< 1 Chronicles 25 >

1 And he separated David and [the] commanders of the army for service [the] sons of Asaph and Heman and Jeduthun (who prophesied *Q(K)*) with harps with lyres and with cymbals and it was number their men of work for service their.
दाऊद र सेनाका अगुवाहरूले आसाप, हेमान र यदूतूनका छोराहरूमध्‍ये कसैलाई वीणा, सारङ्गी र झ्‍यालीहरूका साथमा अगमवाणी गर्नको निम्ति छाने । यो सेवा गर्ने मानिसहरूको सूची यहाँ छः
2 Of [the] sons of Asaph Zaccur and Joseph and Nethaniah and Asarelah [the] sons of Asaph [were] on [the] hand of Asaph who prophesied on [the] hands of the king.
आसापका छोराहरूबाटः जक्‍कूर, योसेफ, नतन्‍याह र असरेला, आसापका अधीनमा भएका आसापका छोराहरू जसले राजाको सुपरिवेक्षणमा अगमवाणी बोले ।
3 For Jeduthun [the] sons of Jeduthun Gedaliah and Zeri and Jeshaiah Hashabiah and Mattithiah six on [the] hands of father their Jeduthun with harp who prophesied on to give thanks and to praise Yahweh.
यदूतूनका छोराहरूबाटः गदल्‍याह, सेरी, यशयाह, शिमी, हशब्‍याह र मत्तित्‍याह, आफ्‍ना पिता यदूतूनका निर्देशनमा जम्मा छ जना, जसले परमप्रभुलाई धन्‍यवाद र स्‍तुति गर्नको निम्ति वीणा बजाउँथे ।
4 For Heman [the] sons of Heman Bukkiah Mattaniah Uzziel Shebuel and Jerimoth Hananiah Hanani Eliathah Giddalti and Romamti-Ezer Joshbekashah Mallothi Hothir Mahazioth.
हेमानका छोराहरूबाटः बुक्‍कियाह, मत्तन्‍याह, उज्‍जीएल, शूबाएल, यरीमोत, हनन्‍याह, हनानी, एलीआता, गिद्दलती, रोममती-एजेर, योश्‍बाकाशा, मल्‍लोती, होतीर र महजीओत ।
5 All these [were] sons of Heman [the] seer of the king by [the] words of God to lift up a horn and he gave God to Heman sons four-teen and daughters three.
यी सबै राजाका अगमवक्ता हेमानका छोराहरू थिए । परमेश्‍वरले हेमानको सिङ्लाई उच्‍च पार्नको निम्ति चौध छोराहरू र तिन छोरीहरू दिनुभयो ।
6 All these [were] on [the] hands of father their with song [the] house of Yahweh with cymbals lyres and harps for [the] service of [the] house of God on [the] hands of the king. Asaph and Jeduthun and Heman.
तिनीहरू सबै आफ्ना पिताकोहरूको निर्देशनमा थिए । तिनीहरू परमप्रभुको मन्‍दिरका सङ्गीतकारहरू थिए, जसले परमेश्‍वरको मन्‍दिरको सेवा गर्दा झ्‍याली, सारङ्गी र वीणा बजाउँथे । आसाप, यदूतून र हेमानचाहिं राजाको सुपरिवेक्षणमा थिए ।
7 And it was number their with relatives their trained of song to Yahweh every understanding [person] two hundred eighty and eight.
सङ्गीतमा निपूण र तालिम पाएका तिनीहरू र तिनीहरूका दाजुभाइको संख्‍या २८८ जना थियो ।
8 And they cast lots duty correspondingly as the small as the great teacher with pupil.
जवान र बूढा, गुरु र सिकारु दुवैले तिनीहरूका कामको निम्‍ति चिट्ठा हाल्‍थे ।
9 And it went out the lot first for Asaph to Joseph (and relatives his and sons his two [plus] ten. *X*) Gedaliah the second he and relatives his and sons his two [plus] ten.
