< Psalms 87 >

1 For the Sons of Korah. A Melody, a Song. His foundation, is in the holy mountains:
Ruotge agonarera Ra Anumzamo'ma tro'ma hu'nea rankumara me'ne.
2 Yahweh loveth the gates of Zion, More than all the dwellings of Jacob.
Agra mago'a rankuma'ma Israeli mopafima me'nea rankumatmima avesima nenteama'a agatereno Jerusalemi rankumara avesinente.
3 Glorious things, are to be spoken of thee, O city of God. (Selah)
Anumzamofo rankuma'mokagura vahe'mo'za hentofa kege hunegantaze.
4 I will mention Rahab and Babylon, to them who know me—Lo! Philistia and Tyre with Ethiopia, This one was born there.
Nagri'ma ke'za antahi'zama hu'naza vahe'ma antahima nezamisuna, Isipi vahe'ma Babiloni vahe'enena zamagia ahentesgahue. Filistiane Tairi kuma'ene Itiopia kuma'enena ana zanke hu'na zamagia ahentesgahue. Ana maka'mo'za Jerusalemi kumapi vahe ase'za manigahaze!
5 But, of Zion, it shall be said—This man and that were born in her, And the Highest himself shall establish her.
Ana hugahianagi Jerusalemi kumapima nemaniza vahekura amanage hugahie, maka Jerusalemi kumapima fore'ma huta nemaniza vahe'mota, muse huta knare nomani'zante nemanisageno, Marerirfa Anumzamo'a ana rankumara Agra'a eri hanavetisigeno meno vugahie.
6 Yahweh, will record, when he enrolleth the peoples, This one was born there. (Selah)
Ra Anumzamo'ma vahe zamagima kreno evanuno'a Agra amanage hugahie, zamagra Jerusalemi kumapi kasezmantege'za, zamagra ana kumapi vahe mani'naze huno hugahie.
7 As well the singers as the flute-players [are saying], —All my springs, are in thee!
Zgame nehaza vahe'mo'zane konkema neraza vahe'mo'zanena amanage hu'za zagamera hugahaze, Tagrama musema nehuna zamo'a, Jerusalemi kumapinti ne-e, hu'za hugahaze.

< Psalms 87 >