< Psalms 95 >

1 Come, let us make a joyful noise to Yahweh, Let us shout in triumph, to the rock of our salvation!
Yizanu, bika tuyimbidila Yave mu khini. Bika tuyamikina kuidi ditadi di phulusu eto.
2 O let us come before his face with thanksgiving, With the sounds of strings, let us shout aloud to him.
Bika tuizanu ku ntualꞌandi mu vana matondo tunyayisa mu miziki ayi mu minkunga.
3 For, a great GOD, is Yahweh, And a great king, above all gods.
Bila Yave widi Nzambi yinneni, ntinu wunneni va yilu zinzambi zioso.
4 In whose hand, are the hidden recesses of the earth, And, the peaks of the mountains, are his;
Va koko kuandi muidi vadi phinda zi ntoto zitsongi zi miongo zivuiwulu kuidi niandi.
5 Whose, is the sea, for, he, made it, And, the dry land, his hands, did form.
Mbu wandi bila niandi veka wuvanga wawu ayi mioko miandi mivanga ntoto wu yuma.
6 Enter! let us bow down, and bend low, Let us kneel, before Yahweh our maker;
Yizanu bika tukikulula mu buongama, bika tufukamanu va ntuala Yave mvangi eto.
7 For, he, is our God, And, we, are the people of his pasture, and the flock of his hand? To-day, if, to his voice, ye will hearken,
Bila niandi Nzambi eto ayi beto tuidi batu bandi keta dikila, nkangu mamemi mu ku tsi lukebolo luandi. Enati lumbu kiaku luwilu mbembo andi,
8 Do not harden your heart as at Meribah, As on the day of Massah, in the desert;
lubika kitula mintima mieno ngolo banga bu luvangila Meliba, banga bu luvangila mu lumbu ki Masa mu dikanga;
9 When your fathers, tested me, They proved me, yea they also saw what I could do.
Kuna madise beno bathotila ayi batsokila; ka diambu ko bamona momo ndivanga.
10 Forty years, loathed I that generation, So I said—A people going astray in heart, they are, Even they, have not known my ways!
Mu makumaya ma mimvu, ndiba mu nganzi kuidi tsungi yina; ndituba: “badi batu badi mintima mizimbila ayi basia zaba zinzila ziama ko.”
11 And I sware in mine anger, —Verily they shall not enter into my rest.
Diawu ndizengila ndefi ku tsi nganzi ama: “balendi kota ko mu luvundulu luama.”

< Psalms 95 >