< Psalms 94 >
1 O GOD of avenging—Yahweh, GOD of avenging, shine forth:
HERRE du hævnens Gud, du Hævnens Gud, træd frem i Glans;
2 Lift up thyself, O judge of the earth, Render a recompense unto the proud.
stå op, du Jordens Dommer, øv Gengæld mod de hovmodige!
3 How long shall the lawless, O Yahweh, How long shall the lawless exult?
Hvor længe skal gudløse, HERRE, hvor længe skal gudløse juble?
4 They pour forth [words], they speak arrogantly, All the workers of iniquity, do boast:
De fører tøjlesløs Tale, hver Udådsmand ter sig som Herre;
5 Thy people, O Yahweh, they will crush, And, thine inheritance, tread down;
de underkuer, o HERRE, dit Folk og undertrykker din Arvelod;
6 The widow and sojourner, they will slay, And, the fatherless, murder.
de myrder Enke og fremmed faderløse slår de ihjel;
7 Yet have they said—Yah, doth not see, The God of Jacob, doth not understand.
de siger: "HERREN kan ikke se, Jakobs Gud kan intet mærke!"
8 Understand, ye brutish among the people, And, ye dullards, when will ye show discretion?
Forstå dog, I Tåber blandt Folket! Når bliver I kloge, I Dårer?
9 He that planteth the ear, shall he not hear? Or, that fashioneth the eye, shall he not have power to see?
Skulde han, som plantede Øret, ej høre, han, som dannede Øjet, ej se?
10 He that correcteth nations, shall he not reprove? He that teacheth man knowledge!
Skulde Folkenes Tugtemester ej revse, han som lærer Mennesket indsigt?
11 Yahweh, knoweth the plans of men, That, they, are a breath!
HERREN kender Menneskets Tanker, thi de er kun Tomhed.
12 How happy the man whom thou correctest, O Yah! And whom, out of thy law, thou instructest!
Salig den Mand, du tugter, HERRE, og vejleder ved din Lov
13 That thou mayest give him rest from the days of misfortune, Until there be digged—for the lawless one—a pit.
for at give ham Ro for onde Dage, indtil der graves en Grav til den gudløse;
14 For Yahweh, will not abandon, his people, And, his inheritance, will he not forsake;
thi HERREN bortstøder ikke sit Folk og svigter ikke sin Arvelod.
15 For, unto righteousness, shall the judicial sentence return, Then shall follow it—all the upright in heart.
Den retfærdige kommer igen til sin Ret, en Fremtid har hver oprigtig af Hjertet.
16 Who will rise up for me, against the evil-doers? Who will make a stand for me, against the workers of iniquity?
Hvo står mig bi mod Ugerningsmænd? hvo hjælper mig mod Udådsmænd?
17 If, Yahweh, had not been a help to me, Soon had sunk into silence—my soul!
Var HERREN ikke min Hjælp, snart hviled min Sjæl i det stille.
18 If I say, My foot, hath slipped, Thy lovingkindness, O Yahweh, supporteth me.
Når jeg tænkte: "Nu vakler min Fod", støtted din Nåde mig, HERRE;
19 In the multitude of my cares within me, Thy consolations, delight my soul.
da mit Hjerte var fuldt af ængstede Tanker, husvaled din Trøst min Sjæl.
20 Shall the throne that inflicteth ruin, have fellowship with thee, That frameth oppression, by statute?
står du i Pagt med Fordærvelsens Domstol, der skaber Uret i Lovens Navn?
21 They make an attack on the life of the righteous one, —And, innocent blood, they condemn.
Jager de end den ret, færdiges Liv og dømmer uskyldigt Blod,
22 But, Yahweh, hath become for me a high tower, And my God, my rock of refuge.
HERREN er dog mit Bjærgested, min Gud er min Tilflugtsklippe;
23 Thus hath he brought back on them their iniquity, And, by their own wickedness, will he destroy them, Destroy them, will Yahweh our God.
han vender deres Uret imod dem selv, udsletter dem for deres Ondskab; dem udsletter HERREN vor Gud.