< 1 Corinthians 1 >

1 Paul a called apostle of Christ Jesus through [the] will of God and Sosthenes the brother
Paul, Khrista Jisu pora Tai laga apostle hobole nimite junke Isor laga itcha pora he basi loise, aru amikhan laga bhai Sosthenes, duijon pora,
2 To the church of God which is being in Corinth, sanctified in Christ Jesus called holy, together with all those calling on the name of the Lord of us Jesus Christ in every place, both theirs (then *k*) and ours:
Corinth sheher te thaka Isor laga girja te, jun khan ke Khrista Jisu logot pobitro kori loise, jun khan ke pobitro hobo nimite matise, aru sob jagate thaka jun Khrista Jisu amikhan sob laga Probhu laga naam ke biswas kori loise.
3 Grace to you and peace from God Father of us and [the] Lord Jesus Christ.
Amikhan laga Baba Isor, aru Probhu Jisu Khrista laga naam pora anugrah aru shanti apnikhan uporte thakibo dibi.
4 I thank the God of mine always concerning you for the grace of God which having been given you in Christ Jesus
Moi hodai apnikhan nimite ami laga Isor ke dhanyavad diye, kelemane Isor laga anugrah to apnikhan uporte Jisu Khrista dwara dise.
5 for in everything you have been enriched in Him in all speech and in all knowledge,
Kilekoile sob te apnikhan ke Khrista pora dhuni bonai dise, sob kotha aru sob gyaan te,
6 even as the testimony about Christ was confirmed in you,
jineka amikhan pora apnikhan majote Khrista laga gawahi koi disele, etu to hosa hoise koi kene amikhan jani loise.
7 so as for you not to be lacking in not one gift eagerly awaiting the revelation of the Lord of us Jesus Christ;
Etu karone, apuni khan ke atmik bordan sob dikena ase, etu nimite amikhan laga Probhu Jisu Khrista ke dikhai nadiya din tak apnikhan rukhibole pare.
8 who also will sustain you to [the] end blameless in the day of the Lord of us Jesus Christ.
Tai pora apnikhan ke ses din tak takot kori dibo, eneka hoile amikhan laga Probhu Jisu wapas aha dinte apnikhan eku bhi bodnam hoi kene nathakibo.
9 Faithful [is] God, through whom you were called into fellowship with the Son of Him Jesus Christ the Lord of us.
Isor to hosa ase, jun pora apnikhan ke Tai laga Putro, Jisu Khrista amikhan laga Probhu laga sangoti te joma kori bole matise.
10 I exhort now you, brothers, through the name of the Lord of us Jesus Christ that the same thing you may speak all and not there may be among you divisions, you may be however knit together in the same mind and in the same judgment.
Etiya, moi apnikhan ke utsah kori ase, bhai khan, Probhu Jisu Khrista laga naam te, apnikhan sob mon milai lobi, aru ta te apnikhan majote bhag nahobi, kintu apnikhan eke logote bhabona hobi aru ekta kaam te mili kene thakibi.
11 It was shown for to me concerning you, brothers of mine, by those of Chloe that quarrels among you there are.
Kilekoile bhai khan, Chloe laga kunba manu khan amike koise, apnikhan majote bhag hoi kene ase.
12 I mean now this, that each of you says; I myself indeed am of Paul, I myself however of Apollos, I myself however of Cephas, I myself however of Christ.
Etiya moi laga motlob etu ase, apnikhan sob ekjon-ekjon he eneka koi ase, “Moi to Paul logot ase,” nohoile bhi “Moi Apollos logot ase,” nohoile bhi, “Moi Cephas logot ase,” nohoile bhi “Moi Khrista logot ase.”
13 Has been divided Christ? Surely not Paul was crucified for you? Or into the name of Paul were you baptized?
Khrista to alag-alag bhag hoise naki? Apnikhan nimite Paul to Cross te morise naki? Nahoile bhi apnikhan Paul laga naam pora baptizma loise?
14 I thank God that no [one] of you I baptized only except Crispus and Gaius,
Moi Isor ke dhanyavad di ase kelemane moi apnikhan kunke bhi baptizma diya nai, khali Crispus aru Gaius ke nohoile,
15 so that not anyone may say that into my name (you were baptized. *N(K)O*)
titia kun bhi apnike moi laga naam pora baptizma dise nakobo.
16 I baptized now also the of Stephanas household; as to the rest not I know whether any other I baptized.
Moi bhi Stephanas laga ghor manu khan ke baptizma dise. Kintu etu pora dusra kunba khan ke moi pora baptizma diya to moi yaad nai.
17 Not for sent me Christ to baptize but to evangelise; not in wisdom of discourse, that not may be emptied of power the cross of the Christ.
