< Romans 9 >

1 Truth, say I, in Christ, I utter no falsehood, —my conscience bearing witness with me in the Holy Spirit, —
He pono taku korero i roto i a te karaiti, kahore aku teka, a e whakaae ana toku hinengaro ki ahau i roto i te Wairua Tapu,
2 That I have great grief and incessant travail in my heart;
He nui atu toku pouri, mau tonu te mamae o toku ngakau.
3 For I could have wished to be accursed, even I myself, from the Christ, in behalf of my brethren my kinsmen according to the flesh; —
He pai hoki ki ahau me i kanga ahau, me i motuhia i a te Karaiti, he whakaaro ki oku teina, ara ki oku whanaunga o te wahi ki te kikokiko:
4 Who, indeed, are Israelites, whose are the sonship, and the glory, and the covenants, and the legislation, and the divine service, and the promises,
No Iharaira nei ratou; no ratou nei te whakatamarikitanga, te kororia, nga kawenata, te homaitanga o te ture, te karakia ki te Atua, me nga kupu whakaari;
5 Whose are the fathers, and of whom is the Christ—according to the flesh—he who is over all, God, blessed unto the ages. Amen. (aiōn g165)
No ratou nei nga matua, no ratou ano a te Karaiti i te wahi ki te kikokiko, ko ia nei kei runga ake i nga mea katoa, ko te Atua e whakapaingia ana ake ake. Amine. (aiōn g165)
6 It is not, however, as though the word of God had failed; for, not all they who are of Israel, the same are Israel.
Ehara ia i te mea kua taka te kupu a te Atua. Ko te hunga hoki o Iharaira, ehara i te mea no Iharaira katoa:
7 Neither, because they are seed of Abraham, are all children, —but, In Isaac, shall there be called unto thee a seed.
Ahakoa he uri no Aperahama, ehara ratou katoa i te tamariki: engari, Kei a Ihaka te whakaingoatanga mo ou uri.
8 That is—not the children of the flesh, the same are children of God; but, the children of the promise, are reckoned as a seed.
Ara, ehara i te mea ko nga tamariki a te kikokiko nga tamariki a te Atua, engari ko nga tamariki a te kupu whakaari, ko ratou ka kiia he uri.
9 For, of promise, is this word—According to this season, will I come, and Sarah shall have a son.
He kupu whakaari hoki tenei, Kia taka tenei wa ka haere mai ahau, a ka whanau he tama ma Hera.
10 And, not only so, but, when, Rebekah also, was with child, of one—Isaac our father, —
Na ehara i te mea ko tenei anake; i a Ripeka ano ia kua hapu i tetahi, ara i a Ihaka, i to matou matua;
11 They, in fact, not being yet born, nor having practised anything good or bad, —in order that the purpose of God by way of election might stand, —not by works but by him that was calling,
I nga tama hoki kahore ano i whanau noa, kahore ano hoki i mahi i te pai, i te kino ranei, he mea kia u ai ta te Atua i whakatakoto ai mo te whiriwhiringa, ehara i nga mahi, engari na te kaikaranga;
12 It was said unto her—The elder, shall serve the younger;
Ka korerotia ki a ia, Ko te tuakana hei pononga ma te teina:
13 Even as it is written—Jacob, have I loved, but, Esau, have I hated.
Ko te mea ia i tuhituhia, Kua aroha ahau ki a Hakopa, kua kino ki a Ehau.
14 What, then, shall we say? Is there injustice with God? Far be it!
Ka pehea ai i kona ta tatou korero? He tikanga he koia kei te Atua? Kahore rapea.
15 For, unto Moses, he saith—I will have mercy upon whomsoever I can have mercy, and I will have compassion upon whomsoever I can have compassion.
I mea hoki ia ki a Mohi, E tohu ahau i taku e tohu ai, e atawhai ahau ki taku e atawhai ai.
16 Hence, then, it is nor of him that wisheth nor of him that runneth, but of the mercy-shewing God.
No reira, ehara i te mea na te hiahia o te tangata, na te oma ranei o te tangata, engari na te Atua, ko ia e tohu nei.
17 For the Scripture saith unto Pharaoh—Unto this end, have I raised thee up, that I may thus shew in thee my power, and that I may declare my name in all the earth.
E mea nei hoki te karaipiture ki a Parao, Mo konei pu ano koe i whakaarahia ai e ahau, kia ai koe hei whakakite i toku kaha, kia korerotia hoki toku ingoa ki te whenua katoa.
