< Song of Solomon 1 >
1 The Song of Songs, which pertaineth to Solomon.
2 [SHE] Let him kiss me with the kisses of his mouth! [THEY] For better are thy caresses than wine:
Let him kisse me with the kisses of his mouth: for thy loue is better then wine.
3 Like the fragrance of thy precious oils, Oil poured out, is thy name, For this cause, virgins love thee.
Because of the sauour of thy good ointments thy name is as an ointment powred out: therefore the virgins loue thee.
4 [SHE] Draw me! [THEY] After thee, will we run! [SHE] The king, hath brought me, into his chambers. [THEY] We will exult and rejoice in thee, we will mention thy caresses, beyond wine, Sincerely they love thee.
Drawe me: we will runne after thee: the King hath brought me into his chabers: we will reioyce and be glad in thee: we will remember thy loue more then wine: the righteous do loue thee.
5 [SHE] Swarthy, I am but comely, ye daughters of Jerusalem. [THEY] Like the tents of Kedar, like the curtains of Solomon.
I am blacke, O daughters of Ierusalem, but comely, as the tentes of Kedar, and as the curtaines of Salomon.
6 [SHE] Do not look on me, because, I, am so swarthy, because the sun hath scorched me, —My mother’s sons, were angry with me, they set me to keep the vineyards, Mine own vineyard, have I not kept. …
Regard ye me not because I am blacke: for the sunne hath looked vpon mee. The sonnes of my mother were angry against mee: they made me the keeper of ye vines: but I kept not mine owne vine.
7 Tell me, thou loved of my soul! Where wilt thou pasture thy flock? Where wilt thou let them recline at noon? For why should I be as one that wrappeth a veil about her, by the flocks of thy companions?
Shewe me, O thou, whome my soule loueth, where thou feedest, where thou liest at noone: for why should I be as she that turneth aside to the flockes of thy companions?
8 [HE] If thou know not of thyself, most beautiful among women! get thee forth in the footsteps of the flock, and pasture thy kids by the huts of the shepherds. …
If thou knowe not, O thou the fairest among women, get thee foorth by the steps of the flocke, and feede thy kiddes by the tents of the shepheards.
9 To a mare of mine, in the chariots of Pharaoh, have I likened thee, my fair one!
I haue compared thee, O my loue, to the troupe of horses in the charets of Pharaoh.
10 Comely are thy cheeks, with bead-rows, thy neck, with strings of gems.
Thy cheekes are comely with rowes of stones, and thy necke with chaines.
11 [THEY] Rows of golden ornaments, will we make thee, with studs of silver.
We will make thee borders of golde with studdes of siluer.
12 [SHE] By the time the king is in his circle, my nard, will have given out its fragrance:
Whiles the King was at his repast, my spikenard gaue the smelll thereof.
13 A bag of myrrh, is my beloved to me, between my breasts, shall it tarry the night!
My welbeloued is as a bundle of myrrhe vnto me: he shall lie betweene my breasts.
14 A cluster of henna, is my beloved to me, in the vineyards of En-gedi.
My welbeloued is as a cluster of camphire vnto me in the vines of Engedi.
15 [HE] Lo! thou art beautiful my fair one, lo! thou art beautiful, Thine eyes, [are] doves!
My loue, beholde, thou art faire: beholde, thou art faire: thine eyes are like the doues.
16 [SHE] Lo! thou art beautiful, my beloved, Yea delightful! [BOTH] Yea! our couch, is covered with leaves:
My welbeloued, beholde, thou art faire and pleasant: also our bed is greene:
17 The beams of our house, are cedars, Our fretted ceiling, is cypress-trees.
The beames of our house are cedars, our rafters are of firre.