< Revelation 21 >

1 And I saw a new heaven and a new earth; for, the first heaven and the first earth, have passed away, and, the sea, is no more.
Mpawo ndakabona ijulu pya enyika mpya, nkambo ijulu lyakutanguna anyika yakusanguna zyakali zyfwa, alwizi telwakachiliwo.
2 And, the holy city, new Jerusalem, saw I coming down out of heaven from God, prepared as a bride adorned for her husband.
Ndakabona dolopo usalede iJelusalema impya, ilyakeza aansi kuzwa kujulu kuli Leza kalibambidwe mbuli mwinga mbabambila mulumi wakwe.
3 And I heard a loud voice out of the throne, saying—Lo! the tent of God, is with men, and he will tabernacle with them, and, they, shall be, his peoples, and, he, shall be, God with them;
Ndakamvwa ijwi pati lizwa kuchuno chabulemu kaliti, “Boona! ibusena bwachikkalilo cha Leza buli mubantu, alimwi uyokkala ambabo. Byaoba bantu bakwe alimwi Leza lwakwe uyoba ambaabo alimwi uyoba Leza wabo.
4 And he will wipe away every tear out of their eyes, —and, death, shall be no more, and grief and outcry and pain shall be no more: the first things, have passed away.
Uyosiinda misozi yonseni kumenso aabo, alimwi takuchikabi lufu, kana kuusa, kana kulila, naba machise. Izintu zyechiindi zyamana.
5 And he that was sitting upon the throne said— Lo! I make all things, new. And he saith—Write! because, these words, are, faithful and true.
Ooyo iwakakkede achuno chabwami wakati, “Boona! Ndichita zintu zyonse kuti zibe zipya.” Wakati, “Lemba zintu eezi aansi nkambo aaya majwi alasyomeka alimwimi ngakasimpe.”
6 And he said unto me—Accomplished! I, am the A, and the Z, the Beginning and the End: I, unto him that is thirsting, will give of the fountain of the water of life, freely:
Wakandaambila kuti eezi zintu zyayinda! Ndendime Alufa a Omega, imatalikilo amagozezyo. Kuli ooyo uumvwa nyota, ndinomupa chakunywa kakutakwe muulo kuzwa kukasensa kamaanzi abuumi.
7 He that overcometh, shall inherit these things, —And I will be, to him, a God, and, he, shall be, to me, a son;
Ooyo uzunda uyokkona zintu eezi, alimwi ndiyoba Leza wakwe, alimwi uyoba mwana wangu.
8 But, as for the timid, and disbelieving, and abominable, and murderers, and fornicators, and sorcerers, and idolaters, and all the false, their part, is in the lake that burneth with fire and brimstone, —which is the second death. (Limnē Pyr g3041 g4442)
Pesi kuli abo bayowa, batakwe lusyomo, abazumina masunko, abajayi abasibwamu, bakomba zikozyanisyo, ababeji boonse, busena bwabo buyooba kubbibi pati lyamulilo uuyaka. Oolo ndolufu lwabili.” (Limnē Pyr g3041 g4442)
9 And there came one of the seven messengers which had the seven bowls, that were full of the seven last plagues, and spake with me, saying— Hither! I will point out to thee the bride, the wife of the Lamb.
Umwi wangilozi izili musanu azibili, wakeza kuli ndime, oyo wakajisi insoosa zili musanu azibili izyakajisi michelo yamelelezyo ilimusanu azibili, alimwi wakati, “Kweza okuno! ndilakutondezya bwiinga, imukayintu wa Mwana wa Mbelele.
10 And he carried me away, in spirit, unto a mountain great and high, and pointed out to me the holy city, Jerusalem, coming down out of heaven from God;
Mpawo wakandibweza mumuunda wanditola kuchilundu ichipati chilamfu akuyonditondezya dolopo usalala Jelusalemu kaliza aansi kuzwa kujulu kuli Leza.
11 having the glory of God, —her lustre, like unto a stone most precious, as a jasper stone, shining as crystal;
Jelusalemu yali abulemu bwa Leza, alimwi ibwebeesi bwayo bwali mbuli inchooko mbotu loko, mbuli ibbwe lyachimpanzi cha jasipa injoloma.
12 having a wall great and high, having twelve gates, and, at the gates, twelve messengers, and names inscribed, which are [the names] of the twelve tribes of the sons of Israel, —
Yali abupati, ibulambo bulamfu buli amilyango ili kkumi ayibili, kakuli zyooko zili kkumi azibili kumilyango. Amilyango kwakali lembedwe imazina alikkumi aabili aamisyobo yabana ba Izilayeli.
13 on the east, three gates, and, on the north, three gates, and, on the south, three gates, and, on the west, three gates;
Kubuzwezuba kwakali milyango yotatwe, kumbo kwakali milyango yotatwe, kunsi kwakali milyango itaatu alimwi, akububbila kwakali milyango yotatwe.
