< Revelation 1 >
1 The Revelation of Jesus Christ, which God gave to him, to point out unto his servants the things which must needs come to pass with speed, —and he shewed them by signs, sending through his messenger, unto his servant John;
Awu ndo ugubutulu wa Yesu Kristu, Mlungu kamupananiti kawalanguziyi wantumintumi wakuwi vitwatira vilii vifiruwa kulawira pakwegera. Kristu kavitenditi avi vimaniki kwa kumtuma ntumintumi gwakuwi gwa kumpindi kamgambiziyi ntumintumi gwakuwi Yohani vitwatira avi,
2 who bare witness as to the word of God, and the witness of Jesus Christ, —whatsoever things he saw.
na Yohani kalongiti goseri gakagawoniti. Na avi ndo visoweru vya Mlungu na ukapitawu wa Yesu Kristu.
3 Happy! he that readeth, and they who hear, the words of the prophecy, and keep the things, therein, written; for, the season, is, near.
Mbaka yakuwi muntu yakashibetula shintola ashi shashiwera na Visoweru vya umbuyi wa Mlungu na mbaka yawu yawapikanira na kukola yagalembitwi amu, toziya shipindi sha vitwatira avi shapakwegera.
4 John, unto the Seven Assemblies which are in Asia, Favour to you, and peace, from—Him who Is, and who Was, and who is Coming, and from—The Seven Spirits which are before his throne,
Neni Yohani nuvilembiriti vipinga saba vya wantu vyawamjimira Yesu vya aku Asiya. Nuwapanana manemu na ponga kulawa kwa yomberi yakaweriti, yakawera na yakiza na kulawa kwa rohu saba yawawera palongolu pa shibanta shakuwi sha ukulu,
5 and from—Jesus Christ, —The Faithful Witness, The Firstborn of the Dead, and The Ruler of the Kings of the Earth. Unto him that loveth us, and loosed us out of our sins with his blood, —
na kulawa kwa Yesu Kristu kapitawu mwaminika, mwiwuku gwa kwanja gwa woseri hawiwuki kwa ukomu wa syayi kulaa kwawahowiti na yomberi ndo mkolamlima gwa wafalumi wa pasipanu. Yomberi katufira na kwa mwazi gwakuwi katuyopola kulawa ntawaliru ya vidoda vyetu,
6 and he hath made us [to be] a kingdom—priests unto his God and Father, Unto him, be the glory, and the dominion, unto the ages. Amen. (aiōn )
na katunyawa tuweri ufalumi na watambika wakumtendera Mlungu Tati gwakuwi. Kwakuwi Yesu Kristu uweri ukwisa na makakala, mashaka goseri! Yina hangu. (aiōn )
7 Lo! he cometh with the clouds, and every eye shall see him, such also as pierced him; and all the tribes of the land shall smite themselves for him. Yea! Amen.
Guloli! Kankwiza mumawundi! Kila lisu halimwoni na ata walii yawamtoboliti. Makabila goseri pasipanu hagagutangi kwajili ya yomberi. Yina! Yina hangu.
8 I, am, the A, and, the Z, saith the Lord, —the, God who Is, and who Was, and who is Coming, The Almighty.
“Neni ndo gwa kwanja na gwa upeleru wa vitwatira vyoseri.” Kalonga Mtuwa Mlungu yakawera na makakala goseri, yakawera, yakaweriti na yakiza.
9 I, John, your brother, and partaker with you in the tribulation and kingdom and endurance in Jesus, came to be in the isle that is called Patmos, because of the word of God, and the witness of Jesus.
Neni Yohani, mlongu gwenu mungati mwa Yesu, kwa kulikonaziya pamuhera na Yesu, ntenda pamuhera na mwenga kutabika na ufalumi wakuwi na uhepelera. Neni ntulitwi pakati pashisiwa shawashema Patimu panwera mtatilwa toziya ya kubwera Shisoweru sha Mlungu na upitawulira wa Yesu.
