< Psalms 88 >

1 A Song, a Melody. For the Sons of Korah. To the Chief Musician. On "Mahalath." For alternate Song. An Instructive Psalm. By Heman the Ezrahite. O Yahweh, God of my salvation, By day, have I made outcry, In the night, [also] before thee.
MAIN Ieowa, Kot ai jaunkamaur, i kin likwir nin ran o ni pon mo’mui.
2 Let my prayer, come into thy presence, Bow down thine ear to my loud cry.
Kom kotin mueid on, ai kapakap en lelda won komui. Kom kotin kapaik don karon omui kan ai likelikwir.
3 For my soul, is sated with misfortunes, And, my life—unto Hades, hath drawn near; (Sheol h7585)
Pwe nen i me dir en mamauk, o maur i koren ion mela. (Sheol h7585)
4 I am counted with them who descend into the pit, I have become as a man that is without help;
Nai kin wadok on ir memelar, nai dueta ol amen, me jolar
5 Among the dead, is my couch, —Like the slain that lie in the grave, Where thou rememberest them no more, Yea, they, from thy hand, are cut off;
I wonon nan pun en me melar akan, me wonon nan joujou, me kom jolar kotin kupura, pwe re lokidokilar jan nan lim omui.
6 Thou hast laid me, In the lowest pit, In dark places, In the deeps:
Kom kotin kaje ia lar nan joujou, waja rotorot o lol.
7 Upon me, hath rested thine indignation, And, with all thy breakers, hast thou caused affliction. (Selah)
Omui onion kin katoutou ia, o kom kotin idan kin ia di omui iluk kan.
8 Thou hast far removed mine acquaintances from me, —Thou hast made me an abomination unto them, Shut up, and I cannot go forth!
Kom kotiki woner kompoke pa i kan waja doo, kom kotin wia kin ia la me jued kot on ir, i jalidier o jo kak pitila.
9 Mine eye, hath dimmed through affliction; I have called upon thee, O Yahweh, all day long, I have spread out, unto thee, my hands.
Maj ai juede kilar ai luet, nin ran karoj i potoan on komui, Main Ieowa, o i kapa won komui pa i kat.
10 For the dead, wilt thou perform a wonder? Or shall, the shades, arising, give thee thanks? (Selah)
Kom pan kotin kajaleda omui manaman ren me melar akan? De me melar akan pan maurada danke komui?
11 Shall Thy lovingkindness be recounted in the grave? Thy faithfulness, in destruction?
Re pan kojoia duen omui kalanan nan joujou kan? O wajan mela duen omui melel?
12 Shall any wonder of thine, be known in the dark? Or, thy righteousness, in the land of forgetfulness?
Omui manaman akan pan janjaleda waja rotorot, o omui pun nan jap en me re jolar kin lamelame?
13 But, I, unto thee, O Yahweh, have cried for help, And, in the morning, my prayer will confront thee!
A i kin potoan likwir on komui, Main Ieowa nin manjan, ai kapakap pan lel won komui.
14 Wherefore, O Yahweh, shouldst thou reject my soul? shouldst thou hide thy face from me?
Main Ieowa, da me kom kotin kaje ia kila, o da me kom okila ki jilan ar mo i?
15 Afflicted have I been, and dying, from youth, I have borne the terror of thee—I shall be distracted!
Nai me luet o jaliel jan ni ai pulepul; i kin kamekamki omui kalom, i koren ion jolar kaporopor.
16 Over me, have passed thy bursts of burning anger, The alarms of thee have put an end to me;
Omui onion kin kadupal ia di, omui kalom kawe ia Iar
17 They have surrounded me like waters, all the day, They have come circling against me together:
Re kapil ia pena dueta pil akan jan ni manjan lel jautik, ir karoj kapil ia pena.
18 Thou hast far removed from me, lover and friend, Mine acquaintances, are in darkness.
Kom kotiki woner kompoke pa I oai warok kan waja doo, rotorot eta ai warok.

< Psalms 88 >