14 and, the wall of the city, having twelve foundations, and, upon them, twelve names of the twelve apostles of the Lamb.
Ibulambo bwalubaya bwadolopo bwakali antalisyo zili kkumi azibili, alimwi antalisyo kwakali mazina aali kkumi aabili abasikwiiya ba Mwana wa Mbelele.
15 And, he that was talking with me, had, for a measure, a reed of gold, that he might measure the city, and the gates thereof, and the wall thereof.
Ooyo wakaambuula andime wakajisi mweelo wakabulo kangolida wakweela idolopo, amilyango yalyo, abulambo bwalyo.
16 And, the city, four-square, lieth, and, the length thereof, is as great as the breadth. And he measured the city, with the reed, —twelve thousand furlongs: the length, and the breadth, and the height thereof, are, equal.
Idolopo lyakali tendebete bwelene mabbazu woonse, bulamfu bwalyo bwakalelene abwiinge bwalyo. Wakeela idolopo amweelo wakabulo, izyuulu ikkumi azibili zya sitadiya kumweelo wabulamfu ( bulamfu bwalyo, bwanda, abwiime mujulu zyakalelelene).
17 And he measured the wall thereof, —a hundred and forty-four cubits: the measure of a man, which is [the measure] of a messenger.
Wakeela alimwi ibwanda bwawo, wajana kuti buli azikokola zili mwanda amakumi aane azine, mbuli mumwelo wabuntu (kakuli alubo ngumweelo wendangilo).
18 And, the structure of the wall thereof, was jasper, and, the city, was pure gold, like unto pure glass.
Bulambo bwakayakidwe ajasipa alimwimidolopo lyakayakidwe aangolide lwayolwayo, mbuli bunjoloma bbalabala.
19 The foundations of the wall of the city, with every precious stone were adorned: the first foundation, was jasper, the second, sapphire, the third, chalcedony, the fourth, emerald,
Intalisyo zyabulambo zyakali bambikene abubotu bwamisyobo yoonse yamabwe mebeesi. Itaanzi yakali jasipa, lyabili lyakali safile, lyatatu lyakali ageti, lyaane lyakali emaludi. Lyasanu lyakali Onikisi,
20 the fifth, sardonyx, the sixth, sardius, the seventh, chrysolite, the eighth, beryl, the ninth, topaz, the tenth, chrysoprase, the eleventh, hyacinth, the twelfth, amethyst;
lyamusanu alimwi lyakali koneliyeni, lyamusanu aabili lyakali kilayisolayiti, lyamusanu aane lyakali tofazi, alyekkumi lyakali kilayisofelusi, lyakkumi alimwi lyakali jasiniti, alyakkumi aabili lyakali ametiyisiti
21 and, the twelve gates, were twelve pearls, —each one of the gates, severally, was of one pearl; and, the broadway of the city, was pure gold, as transparent glass.
Milyango ilikumi ayibili yakali ma piyeluzi aali kkumi aabili umwi awumwi mulyango wakabambidwe apiyeluzi yomwe. Migwagwa yedolopo yakali ngolida lwayo lwayo, mbuli bbalabal libalangala.
22 And, sanctuary, saw I none therein; for, the Lord, God, the Almighty, is the sanctuary thereof, and the Lamb.
Tendakabona chikombelo pe mudolopo, nkambo i Mwami Leza mupati kampatila a Mwana wa Mbelele mbabo chikombelo chedolopo.
23 And, the city, hath no need of the sun, nor of the moon, that they should shine therein; for, the glory of God, illumined it, and, the lamp thereof, was the Lamb.
Idolopo telyakali kuyanda kumunikwa aazuba kana mweezi pe nkambo busalali bwakali kumweka aalindilyo, alimwi itunga mulilo lyayo ngu Mwana waMbelele.
24 And the nations, shall walk, through her light; and, the kings of the earth, do bring their glory into it,
Imanyika anoyoyenda amumuni wadolopo eelyo. Ibaami baansi bayoyeta bulemu bwabo muli ndilyo.
25 and, the gates thereof, shall in nowise be shut, by day, —night, in fact, shall not be there, —
Milyango yalyo tayikoyojalwa pe chiindi chesikati, alimwi takukoyooba mansiku pe ooko.
26 and they shall bring the glory and the honour of the nations into it.
Bayoyeta ibulumbu abulemu bwamanyika muli ndilyo.
27 And in nowise shall there enter into it, anything common, or he that doeth abomination and falsehood, —but only they who are written in the Lamb’s book of life.
Pesi takwe chisofweede pe chiyofwa chanjila muli ndilyo, nikuba umwi muntu uuchita chamasunko nakuti chakweneena, pesi aabo biyo bali amazina aalembedwe mubbuku lya Buumi lya Mamwana wa Mbelele.

< Revelation 21 >