18 Hence, then, —on whom he pleaseth, he hath mercy, and, whom he pleaseth, he doth harden.
Na kona, e tohungia ana e ia, ko tana e pai ai, ko tana hoki e pai ai e whakapakeketia ana e ia.
19 Thou wilt say to me, then—Why longer findeth he fault? For, his purpose, who hath withstood?
Na, tera koe e mea mai ki ahau, he aha ia i riri tonu ai? ko wai hoki e whakakeke ana ki tana i pai ai?
20 O man! Who, nevertheless, art, thou, that art answering again unto God? Shall the thing formed say unto him that formed it—Why didst thou make me thus?
Ha, e te tangata nei, ko wai koe hei whakahoki kupu ki te Atua? Ma te mea hanga koia e mea ki tona kaihanga, He aha ahau i hanga ai e koe kia penei?
21 Or hath not the potter a right over the clay—out of the same lump, to make some, indeed, into a vessel for honour, and some for dishonour?
He teka ianei kei te kaihanga riri te tikanga mo te paru, kia hanga tetahi wahi o taua mea kotahi i pokepokea hei oko rangatira, tetahi wahi hei mea ware?
22 And, if God—wishing to shew his anger and to make known his power—bare, in much patience, with vessels of anger already fitted for destruction,
He aha hoki, mehemea, i tona whakaaro kia whakakitea tona riri, a kia whakaputaina tona kaha, ka whakaririka te Atua i runga i te manawanui ki nga oko o te riri, e rite rawa nei mo te whakangaro?
23 In order that he might make known the riches of his glory upon vessels of mercy which he prepared beforehand for glory, —
Kia whakakitea ano hoki e ia nga rawa o tona kororia ki nga oko o te mahi tohu, kua rite noa ake nei i a ia mo te kororia,
24 Whom he also called, even us, not only from among Jews, but also from among the nations, [what then?]
Ara ki a tatou, i karangatia e ia, ehara i te mea no nga Hurai anake, engari no nga tauiwi ano hoki?
25 As also in Hosea he saith—I will call the not-my-people, My people, and the not-beloved, beloved,
Ko tana kupu ano tena i ta Hohea, Ka kiia e ahau tera ko toku iwi, ehara nei i te iwi noku; a he wahine e arohaina ana te wahine kihai i arohaina.
26 And it shall be—in the place where it was said [to them]—not my people are, ye! there, shall they be called—Sons of a Living God.
A tenei ake, i te wahi i korerotia ai ki a ratou, Ehara koutou i te iwi noku; ko reira ratou kiia ai he tama na te Atua ora.
27 Isaiah, moreover, exclaimeth over Israel—Though the number of the sons of Israel be as the sand of the sea, the remnant, shall be saved;
Ko ta Ihaia karanga hoki mo Iharaira, Ahakoa i rite te tokomaha o nga tama a Iharaira ki te onepu o te moana, ko te toenga kau e ora:
28 For, a complete and concise account, will the Lord make upon the earth.
Ma te Ariki hoki e whakatutuki tana kupu ki runga i te whenua, mana e whakaoti, mana e poro tata.
29 And, even as Isaiah hath before said, —If, the Lord of hosts, had not left us a seed, as Sodom, had we become, and, as Gomorrha, had we been made like.
A, e ki ra a Ihaia i mua ra, Me kahore te toe i te Atua o nga mano he whanau mo tatou, kua pera tatou me Horoma, kua rite ano hoki ki Komora.
30 What, then, shall we say? That, they of the nations, who were not in pursuit of righteousness, have laid hold of righteousness, —a righteousness, however, which is by faith;
Na, kia pehea ta tatou korero? Ko nga tauiwi, kihai nei i whai i te tika, kua tae ratou ki te tika, ara ki te tika, na te whakapono.
31 Whereas, Israel, though in pursuit of a law of righteousness, unto a law, have not attained.
Ko Iharaira ia, whai ana i tetahi ture o te tika, kihai ratou i tae ki taua ture.
32 Wherefore? Because, not by faith but as by works, [have they sought it]: they have stumbled at the stone of stumbling,
Na te aha? Na te mea kihai ratou i whai i runga i te whakapono, engari ano na runga i nga mahi. I tutuki hoki o ratou waewae ki te kamaka tutukitanga;
33 Even as it is written—Lo! I lay in Zion, a stone to strike against and a rock to stumble over, and, he that resteth faith thereupon, shall not be put to shame.
Ko te mea hoki ia i tuhituhia, nana, ka whakatakotoria e ahau ki Hiona he kamaka tutukitanga, he kohatu whakahinga: na, ko te tangata e whakapono ana ki a ia, e kore e meinga kia whakama.

< Romans 9 >