< Psalms 94 >

1 O GOD of avenging—Yahweh, GOD of avenging, shine forth:
A Yave, Nzambi wumvutulanga landi. A Nzambi, wumvutulanga landi; bika wukimonisa!
2 Lift up thyself, O judge of the earth, Render a recompense unto the proud.
Telama kuaku ngeyo zuzi di ntoto; bika wuvutudila batu badi luniemo momo bafueni tambula.
3 How long shall the lawless, O Yahweh, How long shall the lawless exult?
Nate thangu mbi batu bambimbi, a Yave? Nate thangu mbi batu bambimbi bela monanga khini e?
4 They pour forth [words], they speak arrogantly, All the workers of iniquity, do boast:
Bawu balembo muangisa mambu ma luniemo. Batu boso bobo beti vanga mambimbi bafulukidi mu luyanu.
5 Thy people, O Yahweh, they will crush, And, thine inheritance, tread down;
Bawu balembo diatidila batu baku, a Yave, balembo yamisa kiuka kiaku.
6 The widow and sojourner, they will slay, And, the fatherless, murder.
Balembo vondi difuola ayi nkebi; balembo vondi bana ba sana.
7 Yet have they said—Yah, doth not see, The God of Jacob, doth not understand.
Balembo tubi: “Yave kakadi mona ayi Nzambi yi Yakobi kakadi matala.”
8 Understand, ye brutish among the people, And, ye dullards, when will ye show discretion?
Lukeba beno bakambulu diela luidi va khatitsika batu! Bosi beno bivungisi thangu mbi luela bela nzayilu e?
9 He that planteth the ear, shall he not hear? Or, that fashioneth the eye, shall he not have power to see?
Niandi wutula dikutu kalendi wa ko e? Niandi wukubika dieso kalendo mona ko e?
10 He that correcteth nations, shall he not reprove? He that teacheth man knowledge!
Niandi weti vana makanda thumbudulu makanda kalendi vana thumbudulu ko e? Niandi ko weti longa mutu kambulu nzayilu e?
11 Yahweh, knoweth the plans of men, That, they, are a breath!
Yave zebi mayindu ma mutu; zebi ti mawu madi kaka maphamba.
12 How happy the man whom thou correctest, O Yah! And whom, out of thy law, thou instructest!
Lusakumunu kuidi mutu wowo weti vana thumbudulu, a Yave, mutu wowo weti longila mu Mina miaku.
13 That thou mayest give him rest from the days of misfortune, Until there be digged—for the lawless one—a pit.
Weti kumvana lusadusu mu bilumbu bi phasi nate dibulu dinneni diela mana kabu mu diambu di batu bambimbi.
14 For Yahweh, will not abandon, his people, And, his inheritance, will he not forsake;
Bila Yave kalendi yekula batu bandi ko kalendi loza kiuka kiandi ko.
15 For, unto righteousness, shall the judicial sentence return, Then shall follow it—all the upright in heart.
Tsambusu yela buela ba diaka yisonga ayi baboso bobo badi mintima milulama bela landakana yawu.
16 Who will rise up for me, against the evil-doers? Who will make a stand for me, against the workers of iniquity?
Nani wela kuthelumina va ntuala batu bambimbi e? Nani wela telama mu diambu diama mu nuanisa bobo bamvanganga mambimbi e?
17 If, Yahweh, had not been a help to me, Soon had sunk into silence—my soul!
Enati Yave kasia kuphana lusadusu ko nganu mu thinu nsualu ndivuandila dio sui mu lufua.
18 If I say, My foot, hath slipped, Thy lovingkindness, O Yahweh, supporteth me.
Mu thangu ndituba; “kulu kuama kueka sialumuka”; luzolo luaku, a Yave, lutsimba.
19 In the multitude of my cares within me, Thy consolations, delight my soul.
Mu thangu mayindu maba mawombo mu minu; mbombolo aku yinata khini mu muelꞌama.
20 Shall the throne that inflicteth ruin, have fellowship with thee, That frameth oppression, by statute?
Kundu ki luyalu ki batu bamvanganga mambimbi kilenda ba kithuadi ayi ngeyo ko e? Kioki kinatanga khuamusu mu zinzengolo ziandi e?
21 They make an attack on the life of the righteous one, —And, innocent blood, they condemn.
Bankutakananga mu nuanisa batu basonga ayi zengila mutu kambu bila nkanu wu lufua.
22 But, Yahweh, hath become for me a high tower, And my God, my rock of refuge.
Vayi Yave wuyika suamunu kiama kingolo; ayi Nzambi ama niandi ditadi dingolo diodi ndieti suamina.
23 Thus hath he brought back on them their iniquity, And, by their own wickedness, will he destroy them, Destroy them, will Yahweh our God.
Wela kuba vutudila mu diambu di masumu mawu, ayi wela kuba bunga mu diambu di mambimbi mawu. Yave, Nzambi eto, wela kuba bunga.

< Psalms 94 >