आसापका छोराहरूको बारेः पहिलो चिट्ठा योसेफको परिवारलाई पर्‍यो । दोस्रो चिट्ठा गदल्‍याहको परिवारलाई पर्‍यो, जम्मा १२ जना,
10 The third Zaccur sons his and relatives his two [plus] ten.
तेस्रो चिट्ठा जक्‍कूर र तिनका छोराहरू र आफन्तलाई पर्‍यो, जम्मा १२ जना,
11 The fourth to Izri sons his and relatives his two [plus] ten.
चौथो यिस्री र तिनका छोराहरू र आफन्तलाई पर्‍यो, जम्मा १२ जना,
12 The fifth Nethaniah sons his and relatives his two [plus] ten.
पाँचौं नतन्‍याह र तिनका छोराहरू र आफन्तहरूलाई पर्‍यो, जम्मा १२ जना,
13 The sixth Bukkiah sons his and relatives his two [plus] ten.
छैटौं बुक्‍कियाह र तिनका छोराहरू र लाई पर्‍यो, जम्मा १२ जना,
14 The seventh Jesharelah sons his and relatives his two [plus] ten.
सातौं यसरेला र तिनका छोराहरू र आफन्तहरूलाई पर्‍यो, जम्मा १२ जना,
15 The eighth Jeshaiah sons his and relatives his two [plus] ten.
आठौं यशयाह र तिनका छोराहरू र आफन्तहरूलाई पर्‍यो, जम्मा १२ जना,
16 The ninth Mattaniah sons his and relatives his two [plus] ten.
नवौं मत्तन्‍याह र तिनका छोराहरू र आफन्तहरूलाई पर्‍यो, जम्मा १२ जना,
17 The tenth Shimei sons his and relatives his two [plus] ten.
दशौं शिमीका छोराहरू र आफन्तहरूलाई पर्‍यो, जम्मा बाह्र जना,
18 One [plus] ten Azarel sons his and relatives his two [plus] ten.
एघारौं अज्रेल र तिनका छोराहरू र आफन्तहरूलाई पर्‍यो, जम्मा १२ जना,
19 The two [plus] ten to Hashabiah sons his and relatives his two [plus] ten.
बाह्रौं हशब्‍याह र तिनका छोराहरू र आफन्तहरूलाई पर्‍यो, जम्मा १२ जना,
20 For thir-teen Shubael sons his and relatives his two [plus] ten.
तेह्रौं शूबाएल र तिनका छोराहरू र आफन्तहरूलाई पर्‍यो, जम्मा १२ जना,
21 For four-teen Mattithiah sons his and relatives his two [plus] ten.
चौधौं मत्तित्‍याह र तिनका छोराहरू र आफन्तहरूलाई पर्‍यो, जम्मा १२ जना,
22 For fif-teen to Jeremoth sons his and relatives his two [plus] teen.
पन्‍ध्रौं यरीमोत र तिनका छोराहरू र आफन्तहरूलाई पर्‍यो, जम्मा १२ जना,
23 For six-teen to Hananiah sons his and relatives his two [plus] ten.
सोह्रौं हनन्‍याह र तिनका छोराहरू र आफन्तहरूलाई पर्‍यो, जम्मा १२ जना,
24 For seven-teen to Joshbekashah sons his and relatives his two [plus] ten.
सत्रौं योश्‍बाकाशा र तिनका छोराहरू र आफन्तहरूलाई पर्‍यो, जम्मा १२ जना,
25 For eight-teen to Hanani sons his and relatives his two [plus] ten.
अठारौं हनानी र तिनका छोराहरू र आफन्तहरूलाई पर्‍यो, जम्मा १२ जना,
26 For nine-teen to Mallothi sons his and relatives his two [plus] ten.
उन्‍नाईसौं मल्‍लोती र तिनका छोराहरू र आफन्तहरूलाई पर्‍यो, जम्मा १२ जना,
27 For twenty to Eliathah sons his and relatives his two [plus] ten.
बिसौं एलीआता र तिनका छोराहरू र आफन्तहरूलाई पर्‍यो, जम्मा १२ जना,
28 For one and twenty to Hothir sons his and relatives his two [plus] ten.
एक्‍काईसौं होतीर र तिनका छोराहरू र आफन्तहरूलाई पर्‍यो, जम्मा १२ जना,
29 For two and twenty to Giddalti sons his and relatives his two [plus] ten.
बाईसौं गिद्दलती र तिनका छोराहरू र आफन्तहरूलाई पर्‍यो, जम्मा १२ जना,
30 For three and twenty to Mahazioth sons his and relatives his two [plus] ten.
तेईसौं महजीओत र तिनका छोराहरू र आफन्तहरूलाई पर्‍यो, जम्मा १२ जना,
31 For four and twenty to Romamti-Ezer sons his and relatives his two [plus] ten.
चौबीसौं रोममती-एजेर र तिनका छोराहरू र आफन्तहरूलाई पर्‍यो, जम्मा १२ जना ।

< 1 Chronicles 25 >