< 1 Corinthians 2 >

1 And I myself And I myself having come to you, brothers, came not according to excellency of speech or wisdom proclaiming to you the (mystery *N(k)O*) of God. 2 Nothing for I decided (of the *k*) anything to know among you only except Jesus Christ and Him crucified. 3 And I myself And I myself in weakness and in fear and in trembling much was with you; 4 And the message of mine and the preaching of mine [were] not in persuasive (of human *K*) of wisdom words but in demonstration of [the] Spirit and of power, 5 so that the faith of you not may be in wisdom of men but in power of God. 6 Wisdom however we speak among the mature, wisdom however not age of this nor of the rulers age of this who are coming to naught; (aiōn g165) 7 But we speak of God wisdom in a mystery which hidden, which foreordained God before the ages for glory of us, (aiōn g165) 8 which none of the rulers age of this has understood; if for they had understood [it], not then would the Lord of glory they crucified, (aiōn g165) 9 but even as it has been written: What eye not has seen and ear not has heard and into heart of man not has entered, (what *NK(O)*) has prepared God for those loving Him. 10 To us (and *NK(o)*) revealed [it] God through the Spirit (of him; *k*) The for Spirit all things searches, even the depths of God. 11 Who for knows among men the [things] of the man only except the spirit of the man that [is] within him? So also the [things] of God no [one] (has known *N(k)O*) only except the Spirit of God. 12 We ourselves now not the spirit of the world have received but the Spirit who [is] from God, that we may know the [things] by God having been granted to us; 13 which also we speak not in taught of human wisdom words but in [those] taught of [the] Spirit (Holy *K*) by spiritual [means] spiritual things communicating. 14 [The] natural however man not accepts the [things] of the Spirit of God, foolishness for to him they are, and not he is able to understand [them], because spiritually they are discerned. 15 He who [is] however spiritual judges (*N(k)O*) all things he himself however by no [one] is judged. 16 Who for has known [the] mind of [the] Lord? Who will instruct Him? We ourselves however [the] mind of Christ have.

< 1 Corinthians 2 >