Kilekoile Khrista to amike baptizma kori bole patha nohoi, kintu Tai laga susamachar prochar kori bole- moike Tai laga kotha to chalak kotha pora kobole patha nohoi, eneka hoile Khrista laga Cross te hokti thaka to sob kaam nathaka hoi jabo.
18 The message for of the cross to those indeed perishing foolishness is, to those however being saved to us power of God it is.
Kilekoile harai ja manu khan nimite Cross laga kotha to eku bhi motlob nai, kintu amikhan junke bachai loise, etu to Isor laga hokti ase.
19 It has been written for: I will destroy the wisdom of the wise, and the intelligence of the intelligent I will frustrate.
Kelemane Shastro te eneka likha ase, “Moi pora gyaani manu khan laga gyaan khotom kori dibo, Aru Moi pora buddhi manu khan ke bujhibo napara kori dibo.”
20 Where [is the] wise? Where [the] scribe? Where [the] debater of the age this? Surely has made foolish God the wisdom of the world (this? *k*) (aiōn g165)
Kote ase gyaani manu? Kot te ase pura-likha manu? Kot te ase etu prithibi laga kotha bisi kora manu khan? Isor pora etu prithibi laga gyaan sob murkho te ulta kori dise nohoi? (aiōn g165)
21 Since for in the wisdom of God not knew the world through the wisdom God, was pleased God through the foolishness of the proclamation to save those believing;
Kilekoile Isor laga buddhi te etu prithibi laga buddhi pora Isor ke jana nai, kintu jun manu khan Isor laga murkho kotha prochar kora ke biswas kore, Tai eitu khan ke bacha bole itcha thakise.
22 Seeing that both Jews (signs *N(K)O*) ask for and Greeks wisdom seek,
Etu nimite Yehudi khan khali Tai laga asurit kaam khan he bisare aru Yunani khan Tai laga buddhi he bisare.
23 we ourselves however preach Christ crucified, to [the] Jews indeed a stumbling block (to Gentiles *N(K)O*) however foolishness
Kintu amikhan Khrista ke Cross te morai diya he prochar kore, etu kotha khan Yehudi khan nimite digdari dise aru Yunani khan nimite murkho kotha ase.
24 to them however to those called, Jews both and to Greeks, Christ of God [the] power and of God [the] wisdom.
Kintu jun khan ke mati loise, Yehudi aru Yunani khan nimite bhi, Khrista to Isor laga hokti aru buddhiman ase.
25 For the foolishness of God wiser than men is and the weakness of God stronger than men (is. *k*)
Kilekoile Isor laga murkho kotha khan to manu khan pora bhi buddhi ase, aru Isor laga komjur to manu khan pora bhi takot ase.
26 Consider for the calling of you, brothers, that not many wise according to flesh [were], not many powerful, not many of noble birth,
Bhai khan Isor pora mati luwa to bhabi sabi, kele koile bisi manu khan apnikhan majote mangso hisab te buddhi thaka nai, apnikhan bisi bhak to hokti thaka nai, aru apnikhan bisi bhak to jonom pora untcha khandan pora aha nai.
27 But the foolish things of the world has chosen God that He may shame the wise and the weak things of the world chose God that He may shame the strong,
Kintu Isor pora prithibi laga gyaani khan ke sorom khila bole ki murkho ase eitu khan ke basi loise, eneka hoile gyaani khan ke sorom dibole nimite, aru Isor pora prithibi te komjur thaka jinis khan ke basi loise, eneka pora takot thaka khan ke sorom dibole.
28 and the low-born of the world and the [things] despised chose God, (and *ko*) the [things] not being, that the [things] being He may annul,
Isor pora juntu sobse niche ase aru kunke etu prithibi pora ghin kore, taikhan ke basi loise, aru kaam nathaka khan ke Isor pora basi loise, etu prithibi te thaka khan ke khotom kori dibo nimite,
29 so that not may boast all flesh before (God. *N(K)O*)
eneka hoile kun manu bhi Isor usorte phutani nakoribo.
30 Out of Him however you yourselves are in Christ Jesus, who has been made wisdom unto us from God, righteousness and also sanctification and redemption,
Kintu Tai nimite, apnikhan Jisu Khrista logote ase, Junke amikhan nimite Isor laga buddhiman bonai dise, ekjon dharmikta aru sapha bhi kori dise aru paap pora bachai loise.
31 in order that even as it has been written: The [one] boasting in [the] Lord he should boast.
Etu karone, Shastro te eneka likhi kene ase, “Jun manu phutani kori ase, taike Probhu laga naam te he phutani koribo dibi.”

< 1 Corinthians 1 >