< 1 Chronicles 1 >

1 Adam Seth Enosh.
Silsilah leluhur bangsa Israel dari Adam sampai Nuh berturut-turut adalah sebagai berikut: Adam, Set, Enos, Kenan, Mahalaleel, Yared, Henokh, Metusalah, Lamekh, Nuh. Anak-anak lelaki Nuh ada tiga orang: Sem, Ham dan Yafet.
2 Kenan Mahalalel Jared.
3 Enoch Methuselah Lamech.
4 Noah Shem Ham and Japheth.
5 [the] sons of Japheth Gomer and Magog and Madai and Javan and Tubal and Meshech and Tiras.
Anak-anak lelaki Yafet ialah Gomer, Magog, Madai, Yawan, Tubal, Mesekh dan Tiras. Mereka adalah leluhur bangsa-bangsa yang disebut menurut nama mereka.
6 And [the] sons of Gomer Ashkenaz and Diphath and Togarmah.
Keturunan Gomer ialah orang Askenas, Rifat dan Togarma.
7 And [the] sons of Javan [were] Elishah and Tarshish Kittim and Rodanim.
Keturunan Yawan ialah orang Elisa, Spanyol, Siprus dan Rodes.
8 [the] sons of Ham Cush and Mizraim Put and Canaan.
Anak-anak lelaki Ham ialah Kus, Mesir, Libia dan Kanaan. Mereka adalah leluhur bangsa-bangsa yang disebut menurut nama mereka.
9 And [the] sons of Cush Seba and Havilah and Sabta and Raamah and Sabteca and [the] sons of Raamah Sheba and Dedan.
Keturunan Kus ialah orang Seba, Hawila, Sabta, Raema dan Sabtekha. Keturunan Raema ialah orang Syeba dan Dedan.
10 And Cush he fathered Nimrod he he began to be a mighty [man] on the earth.
(Kus mempunyai seorang anak laki-laki bernama Nimrod, yang menjadi raja perkasa yang pertama di dunia.)
11 And Mizraim he fathered ([the] Ludites *Q(K)*) and [the] Anamites and [the] Lehabites and [the] Naphtuhites.
Keturunan Mesir ialah orang Lidia, Anamim, Lehabim, Naftuhim,
12 And [the] Pathrusites and [the] Casluhites whom they came forth from there [the] Philistines and [the] Caphtorites.
Patrusim, Kasluhim, dan Kreta. Mereka itulah leluhur orang Filistin.
13 And Canaan he fathered Sidon firstborn his and Heth.
Anak-anak lelaki Kanaan ialah Sidon, yang sulung, dan Het. Mereka adalah leluhur bangsa-bangsa yang disebut menurut nama mereka.
14 And the Jebusite[s] and the Amorite[s] and the Girgashite[s].
Kanaan adalah juga leluhur orang Yebusi, Amori, Girgasi,
15 And the Hivite[s] and the Arkite[s] and the Sinite[s].
Hewi, Arki, Sini,
16 And the Arvadite[s] and the Zemarite[s] and the Hamathite[s].
Arwadi, Semari dan Hamati.
17 [the] sons of Shem Elam and Asshur and Arphaxad and Lud and Aram and Uz and Hul and Gether and Meshech.
Anak-anak lelaki Sem ialah Elam, Asyur, Arpakhsad, Lud, Aram, Us, Hul, Geter dan Mesekh. Mereka adalah leluhur bangsa-bangsa yang disebut menurut nama mereka.
18 And Arphaxad he fathered Shelah and Shelah he fathered Eber.
Arpakhsad adalah ayah Selah, dan Selah ayah Eber.
19 And to Eber it was born two sons [the] name of one [was] Peleg for in days his it was divided the earth and [the] name of brother his [was] Joktan.
Eber mempunyai dua anak laki-laki; yang pertama bernama Peleg karena pada zamannya bangsa-bangsa di dunia terbagi-bagi; yang kedua bernama Yoktan.
20 And Joktan he fathered Almodad and Sheleph and Hazarmaveth and Jerah.
Keturunan Yoktan ialah orang Almodad, Selef, Hazar-Mawet, Yerah,
21 And Hadoram and Uzal and Diklah.
Hadoram, Uzal, Dikla,
22 And Ebal and Abimael and Sheba.
Ebal, Abimael, Syeba,
23 And Ophir and Havilah and Jobab all these [were] [the] sons of Joktan.
Ofir, Hawila dan Yobab.
24 Shem - Arphaxad Shelah.
Silsilah leluhur bangsa Israel dari Sem sampai Abraham berturut-turut adalah sebagai berikut: Sem, Arpakhsad, Selah, Eber, Peleg, Rehu, Serug, Nahor, Terah, Abram (dikenal juga sebagai Abraham).
25 Eber Peleg Reu.
26 Serug Nahor Terah.
27 Abram he [is] Abraham.
28 [the] sons of Abraham Isaac and Ishmael.
Abraham mempunyai dua anak laki-laki, yaitu Ishak dan Ismael.
29 These [were] generations their [the] firstborn of Ishmael Nebaioth and Kedar and Adbeel and Mibsam.
Inilah anak-anak Ismael: Nebayot, yang sulung, lalu Kedar, Adbeel, Mibsam,
30 Mishma and Dumah Massa Hadad and Tema.
Misma, Duma, Masa, Hadad, Tema,
31 Jetur Naphish and Kedemah these they [were] [the] sons of Ishmael.
Yetur, Nafis dan Kedma.
