< Revelation 21 >
1 And I saw a new heaven and a new earth; for, the first heaven and the first earth, have passed away, and, the sea, is no more.
Basa naa ma, au ita lalai no raefafo mata feuꞌ a, huu lalai no raefafo mbaraaꞌ a mopo hendi se ena. Tasiꞌ o nese ena boe.
2 And, the holy city, new Jerusalem, saw I coming down out of heaven from God, prepared as a bride adorned for her husband.
Boe ma au ita Lamatualain kota meumaren, naeni Yerusalem feuꞌ a, onda mia sorga. Kota naa onaꞌ lemba-dode inaꞌ fo soru saon.
3 And I heard a loud voice out of the throne, saying—Lo! the tent of God, is with men, and he will tabernacle with them, and, they, shall be, his peoples, and, he, shall be, God with them;
Basa de au rena haraꞌ sa mia kadera parendaꞌ a nae, “Mete malolole! Eniꞌ ia naa, Lamatualain Umen sia atahori ra taladꞌan. Mia faiꞌ ia, Lamatualain nasodꞌa naꞌabꞌue no atahori nara. Ana dadꞌi sira Lamatualain na. Ma ara dadꞌi Eni ana nara boe. Dei fo Ana no se nakandooꞌ a ma Ana naꞌabꞌue no se losa doo nduꞌu-doon a.
4 And he will wipe away every tear out of their eyes, —and, death, shall be no more, and grief and outcry and pain shall be no more: the first things, have passed away.
Dei fo Ana seka namadꞌaꞌ luu-oe nara, fo ara nda nggae ei-ei sa ena. Huu sia naa esa o nda namahedꞌi sa ena. Ma sia naa o esa nda mate sa ena boe. Basa saa mana tao susa-sonaꞌ mia feꞌesaꞌan na, nese ena. Basa saa mana tao doidꞌosoꞌ mia feꞌesaꞌan na, mopo ena.”
5 And he that was sitting upon the throne said— Lo! I make all things, new. And he saith—Write! because, these words, are, faithful and true.
Boe ma mana endoꞌ sia kadera parendaꞌ a olaꞌ nae, “Mete malolole, te Au tao basaꞌ e dadꞌi feuꞌ.” Basa ma Ana olaꞌ fai no au nae, “Suraꞌ leo! Basa atahori bisa ramahere hara-lii ngga ia, huu basa ia ra, memaꞌ tebꞌe!”
6 And he said unto me—Accomplished! I, am the A, and the Z, the Beginning and the End: I, unto him that is thirsting, will give of the fountain of the water of life, freely:
Boe ma Ana nafadꞌe seluꞌ au nae, “Basa saa fo Au helu-fuli mia maꞌahulun, dadꞌi ena. Te Au ia, Alfa losa Omega. Ma Au ia, A losa Z, Basaꞌ e laoꞌ mia Au, eniꞌ a mia fefeun losa doo nduꞌu-dꞌoon. Basa atahori mana maꞌamadꞌaꞌ ra, dei fo Au fee se rinu mudꞌaꞌ, mia oe-mataꞌ mana nendi masodꞌaꞌ fo ara rasodꞌa no tetebꞌes.
7 He that overcometh, shall inherit these things, —And I will be, to him, a God, and, he, shall be, to me, a son;
Basa atahori mana raꞌatataaꞌ tungga Lamatuaꞌ dꞌala masodꞌa ndoo-tetun, dei fo ara simbo rala basa papala-babꞌanggiꞌ ia ra. Dei fo Au dadꞌi sira Lamatualain na, ma ara dadꞌi ana nggara.
