< 1 Corinthians 12 >

1 Concerning now spiritual [gifts], brothers, not I do want you to be ignorant.
Ndugu, kuhusu vipaji vya kiroho, napenda mfahamu vizuri mambo haya:
2 You know that (when *NO*) pagans you were to idols mute even as maybe you were led being carried away.
Mnajua kwamba, kabla ya kuongoka kwenu, mlitawaliwa na kupotoshwa na sanamu tupu.
3 Therefore I make known to you that no [one] in [the] Spirit of God speaking says: Accursed [is] (Jesus, *N(k)O*) and no [one] is able to say: (Lord Jesus [is], *N(k)O*) only except in [the] Spirit Holy.
Basi, jueni kwamba mtu yeyote anayeongozwa na Roho wa Mungu hawezi kusema: “Yesu alaaniwe!” Hali kadhalika, mtu yeyote hawezi kusema: “Yesu ni Bwana,” asipoongozwa na Roho Mtakatifu.
4 Varieties now of gifts there are, but the same Spirit;
Vipaji vya kiroho ni vya namna nyingi, lakini Roho avitoaye ni mmoja.
5 and varieties of services there are, but the same Lord;
Kuna namna nyingi za kutumikia, lakini Bwana anayetumikiwa ni mmoja.
6 and varieties of workings there are, the (but *NK(o)*) same (is *k*) God who is working the all things in everyone.
Kuna namna mbalimbali za kufanya kazi ya huduma, lakini Mungu ni mmoja, anayewezesha kazi zote katika wote.
7 To each now is given the manifestation of the Spirit for the common profiting.
Kila mtu hupewa mwangaza wa Roho kwa faida ya wote.
8 To one indeed for through the Spirit is given a word of wisdom, to another however a word of knowledge according to the same Spirit,
Roho humpa mmoja ujumbe wa hekima, na mwingine ujumbe wa elimu apendavyo Roho huyohuyo.
9 to a different one (now *k*) faith by the same Spirit, to another now gifts of healing in that (one *N(K)O*) Spirit,
Roho huyohuyo humpa mmoja imani, na humpa mwingine kipaji cha kuponya;
10 to another now working of miracles, to another now prophecy, to another now distinguishing of spirits, to a different one (now *k*) various kinds of tongues, to another now interpretation of tongues;
humpa mmoja kipaji cha kufanya miujiza, mwingine kipaji cha kusema ujumbe wa Mungu, mwingine kipaji cha kubainisha vipaji vitokavyo kwa Roho na visivyo vya Roho; humpa mmoja kipaji cha kusema lugha ngeni, na mwingine kipaji cha kuzifafanua.
11 All now these things works the one and the same Spirit apportioning individually to each even as He wills.
Hizo zote ni kazi za Roho huyohuyo mmoja, ambaye humpa kila mtu kipaji tofauti, kama apendavyo mwenyewe.
12 Just as for the body one is and members many has all now the members of the body (of the one *K*) many being one are body, so also [is] Christ.
Kama vile mwili ulivyo mmoja wenye viungo vingi, na viungo hivyo vyote—ingawaje ni vingi—hufanya mwili mmoja, ndivyo ilivyo pia kwa Kristo.
13 Also for in one Spirit we ourselves all into one body were baptized, whether Jews or Greeks whether slaves or free, and all (into *k*) one Spirit we were made to drink.
Maana sisi, tukiwa Wayahudi au watu wa mataifa mengine, watumwa au watu huru, sote tumebatizwa kwa Roho mmoja katika mwili huo mmoja; na sote tukanyweshwa Roho huyo mmoja.
14 Also for the body not is one member but many.
Mwili hauna kiungo kimoja tu, bali una viungo vingi.
15 If shall say the foot; Because not I am a hand, not I am of the body, not on account of this not is it of the body?
Kama mguu ungejisemea: “Kwa kuwa mimi si mkono, basi mimi si mali ya mwili”, je, ungekoma kuwa sehemu ya mwili? La hasha!
16 And if shall say the ear; Because not I am an eye, not I am of the body, not on account of this not is it of the body?
