< Psalms 81 >

1 To the Chief Musician. On "the Gittith." Asaph’s. Shout ye for joy, unto God our strength, Sound the note of triumph, to the God of Jacob;
Nkunga Asafi kuidi pfumu minyimbidi; kayimbidila mu ngitala yi basi Ngati. Yimbidilanu Nzambi mu khini; niandi zingolo zieto! Yamikinanu kuidi Nzambi yi Yakobi!
2 Raise a melody, and strike the timbrel, The lyre so sweet, with the harp:
Tonanu miziki, sikanu zindungu; Bulanu minningu mu Ngitala ayi lu Lila.
3 Blow, at the new moon, the horn, At the full moon, for the day of our sacred festival:
Sikanu phoka yi dimemi va ntotukila ngondi yi mona; ayi Ngondi bu yidi yiduka ayi mu lumbu ki nyengo eto!
4 For, a statute to Israel, it is, A regulation, by the God of Jacob;
Yayi yidi nzengolo mu diambu di Iseli, ayi tsikudukusu yi Nzambi yi Yakobi,
5 A testimony in Joseph, he appointed it, When he went forth over the land of Egypt: A language I liked not, used I to hear;
Wukindisa yawu banga nsiku mu diambu di Zozefi mu thangu kanuanisa tsi yi Ezipite… Kuna tuwa mbembo yoyi tusia sudika ko.
6 I took away, from the burden, his shoulder, his hands, from the clay, were set free.
Tubidi: “Ndibotudi mfuna wubedi va mavangiti mawu. Ayi babotudi pani kibedi mu mioko miandi.
7 In distress, thou didst cry, and I delivered thee, —I answered thee, within a hiding-place of thunder, I proved thee by the waters of Meribah. (Selah)
Mu ziphasi ziaku, ngeyo wutela ayi ndikula ndivana mvutu ku tsi dumu ki matuti nditota ku minlangu mi Meliba.
8 Hear, O my people, and I will adjure thee, O Israel, if thou wilt hearken unto me!
Wanu beno batu bama, ayi ndiela kululubula: enati beno luzola ku ndimba, a Iseli.
9 There shall not be, within thee, a foreign GOD, —Neither shalt thou bow down to a strange GOD:
Kulendi ba kadi nzambi yi nzenza ko va khatitsikꞌaku. Kulendi buongimina nzambi yi nzenza ko!
10 I, Yahweh, am thy God, Who brought thee up out of the land of Egypt, —Open wide thy mouth, that I may fill it.
Minu ndidi Yave, Nzambi, yoyi yilutotula mu tsi Ezipite; zibula bumboti munu aku ayi ndiela ku wuwesa.
11 But my people, hearkened not, unto my voice, Even, Israel, inclined not unto me.
Vayi batu bama basia zola ku ndimba ko; Iseli kasia kuthumukina ko.
12 So then I let them go on in the stubbornness of their own heart, They might walk in their own counsels!
Buna ndiba yekula mu mintima miawu mingolo; mu landakana zikhanu ziawu veka.
13 If, my people, were hearkening unto me, [If, ] Israel, in my ways, would walk,
Enati batu bama bandima kuama, enati Iseli wuzola landakana zinzila ziama!
14 Right soon, their foes, would I subdue, And, against their adversaries, would I turn my hand:
Nganu mu nsualu ndieka tumbu kuba yekudila bambeni ziawu ayi balula koko kuama kuidi bobo beti kuba lenda.
15 The haters of Yahweh, should come cringing unto him, Then let their own good time be age-abiding!
Bobo beti lenda Yave balenda kukikulula va ntualꞌandi ayi nganu thumbudulu awu yela zingilanga mu zithangu zioso;
16 Then would he feed them from the marrow of the wheat, Yea, out of the rock—with honey, would I satisfy thee.
Vayi nganu ngeyo wudikulu mu ble yilutidi kitoko, mu niosi yintotukila mu ditadi, ndiela kuyukutisila.”

< Psalms 81 >