8 But, as for the timid, and disbelieving, and abominable, and murderers, and fornicators, and sorcerers, and idolaters, and all the false, their part, is in the lake that burneth with fire and brimstone, —which is the second death. (Limnē Pyr )
Te hambu atahori nenenggari hendiꞌ, risiꞌ tasi ai baleran rala neu, mana mbila nda naloeꞌ sa. Atahori mana ramatau doidꞌoso tungga Lamatuaꞌ, Atahori mana nasadea Yesus, atahori manggenggeoꞌ, atahori mana hohonggeꞌ, mana nisa atahori, mana songgo-tangguꞌ, mana suanggiꞌ, no mana peko-lelekoꞌ. Dei fo basa se nenembia-hendiꞌ risiꞌ tasi ai baleran, fo atahori rae, ‘mamana mamates karuan.’” (Limnē Pyr )
9 And there came one of the seven messengers which had the seven bowls, that were full of the seven last plagues, and spake with me, saying— Hither! I will point out to thee the bride, the wife of the Lamb.
Boe ma au ita esa mia ate kahituꞌ ra mia sorga fo maꞌahulun mana toꞌu bokor neneoniꞌ Lamatualain nasan. Ana nema nanda no au, ma olaꞌ nae, “Uma ia dei! Te au ae utudꞌu nggo lemba-dodꞌe inaꞌ mana nae sao no Lombo Anaꞌ a.”
10 And he carried me away, in spirit, unto a mountain great and high, and pointed out to me the holy city, Jerusalem, coming down out of heaven from God;
Boe ma Lamatuaꞌ Dula-dalen dai au, de ate esa mia sorga soꞌu au isiꞌ lete naruꞌ sa ata. Sia naa, ana natudꞌu au kota Yerusalem, naeni Lamatualain kota meumaren. Kota naa onda mia Lamatuaꞌ sia sorga.
11 having the glory of God, —her lustre, like unto a stone most precious, as a jasper stone, shining as crystal;
Kota naa meulaun seli! Hambu rondaꞌ naꞌatututeꞌ mia Lamatualain manaseliꞌ a, onaꞌ fatu poemata makahahadok e. Losa basa kota a dadꞌi manggareloꞌ.
12 having a wall great and high, having twelve gates, and, at the gates, twelve messengers, and names inscribed, which are [the names] of the twelve tribes of the sons of Israel, —
Hambu lutu nenedama naru monaeꞌ rereoꞌ kota naa, no lelesu ineꞌ sanahulu rua. Ate sanahulu rua mia sorga ranea lelesu ra. Sia lelesu kasanahulu ruaꞌ naa ra nenesuraꞌ leo Israꞌel kasanahulu ruaꞌ ra nara nara,
13 on the east, three gates, and, on the north, three gates, and, on the south, three gates, and, on the west, three gates;
Lelesu ineꞌ telu mbali rulu, telu mbali muri, telu mbali dii ma telu mbali ona.
14 and, the wall of the city, having twelve foundations, and, upon them, twelve names of the twelve apostles of the Lamb.
Lutu nenedamaꞌ a nambariiꞌ sia fatu netehuuꞌ monaeꞌ sanahulu rua. Sia fatu netehuuꞌ ra nenesuraꞌ nara-naraꞌ mia Lombo Anaꞌ a dedenu kasanahulu rua nara, mana tao mataꞌ neu E sia raefafoꞌ.
15 And, he that was talking with me, had, for a measure, a reed of gold, that he might measure the city, and the gates thereof, and the wall thereof.
Basa naa ma, ate mana olaꞌ no au a, toꞌu tetea uꞌukuꞌ esa mia lilo, fo nae uku kota a no lelesu ine nara no tembok na.
16 And, the city, four-square, lieth, and, the length thereof, is as great as the breadth. And he measured the city, with the reed, —twelve thousand furlongs: the length, and the breadth, and the height thereof, are, equal.
Ana uku naꞌahuluꞌ kota a lutu nenedama fala haa na. Nanarun, loloan, ma nanarun ata neu ona esa, naeni kilo rifon rua natun rua rua nulu
17 And he measured the wall thereof, —a hundred and forty-four cubits: the measure of a man, which is [the measure] of a messenger.
Basa de ana uku lutu nenedamaꞌ a fafaun, meter nee nulu lima, tungga atahori uꞌukun.
18 And, the structure of the wall thereof, was jasper, and, the city, was pure gold, like unto pure glass.
Lutu nenedamaꞌ a ara tao mia fatu manggadilaꞌ naran Yaspis. Basa mana sia kota naa, ara tao mia lilo isiꞌ meun onaꞌ kaca e.
