< 1 Chronicles 28 >

1 And he called together David all [the] officials of Israel [the] leaders of the tribes and [the] commanders of the divisions who served the king and [the] commanders of the thousands and [the] commanders of the hundreds and [the] officials of all [the] property and livestock - of the king and of sons his with the court-officials and the mighty [men] and to every mighty [man] of strength to Jerusalem.
Daudi akawaita maafisa wote wa Israeli wakusanyike huko Yerusalemu: yaani, maafisa walio juu ya makabila, majemadari wa vikosi katika utumishi wa mfalme, majemadari wa maelfu na majemadari wa mamia, maafisa wanaosimamia mali zote na mifugo ya mfalme na wanawe, wakiwemo maafisa wa jumba la kifalme, mashujaa na askari wote walio hodari.
2 And he arose David the king on feet his and he said listen to me O brothers my and people my I [was] with heart my to build a house of rest for [the] ark of [the] covenant of Yahweh and to [the] footstool of [the] feet of God our and I prepared to build.
Mfalme Daudi akainuka na kusema: “Nisikilizeni ndugu zangu nanyi watu wangu. Nilikuwa na nia ya kujenga nyumba ili iwe mahali pa kukaa Sanduku la Agano la Bwana kwa ajili ya kuwa mahali pa kuwekea miguu ya Mungu wetu, nami nikafanya maandalizi ya kuijenga.
3 And God he said to me not you will build a house for name my for [are] a man of wars you and blood you have shed.
Lakini Mungu akaniambia, ‘Wewe hutajenga nyumba kwa Jina langu, kwa sababu wewe umepigana vita na umemwaga damu.’
4 And he chose Yahweh [the] God of Israel me from all [the] house of father my to become king over Israel for ever for Judah he chose to ruler and among [the] house of Judah [the] house of father my and among [the] sons of father my in me he took pleasure to make [me] king over all Israel.
“Hata hivyo, Bwana, Mungu wa Israeli, alinichagua mimi kutoka jamaa yangu yote niwe mfalme juu ya Israeli milele. Alimchagua Yuda kuwa kiongozi na kutoka nyumba ya Yuda akaichagua jamaa yangu na kutoka wana wa baba yangu ikampendeza kunifanya niwe mfalme juu ya Israeli yote.
5 And from all sons my for many sons he has given to me Yahweh and he has chosen Solomon son my to sit on [the] throne of [the] kingdom of Yahweh over Israel.
Miongoni mwa wanangu wote, naye Bwana amenipa wengi, amemchagua Solomoni mwanangu ili kukikalia kiti cha enzi cha ufalme wa Bwana juu ya Israeli.
6 And he said to me Solomon son your he he will build house my and courts my for I have chosen him for myself to a son and I I will become of him a father.
Aliniambia, ‘Solomoni mwanao ndiye atakayejenga nyumba yangu na nyua zangu, kwa maana nimemchagua yeye kuwa mwanangu, nami nitakuwa baba yake.
7 And I will establish kingdom his until for ever if he will be strong to observe commandments my and judgments my as the day this.
Nitaufanya imara ufalme wake milele kama akiendelea kuzishika amri zangu na sheria zangu, kama afanyavyo hivi leo.’
8 And therefore to [the] eyes of all Israel [the] assembly of Yahweh and in [the] ears of God our observe and seek all [the] commandments of Yahweh God your so that you may possess the land good and you will give [it] as inheritance to descendants your after you until perpetuity.
“Hivyo basi ninawaagiza mbele za Israeli yote na kusanyiko hili la Bwana naye Mungu wetu akiwa anasikia: Kuweni na bidii kuzifuata amri za Bwana Mungu wenu, ili mpate kumiliki nchi hii nzuri na kuwaachia wana wenu kuwa urithi milele.
9 And you O Solomon son my know [the] God of father your and serve him with a heart complete and with a being willing for all hearts [is] searching Yahweh and every inclination of thoughts [he is] understanding if you will seek him he will let himself be found by you and if you will forsake him he will reject you for ever.
“Nawe Solomoni mwanangu, mjue Mungu wa baba yako, ukamtumikie kwa kujitoa kwa moyo wote na kwa nia ya kumkubali, kwa maana Bwana huuchunguza kila moyo na kujua kila kusudi la kila fikira. Ukimtafuta, ataonekana kwako; bali kama ukimwacha, yeye atakukataa milele.
10 See - now that Yahweh he has chosen you to build a house for the sanctuary be strong and act.
Angalia basi, kwa maana Bwana amekuchagua wewe ili ujenge Hekalu kuwa mahali patakatifu. Uwe hodari ukafanye kazi hiyo.”
11 And he gave David to Solomon son his [the] pattern of the porch and houses its and treasuries its and upper rooms its and rooms its inner and [the] house of the atonement cover.