32 And [the] sons of Keturah [the] concubine of Abraham she bore Zimran and Jokshan and Medan and Midian and Ishbak and Shuah and [the] sons of Jokshan Sheba and Dedan.
Abraham mempunyai selir bernama Ketura. Dari selirnya itu ia mendapat anak-anak lelaki yang bernama: Zimran, Yoksan, Medan, Midian, Isybak dan Suah. Yoksan mempunyai anak-anak lelaki yang bernama: Syeba dan Dedan.
33 And [the] sons of Midian Ephah and Epher and Hanoch and Abida and Eldaah all these [were] [the] sons of Keturah.
Midian mempunyai anak-anak lelaki yang bernama: Efa, Efer, Hanokh, Abida dan Eldaa.
34 And he fathered Abraham Isaac. [the] sons of Isaac Esau and Israel.
Ishak anak Abraham mempunyai dua anak laki-laki, yaitu Esau dan Yakub (yang juga dikenal sebagai Israel).
35 [the] sons of Esau Eliphaz Reuel and Jeush and Jalam and Korah.
Anak-anak lelaki Esau ialah Elifas, Rehuel, Yeus, Yaelam dan Korah.
36 [the] sons of Eliphaz Teman and Omar Zephi and Gatam Kenaz and Timna and Amalek.
Elifas adalah leluhur suku Teman, Omar, Zefi, Gaetam, Kenas, Timna dan Amalek.
37 [the] sons of Reuel Nahath Zerah Shammah and Mizzah.
Rehuel adalah leluhur suku Nahat, Zerah, Syama dan Miza.
38 And [the] sons of Seir Lotan and Shobal and Zibeon and Anah and Dishon and Ezer and Dishan.
Penduduk asli tanah Edom adalah keturunan anak-anak Seir, yaitu Lotan, Syobal, Zibeon, Ana, Disyon, Ezer dan Disyan. Anak-anak lelaki Lotan ialah Hori dan Homam. Lotan mempunyai seorang saudara perempuan bernama Timna. Anak-anak lelaki Syobal ialah Alyan, Manahat, Ebal, Syefi dan Onam. Anak-anak lelaki Zibeon ialah Aya dan Ana. Anak Ana ialah Disyon, dan anak Disyon ialah Hamran, Esyban, Yitran dan Keran. Anak-anak lelaki Ezer ialah Bilhan, Zaawan dan Yaakan. Anak-anak lelaki Disyan ialah Us dan Aran.
39 And [the] sons of Lotan Hori and Homam and [was] [the] sister of Lotan Timna.
40 [the] sons of Shobal Alyan and Manahath and Ebal Shephi and Onam. And [the] sons of Zibeon Aiah and Anah.
41 [the] sons of Anah Dishon. And [the] sons of Dishon Hamran and Eshban and Ithran and Keran.
42 [the] sons of Ezer Bilhan and Zaavan Jaakan [the] sons of Dishon Uz and Aran.
43 And these [were] the kings who they reigned in [the] land of Edom before reigned a king of [the] people of Israel Bela [the] son of Beor and [the] name of city his [was] Dinhabah.
Sebelum ada raja yang memerintah di Israel, tanah Edom diperintah berturut-turut oleh raja-raja yang berikut ini: Bela anak Beor dari Dinhaba, Yobab anak Zerah dari Bozra, Husyam dari daerah orang Teman, Hadad anak Bedad dari Awit (dialah yang mengalahkan orang Midian dalam pertempuran di daerah Moab), Samla dari Masyreka, Saul dari Rehobot di pinggir sungai, Baal-Hanan anak Akhbor, Hadad dari Pahi (istrinya bernama Mehetabeel, anak Matred dan cucu Mezahab).
44 And he died Bela and he reigned in place of him Jobab [the] son of Zerah from Bozrah.
45 And he died Jobab and he reigned in place of him Husham from [the] land of the Temanite[s].
46 And he died Husham and he reigned in place of him Hadad [the] son of Bedad who struck down Midian in [the] region of Moab and [the] name of city his ([was] Avith. *Q(K)*)
47 And he died Hadad and he reigned in place of him Samlah from Masrekah.
48 And he died Samlah and he reigned in place of him Shaul from Rehoboth the river.
49 And he died Shaul and he reigned in place of him Baal-Hanan [the] son of Achbor.
50 And he died Baal-Hanan and he reigned in place of him Hadad and [the] name of city his [was] Pai and [the] name of wife his [was] Mehetabel [the] daughter of Matred [the] daughter of Me-Zahab.
51 And he died Hadad. And they were [the] chiefs of Edom chief Timna chief (Alvah *Q(K)*) chief Jetheth.
Bangsa Edom terdiri dari suku Timna, Alya, Yetet,
52 Chief Oholibamah chief Elah chief Pinon.
Oholibama, Ela, Pinon,
53 Chief Kenaz chief Teman chief Mibzar.
Kenas, Teman, Mibzar,
54 Chief Magdiel chief Iram these [were] [the] chiefs of Edom.
Magdiel dan Iram, masing-masing menurut nama kepala sukunya.

< 1 Chronicles 1 >