10 I came to be, in Spirit, in the Lord’s Day, and heard, behind me, a loud voice, as of a trumpet,
Su shipindi shimu, lishaka lya Mtuwa, nkolitwi na Rohu, mpikanira kumbeli kwaneni liziwu likulu gambira mbalapi.
11 saying—What thou seest, write in a scroll, and send unto the Seven Assemblies, —unto Ephesus, and unto Smyrna, and unto Pergamum, —and unto Thyatira, and unto Sardis, and unto Philadelphia, —and unto Laodicea.
Nalyeni lilongiti, “Gugalembi mushintola galii gagugawona, gushijegi kwa vipinga avi saba vya wantu vyawamjimira Yesu kwa Efesu na kwa Simurina na kwa Perigamu na kwa Tuatira na kwa Saridi na kwa Filadefiya pamuhera na Laudikiya.”
12 And I turned round, to see the Voice which was speaking with me, and, having turned, I saw Seven Lamps of gold;
Su ngalambukiti numuloli ulii yakatakuliti na neni, mona vintambi saba vya vimuliku vya zaabu,
13 and, in the midst of the lamps, One like unto a Son of Man: —clothed with a robe, reaching to the feet, and girt about at the breasts with a girdle of gold,
na pakati pakuwi pavintambi kuweriti na shintu gambira muntu, yomberi kaweriti kavala lihabiti litali mpaka mumagulu na lushigi lwa zaabu pashifuwa.
14 And his head and hair, white, like white wool—like snow, and, his eyes, like a flame of fire,
Nvili zyakuwi ziweriti mfufu mbuu, masu gakuwi gang'ereng'etiti gambira mbamba zya motu,
15 And, his feet, like unto glowing copper, as if in a furnace refined, and, his voice, like a sound of many waters,
magulu gakuwi gambira shaba yawamerimeziyiti na kuyigulula mulitanuru lya motu, na liziwu lyakuwi gambira mputu.
16 And, having in his right hand, seven stars, and, out of his mouth, a sharp, two-edged sword, going forth; and, his whole appearance, as when, the sun, shineth in its strength.
Muliwoku lyakuwi lya kumliwu paweriti na ntondu saba na mumlomu mwakuwi mlawiriti upanga yawuwera na makola kuwili. Sheni shakuwi shing'ereng'eta gambira mshenji gukalipa nentu.
17 And, when I saw him, I fell at his feet as dead, and he laid his right hand upon me, saying—Do not fear! I, am the First, and the Last,
Su panumwoniti hera, nguwiti palongolu pa magulu gakuwi gambira mawuti. Kumbiti yomberi katula liwoku lyakuwi lya kumliwu pampindi paneni, kalonga, “Guleki kutira! Neni ndo gwa kwanja na gwa upeleru.
18 and the Living One, —and I became dead; —and lo! living, am I, unto the ages of ages, and have the keys of death and of hades. (aiōn , Hadēs )
Neni ndo yomberi yakawera mkomu! Newiti howa, kumbiti guloli, vinu na mkomu mashaka goseri. Nanazi funguwu zya mawuti na zya mulirindi lyalihera upeleru. (aiōn , Hadēs )
19 Write, therefore—what things thou hast seen and what they are; and what things are about to come to pass, after these things:
Su vinu gulembi vitwatira avi vyaguviwona, vitwatira vyavilawira vinu na vilii havilawili shakapanu.”
20 The sacred secret of the seven stars, which thou sawest upon my right hand, and the seven lamps of gold: —The seven stars, are, messengers of the seven assemblies, and, the seven lamps, are, seven assemblies
Bada zya ntondu saba zilii zyaguziwoniti pakati pa liwoku lyaneni lya kumliwu na vilii vintambi saba vya vimuliku vya zaabu, ndo wantumintumi wa kumpindi wa vipinga saba vya wantu vyawamjimira Yesu.