< Romans 14 >
1 Him that is weak in his faith, receive ye, —not for disputing opinions: —
Mumpokelayi mundu mweavi na sadika yinyong'onyo, mkoto kuhutana nayu ndava ya maholo gaki mwene.
2 One, indeed, hath faith to eat all things, whereas, he that is weak, eateth herbs:
Mundu mmonga sadika yaki yikumyidakila kulya kila chindu, nambu mundu yungi ndava ya sadika yaki yinyong'onyo, ilya makolo ga mahamba ndu.
3 Let not, him that eateth, despise him that eateth not, and let not, him that eateth not, judge him that eateth; for, God, hath received him.
Mundu mweilya kila chakulya akotoka kumvevesa yula mweilya lepi kila chakulya. Mewawa na mweilya makolo ga mahamba ndu akotoka kumuhamula mweilya kila chakulya, muni Chapanga amyidakili.
4 Who art, thou, that judgest another’s domestic? To his own master, he standeth or falleth; he shall, however, be made to stand, —for his master is able to make him stand.
Veve wayani mweukumuhamula mvanda wa mundu yungi? Akayima amala akagwai ndi ndava ya BAMBU waki, mwene yati ikangamala kuyima ndava BAMBU ihotola kumyimisa.
5 [For], one, indeed esteemeth one day beyond another, whereas, another, esteemeth every day: —let, each one, in his own mind be fully persuaded.
Vandu vangi viholalela kuvya ligono lingi la bwina kuliku lingi, nambu vangi viholalela kuvya magono goha giwanangana. Kila mmonga witu alanda cheiholalela muluhala lwaki.
6 He that regardeth the day, unto the Lord, regardeth it, —and, he that eateth, unto the Lord, doth eat, for he giveth thanks unto God; and, he that eateth not, unto the Lord, doth not eat and give God thanks.
Mundu mweihololela ligono lingi kuvya la bwina, mwenuyo ihenga naha kwa kumlumbalila BAMBU. Mweilya kila chakulya, namwene ihenga naha kumulumbalila BAMBU, muni akumsengusa Chapanga kwa chakulya cheampelili. Mewawa mweileka kulya vyakulya vingi, namwene ihenga naha kwa kumulumbalila BAMBU, mwenuyo akumsengusa Chapanga.
7 For, none of us, unto himself liveth, and, none, unto himself dieth;
Muni kawaka mundu yoyoha pagati yitu mweavili mumi ndava yaki mwene ndu, mewa kawaka mweifwa ndava ya mwene ndu.
8 For both, if we live, unto the Lord, we live, and, if we die, unto the Lord, we die; whether therefore we live, the Lord’s, we are; or whether we die, the Lord’s, we are;
Muni ngati titama, titama ndava ya BAMBU, takafwayi tifwa ndava ya BAMBU. Hinu ngati titama amala tifwa, tete ndi vandu va BAMBU.
9 For, to this end, Christ died and lived, in order that, both of dead and living, he might have lordship.
Ndava yeniyi Kilisitu afwili na kuyuka muni kavili avyai BAMBU wa vevavi mumi na vafwili.
10 But, thou, why dost thou judge thy brother? Aye! and thou, why dost thou despise thy brother? For, all of us, shall present ourselves unto the judgment seat of God;
Ndava kyani veve, ukumuhamula mlongo waku? Ndava kyani veve ukumvevesa mlongo waku? Tavoha tete yati tiyima palongolo ya Chapanga tihamuliwa.
11 For it is written—Living am, I, saith the Lord, unto me, shall bow every knee, and, every tongue, shall openly confess unto God.
Muni Mayandiku Gamsopi gijova, “BAMBU ijova, Ndi chakaka ngati chenivili Chapanga mwenivi mumi kila mundu yati ifugama palongolo yangu, na kila mundu yati ijova kwa mlomo waki mwene kuvya nene ndi Chapanga.”
12 Hence, [then], each one of us, of himself shall give account unto God.
Hinu, kila mmonga witu yati ijova mambu gaki mwene kwa gala geagahengili palongolo ya Chapanga.
13 No longer, then, upon one another, let us be sitting in judgment, but, this, judge ye rather—not to be putting a cause of stumbling before your brother or an occasion to fall.
Hinu, tileka kuhukumilana tete tavate ndi mujiyangalila, nambu katu mundu akotoka kukita chindu kwa mlongo cha kumuyokesa amala kumgwisa mukubuda.
14 I know and am persuaded in the Lord Jesus—that, nothing, is profane of itself, —save to him who reckoneth anything to be profane, unto that man, [it is] profane,
Nene mweniwungini na BAMBU Yesu, nimanyili kuvya kawaka chakulya chochoha chechihakasa palongolo ya Chapanga. Nambu mundu yungi akaholalela kuvya chakulya chingi chihakasa palongolo ya Chapanga, chenicho ndi chihakasa kwa mwene.
15 If, in fact, because of food, thy brother is being grieved, no longer, by the rule of love, art thou walking: —do not, by thy food, that man, be destroying, on whose behalf Christ died!
Ngati ukumvinisa mtima mlongo waku ndava ya chakulya cheilya, ndi veve ukita lepi muuganu. Chakulya chewilya chikoto kumuyagisa mundu mwenuyo ndava Kilisitu afwili ndava yaki.
16 Therefore, suffer not to be defamed, your own good thing;
Hinu, mkoto kuyidakila chindu chila chechilolekana kuvya chabwina kwinu chiveveswa.
17 For the kingdom of God is not eating and drinking, but righteousness and peace and joy in Holy Spirit;
Muni Unkosi wa Chapanga lepi lijambu la kulya na kunywelela, nambu kukita mambu gegiyidakiliwa na Chapanga na uteke na luheku kwekuletwa na Mpungu Msopi.
18 For, he that in this doeth service unto the Christ, is acceptable unto God, and approved unto men.
Mweakumuhengela Kilisitu kwa njila yeniyo akumganisa Chapanga, na kuyidikiwa na vandu.
19 Hence, then, the things pertaining to peace, let us pursue, and the things which belong to the upbuilding one of another:
Hinu ndi, magono goha tigalandayi mambu gegileta uteke, na gegakutitangatila kukangamalisana mitima.
20 Do not, for the sake of food, be throwing down the work of God! All things, indeed, are pure; but, ill, is it for the man who with occasion of stumbling doth eat, —
Hinu, kotoka kuhalibisa lihengu la Chapanga ndava ya kulya chakulya. Vyakulya vyoha vabwina kulya, nambu chabwina lepi kulya chakulya chechihotola kumgwisa mundu mu kumbudila Chapanga.
21 Well, is it not to eat flesh nor to drink wine nor [to do aught] whereby thy brother is caused to stumble.
Chabwina kuleka hotohoto kulya nyama na kunywa divayi, amala chindu chechihotola kumgwisa mlongo waku.
22 The faith which thou hast, have to thyself before God: happy, he that bringeth not judgment upon himself by that which he approveth;
Kamulila chila chewisadika pagati yaku na Chapanga. Amotisiwi mundu yula mwanga jihamula mwene ndava isadika gala geikita gakumganisa Chapanga.
23 But, he that is in doubt, if he eat, hath condemned himself, —because, [it was] not of faith, and, everything which is not of faith, is sin.
Nambu mundu mweivagaya ndava ya chakulya chailya, Chapanga akumuhamula ngati akalyayi, muni ikita lepi kulandana na sadika. Na lijambu loloha lelikitiki changali sadika ndi kumbudila Chapanga.