Ndipo Daudi akampa Solomoni mwanawe kielelezo kwa ajili ya ukumbi wa Hekalu, nyumba zake, vyumba vyake vya hazina, ghorofa zake, vyumba vyake vya ndani na mahali pa kufanyia upatanisho.
12 And [the] pattern of all that it was in the spirit with him for [the] courts of [the] house of Yahweh and for all the rooms all around for [the] storehouses of [the] house of God and for [the] storehouses of the holy things.
Akampa vielelezo vya yote Roho alikuwa ameviweka moyoni mwake kwa ajili ya kumbi za Hekalu la Bwana na vyumba vyote vilivyolizunguka, kwa ajili ya hazina za Hekalu la Mungu na kwa hazina za vitu vilivyowekwa wakfu.
13 And for [the] divisions of the priests and the Levites and for all [the] work of [the] service of [the] house of Yahweh and for all [the] articles of [the] service of [the] house of Yahweh.
Mfalme pia akampa Solomoni maelekezo kwa ajili ya migawanyo ya huduma za makuhani na Walawi, pia kwa ajili ya kazi zote za huduma katika Hekalu la Bwana. Akampa pia maelezo kuhusu vifaa vyote vya kutumika katika huduma ya Hekalu.
14 For the gold by the weight of the gold for all articles of service and service for all [the] articles of silver by weight for all articles of service and service.
Akamwagizia uzito wa dhahabu kwa ajili ya vitu vyote vya dhahabu vya kutumika katika huduma mbalimbali, uzito wa fedha kwa ajili ya vitu vyote vya fedha vya kutumika katika huduma mbalimbali.
15 And [the] weight of [the] lampstands of gold and lamps their gold by weight of a lampstand and a lampstand and lamps its and of [the] lampstands of silver by weight of a lampstand and lamps its according to [the] service of a lampstand and a lampstand.
Uzito wa dhahabu kwa ajili ya vinara vya dhahabu na taa zake, kukiwa na uzito kwa ajili ya kila kinara na taa zake, pamoja na uzito wa fedha kwa ajili ya kila kinara cha fedha na taa zake, kulingana na matumizi ya kila kinara;
16 And the gold weight for [the] tables of the row for a table and a table and silver for [the] tables of silver.
uzito wa dhahabu kwa ajili ya meza ya mikate iliyowekwa wakfu, uzito wa fedha kwa ajili ya meza ya fedha;
17 And the forks and the bowls and the jugs gold pure and for [the] bowls of gold by weight for a bowl and a bowl and for [the] bowls of silver by weight for a bowl and a bowl.
uzito wa dhahabu safi kwa ajili ya nyuma, mabakuli ya kunyunyizia na vikombe, masinia; uzito wa dhahabu kwa ajili ya kila bakuli la dhahabu; uzito wa fedha kwa ajili ya kila bakuli la fedha;
18 And for [the] altar of incense gold purified by weight and [the] pattern of the chariot the cherubim gold for spreading out and covering over [the] ark of [the] covenant of Yahweh.
na uzito wa dhahabu safi kwa ajili ya madhabahu ya kufukizia uvumba. Pia alimpa kielelezo kwa ajili ya gari, yaani, wale makerubi wa dhahabu waliokunjua mbawa zao na kuweka kivuli juu ya Sanduku la Agano la Bwana.
19 Everything in writing from [the] hand of Yahweh on me he made clear all [the] works of the pattern.
Daudi akasema, “Hii yote, ninayo kwa maandishi kutoka mkononi mwa Bwana ulio juu yangu, naye amenipa ufahamu kwa ajili ya habari zote za kielelezo hiki.”
20 And he said David to Solomon son his be strong and be brave and act may not you be afraid and may not you be dismayed for Yahweh God God my [is] with you not he will abandon you and not he will forsake you until is complete all [the] work of [the] service of [the] house of Yahweh.
Daudi pia akamwambia Solomoni mwanawe, “Uwe hodari na moyo mkuu, ukafanye kazi hii. Usiogope wala usifadhaike, kwa maana Bwana aliye Mungu, Mungu wangu yu pamoja nawe. Hatakuacha wala hatakupungukia mpaka kazi hii yote kwa ajili ya utumishi wa Hekalu la Bwana itakapokamilika.
21 And there! [the] divisions of the priests and the Levites for all [the] service of [the] house of God and [will be] with you in all [the] work every willing [person] with skill for every service and the officials and all the people [are] to all words your.
Migawanyo ya makuhani na Walawi iko tayari kwa ajili ya kazi yote katika Hekalu la Mungu, naye kila mtu mwenye moyo wa kupenda mwenye ustadi katika aina yoyote ya ufundi atakusaidia katika kazi yote. Maafisa na watu wote watatii kila agizo lako.”

< 1 Chronicles 28 >