19 The foundations of the wall of the city, with every precious stone were adorned: the first foundation, was jasper, the second, sapphire, the third, chalcedony, the fourth, emerald,
Fatu netehuuꞌ kasanahulu ruaꞌ ra, tao mia fatu mafelit mataꞌ-mataꞌ. Kaesan, pake fatu Yaspis naronda dula modꞌoꞌ. Karuan, fatu nilam naronda dula nggeo-manggareloꞌ. Katelun, fatu mirah naronda dula mbilas. Kahaan fatu samrud naronda dula modꞌoꞌ.
20 the fifth, sardonyx, the sixth, sardius, the seventh, chrysolite, the eighth, beryl, the ninth, topaz, the tenth, chrysoprase, the eleventh, hyacinth, the twelfth, amethyst;
Kaliman, pake fatu unam mamafafauꞌ dula coklat no mutiꞌ. Kaneen, pake fatu sardius dula mbilas. Kahitun, pake fatu ratna cempaka, dula huni liloꞌ. Kafalun, pake fatu beril, dula nggeo-manggarelo modꞌoꞌ. Kasion, pake fatu krisolit, dula huni-huniꞌ. Kasanahulun, pake fatu krisopras, dula modꞌo-maꞌanureꞌ. Kasanahulu esan, pake fatu lasuardi dula modꞌo tasi oeꞌ. Ma kasanahulu ruan, pake fatu ndondoaꞌ dula mbilas-maranggeoꞌ.
21 and, the twelve gates, were twelve pearls, —each one of the gates, severally, was of one pearl; and, the broadway of the city, was pure gold, as transparent glass.
Lelesu ine ka sanahulu ruaꞌ ra, tao mia mutiara dekeꞌ sanahulu rua. Lelesu esa na tao mia mutiara dekeꞌ sa. Ma nusaꞌ naa okofon, ara tao mia lilo isi makahahadok onaꞌ kaca.
22 And, sanctuary, saw I none therein; for, the Lord, God, the Almighty, is the sanctuary thereof, and the Lamb.
Te au ita, ume hule-oꞌeꞌ nese kota naa. Huu Lamatualain mana koasa no Lombo Anaꞌ sia naa rakandooꞌ a. Naa de atahori reu beꞌutee mbali se.
23 And, the city, hath no need of the sun, nor of the moon, that they should shine therein; for, the glory of God, illumined it, and, the lamp thereof, was the Lamb.
Nusaꞌ naa nda parlu relo ma fulan fo raronda neu e se. Huu Lamatualain rondan tao manggareloꞌ sia naa. Ma Lombo Anaꞌ dadꞌi onaꞌ lambu manambilaꞌ ena.
24 And the nations, shall walk, through her light; and, the kings of the earth, do bring their glory into it,
Atahori mia basa bangsa sia raefafoꞌ dei fo rema laoꞌ sia manggareloꞌ naa. Mane-maneꞌ sia raefafoꞌ o dei fo rendi hata-heto manaseliꞌ nara fee neu Lamatualain.
25 and, the gates thereof, shall in nowise be shut, by day, —night, in fact, shall not be there, —
Sia naa nda hambu tetembaꞌ sa, naa de ara nda parlu ena lelesu mana masoꞌ kota neu sa.
26 and they shall bring the glory and the honour of the nations into it.
Dei fo ara o rendi basa maloleꞌ no basa hadat mia basa nusaꞌ sia raefafoꞌ nisiꞌ kota naa.
27 And in nowise shall there enter into it, anything common, or he that doeth abomination and falsehood, —but only they who are written in the Lamb’s book of life.
Te basa deꞌulakaꞌ, onaꞌ mana songgo-tangguꞌ, mana hohongge, ma mana peko-lelekoꞌ ra nda bole masoꞌ sa. Akaꞌ atahori fo nara nara nenesuraꞌ sia Lombo Anaꞌ susuran, mana suraꞌ atahori, mana masodꞌa rakandoo ro Lamatualain, nara naran, bole masoꞌ.