< Revelation 14 >
1 And I saw, and lo! the Lamb, standing upon the mount Zion, —and, with him, a hundred and forty-four thousand, having his name and his Father’s name written upon their foreheads.
Ndakalanga mpawo ndakabona Mwanaambelele uliimvwi atalachilundu cha ziyoni. Bakalaanguwe bakali zyuulu zili mwaanda amakkumi aane abane bakali azina lyakwe alya Wisi zina kalilembedwe ankumu zyabo.
2 And I heard a sound out of heaven, as the sound of many waters, and as the sound of, loud thunders; and, the sound which I heard, was as of harp-singers harping with their harps,
Ndakamvwa jwi lizwida kujulu limvwikka mbuuli maanzi miingi aaboboma amuzumo mupati. Imuzumo ngundakamvwa lubo wakali mbuuli basituntimbwa balizya tuntimbwa.
3 And they sing as it were a new song before the throne, and before the four living creatures and the elders. And, no one, was able to learn the song, save the hundred and forty-four thousand, who had been redeemed from the earth.
Bakalikwiimba lwiimbo lupya kunembo aamusini mpawo kunembo bawuka bone bapona abaalumi bapati. Takwe bakali kukkonzya kwiimba lwiimbo ado aba bali zyuulu mwaanda amakumi one azine bakawulidwe kuzwa kunyika.
4 These, are they, who with women, were not defiled, for they are, virgin. These, are they who follow the Lamb whithersoever he is going. These, were redeemed from mankind, as a firstfruit unto God and the Lamb;
Aba mbembabo bakatali sofwaazizye abanakazi bakalibambide lwabo beni kulizyamalalano. Mbiimbabo bakatobela Mwanaambelele kufumbwa nkwaakali kuya. Aba mbimbabo bakafutwidwe kuzwa akati kamisyobo mbuuli michelo mitaanzi aya Mwanaa
5 and, in their mouth, was found no falsehood, —faultless, they are.
mbelele. Takwe mabejo akajanikide mumilomo yabo tabakwe kampenda.
6 And I saw another messenger, flying in mid-heaven, having an age-abiding glad-message to announce unto them who are dwelling upon the earth, even unto every nation and tribe and tongue and people, (aiōnios )
Ndakabona uumbi mungelo uuyobuluka mujulu, wakajisi makani mabotu aatamani aakwaambila baabo bakali kupona aanyika - kuli woonse masena, misyobo, milaka, akubantu. (aiōnios )
7 saying with a loud voice, —Fear God and give him glory, because the hour of his judging is come; and do homage unto him that made heaven and the earth and sea and fountains of waters.
Wakiita ajwi pati,” muyoowe Leza akumupa bulemu. Nkaako chiindi chakwe chalubeta chasika. Mumukombe, ooyo wakalenga jul, anyika alwizi, mpawo atusensa twamaanzi.”
8 And, another, a second [messenger] followed, saying—Fallen! fallen! is Babylon the great, who, of the wine of the wrath of her lewdness, hath caused all the nations to drink.
Awumbi mungelo - wa bili mungelo - wakatobela nkayoobwamba,” Waawa, waawa Bhabbiloni mupati wakasungilizya woonse maasi kuti anywe wayini yakwe yabwamu.”
9 And, another, a third messenger, followed them, saying with a loud voice—If anyone doeth homage unto the beast and his image, and receiveth a mark upon his forehead, or upon his hand,
Awumbi mungelo - watatu mungelo- wakabatobela, wakaamba ajwi pati,” Naa kuli muntu uukomba chinyama achikozyanio chacho mpawo akutambula bulembo bwacho aankumu yakwe naanka mukuboko kwakwe,
10 he also, shall drink of the wine of the wrath of God, which is prepared, unmixed, in the cup of his anger; —and he shall be tormented with fire and brimstone, before holy messengers and before the Lamb;
ooyo nguutakanywe wayini wabukkali bwa Leza, iwatilwa chakutavwelwa aamanzi muchinywido chabukkali bwakwe muntu ooyu uunywa uyopenzegwa amulilo wasilufa kunembo lyabaangelo basalala ba Leza akunembo lya Mwanaambelele.
