atoppa phurupsing adubu Christtada purakpa yananabagidamak eina makhoigumna Wayel Yathanggi makha pondaba oire. Masimakna ei Tengban Mapugi Wayel Yathang adu inde haibadi natte; adubu ei Christtagi Wayel Yathanggi makha ponna leijari.
22 I became to the weak (as *K*) weak that the weak I may win; The [things] to all I have become (*k*) all so that by all means some I may save.
Asonba makhoisinggi marakta, makhoibu Christtada purakpa yanabagidamak ei asonba amagumna oire. Asumna karigumba ngamjaba pambei amagi mapanna makhoi kharabu eina kanjanaba mi pumnamakki maphamda ei pumnamak oire.
23 (All [things] *N(K)O*) now I do on account of the gospel that a fellow partaker with it I may become.
Aduga eina Aphaba Paogi maramgidamak amadi madugi yaipha thoujal adu nakhoiga saruk phangminnanaba pumnamak asi toujabani.
24 Surely you know that those in a race course running all indeed run, one however receives the prize? Thus do run that you may grasp [it].
Lamjel tannabada lamjelloi pumnamakna chelli adubu amakhaktana mana phang-i haibadu nakhoi khangdabra? Adu oirabadi nakhoina mana adu phangnanaba chellu.
25 Everyone now who is striving in all things controls himself; they indeed then that a perishable crown they may receive, we ourselves however an imperishable.
Sanaroi khudingmakna mangkhigadaba luhup adu phangnanabagidak pumnamakta masa khudum chanjanaba kanna sajel tou-i; adubu eikhoinadi mangba nairaroidaba luhup adu phangnanaba masi tou-i.
26 I myself therefore thus run as not uncertainly, so I fight as not [the] air beating;
Maram asina eina panthungpham khangdana chenba mi amagumna chende; aduga pandampham khangdana pangthinda thinba sanaroi amagumna lamba toude.
27 But I batter my body and bring [it] into servitude, lest perhaps to others having preached myself disqualified I may be.
Adubu atoppa misingbu changyengnaba aduda yaonaba kouraga ei isamakna managidamak matik chadaba oidanaba eina eigi hakchangbu cheina phanghanduna kalhanjei amasung madubu mapungphana khudum chanjei.

< 1 Corinthians 9 >