Kama sikio lingejisemea: “Kwa vile mimi si jicho, basi mimi si mali ya mwili”, je, kwa hoja hiyo lingekoma kuwa sehemu ya mwili? La!
17 If all the body [were] an eye, where [would be] the hearing? If all [were] hearing, where [would be] the sense of smell?
Kama mwili wote ungekuwa jicho, sikio lingekuwa wapi? Na kama mwili wote ungekuwa sikio, mtu angewezaje kunusa?
18 (now *NK(o)*) however God has arranged the members, one each of them in the body even as He desired.
Lakini kama ilivyo, Mungu alizipanga sehemu hizo tofauti katika mwili kama alivyopenda.
19 If now were all one member, where [would be] the body?
Kama sehemu zote zingekuwa kiungo kimoja, mwili ungekuwa wapi?
20 Now however many indeed [are the] members, [there is] one however body.
Ukweli ni kwamba, sehemu za mwili ni nyingi, lakini mwili ni mmoja.
21 Not is able now the eye to say to the hand; Need of you not I have, Or again the head to the feet; Need of you not I have;
Basi, jicho haliwezi kuuambia mkono: “Sikuhitaji wewe”, wala kichwa hakiwezi kuiambia miguu: “Siwahitaji ninyi.”
22 But much rather those seeming members of the body weaker to be indispensable are,
Zaidi ya hayo, inaonekana kwamba sehemu zile za mwili zinazoonekana kuwa ni dhaifu ndizo zilizo muhimu zaidi.
23 and those which we think less honorable to be of the body, these honor more excessive we bestow, and the unpresentable [parts] of us decorum more excessive have;
Tena, viungo vile tunavyovifikiria kuwa havistahili heshima kubwa, ndivyo tunavyovitunza kwa uangalifu zaidi; viungo vya mwili ambavyo havionekani kuwa vizuri sana, huhifadhiwa zaidi,
24 and the presentable [parts] of us no need have. but God [who] has composed the body to that which (is become lacking *N(k)O*) more excessive having given honor,
ambapo viungo vingine havihitaji kushughulikiwa. Mungu mwenyewe ameuweka mwili katika mpango, akakipa heshima zaidi kiungo kile kilichopungukiwa heshima,
25 so that not there may be (division *N(k)O*) in the body, but the same for one another may have concern the members;
ili kusiweko na utengano katika mwili bali viungo vyote vishughulikiane.
26 And (if *NK(o)*) suffers one member, suffer with [it] all the members; if is honored one member, rejoice with [it] all the members.
Kama kiungo kimoja kinaumia viungo vyote huumia pamoja nacho. Kiungo kimoja kikisifiwa viungo vingine vyote hufurahi pamoja nacho.
27 You yourselves now are [the] body of Christ and members in particular.
Basi, ninyi nyote ni mwili wa Kristo; kila mmoja wenu ni kiungo cha mwili huo.
28 And some indeed has appointed God in the church first apostles, secondly prophets, third teachers, then miracles, (then *N(k)O*) gifts of healing, helping, administrating, various kinds of tongues.
Mungu ameweka katika kanisa: kwanza mitume, pili manabii, tatu walimu; kisha ameweka wale wenye kipaji cha kufanya miujiza, kuponya, kusaidia; viongozi na wenye kusema lugha ngeni.
29 Surely not all [are] apostles? Surely not all [are] prophets? Surely not all [are] teachers? Surely not all [do] miracles?
Je, wote ni mitume? Wote ni manabii? Wote ni walimu? Wote ni wenye kipaji cha kufanya miujiza?
30 Surely not all gifts have of healings? Surely not all in tongues do speak? Surely not all do interpret?
Je, wote ni wenye kipaji cha kuponya? Wote ni wenye kipaji cha kusema lugha ngeni? Je, wote hufafanua lugha?
31 do be desirous of however the gifts (greater. *N(K)O*) And now according to a more surpassing way to you I show.
Muwe basi, na tamaa ya kupata vipaji muhimu zaidi. Nami sasa nitawaonyesheni njia bora zaidi kuliko hizi zote.

< 1 Corinthians 12 >