11 And, the smoke of their torment, unto ages of ages, ascendeth; And they have no rest day or night, who do homage unto the beast and his image, or if anyone receiveth the mark of his name. (aiōn )
Ibusi bwamapenzi aabo bula lunta lyoonse kukabe butamani mpawo tabakwe kulyookezya bunini sikati kana mansiku - aabo bakomba banyama azikozyanio, mpawo abaabo boonsebatambula bulembo bwazina lyakwe. (aiōn )
12 Here, is, the endurance of the saints, —they who keep the commandments of God and the faith of Jesus.
Mbuboobo mbuluboneka lwito lwabakakakatila lwabantu basalala ba Leza, aabo babamba milaazyo ya Leza a lusyomo lwabo lwamuli Jesu.”
13 And I heard a voice out of heaven, saying—Write! Happy, the dead who, in the Lord, do die, from henceforth. Yea! (saith the Spirit) that they may rest from their toils, for, their works, do follow with them.
Ndakamvwa ijwi lyakazwa kujulu lyakati” lemba eechi: balilongezegelwe aabo batakafwe mumwaami.” “Iyi,” mbaawamba Muuya “naakuti balyookezye mumakataazyo aabo, lino milimo yabo ilabatobela.”
14 And I saw, and lo! a white cloud, and, upon the cloud, one sitting like unto a son of man, having, upon his head, a crown of gold, and, in his hand, a sharp sickle.
Ndakalanga mpawo ndakabona joba lituba, aatalaajoba kwakakkede uumwi uukozyaniya amwanaamuntu. Wakali amusini wa ngolida atala mutwe wakwe mpawo mujaanza lyakwe wakajisi jekeso libosya.
15 And, another messenger, came forth out of the sanctuary, crying out with a loud voice, unto him that was sitting upon the cloud—Thrust in thy sickle, and reap; because the hour to reap is come, because the harvest of the earth is ripe.
Mpawo kwakazwa mungelo uumbi muchikombelo mpawo wakiita ajwi pati kuli yooyo wakakkede atala ajoba: “Bweza jekeso lyako akutanguna kutebula. Nkaambo chiindi chakutebula chasika, abutebuzi bwanyika bwabizw.
16 And he that was sitting upon the cloud, thrust in, his sickle upon the earth; and the earth was reaped.
Lino ooyo wakakkede ajulu ajoba wakavukuzya jekeso lyakwe aatala nyika, mpawo nyika yakatebulwa.
17 And, another messenger, came forth out of the sanctuary that is in heaven, —he also, having a sharp sickle.
Awumbi mungelo wakazwa muchikombelo mujulu; alakwe wakali aajekeso.
18 And, another messenger, [came forth] out of the altar, who hath authority over the fire, —and called out with a loud voice, unto him who had the sharp sickle, saying—Thrust in thy sharp sickle, and gather the clusters of the vine of the earth; because the grapes thereof are fully ripe.
Awumbi mungelo wakazwa kuchipayililo chatununkilizyo, nguwe wakali aanguzu atala amulilo. wakoomplola ajwi pati kuli yoyo wakajisi jekeso libosya,” tola jekeso lyako libosya akutebula muzikamu zyamichelo kuzwa mumisamu yanyika, nkaambo michelo yayo yabizwa.”
19 And the messenger, thrust in, his sickle into the earth, and gathered the vine of the earth, and cast [it] into the great wine-press of the wrath of God.
Mpawo mungelo wakavukuuzya jekeso lyakwe kunyika mpawo watebula michelo yamusamu wanyik. Watebula misamu yanyika akwaawala mudindi pati lyakutebwida lyabukkali bwa Leza.
20 And the wine-press was trodden outside the city, and there came forth blood out of the wine-press, even unto the bits of the horses, at a distance of a thousand six hundred furlongs.
Mwakalyatuukwa mudindi eelyo lyakutebwida aanze aamunzi, mpawo abulowa bwakatilwa kuzwa kulinchicho kuyosika mumukosi wa bbiza, kwachelesyo chili chulu amyaanda ilimusamu awumwi.