< Psalms 78 >

1 An Instructive Psalm. Asaph’s. Give ear, O my people, to mine instruction, Bend your ear to the sayings of my mouth;
Aw kak thlangkhqi aw, ka ni cawngpyinaak ve ngai lah uh; kam kha awhkaw awi ve ngai lah uh.
2 I will open, in a parable, my mouth, I will pour forth enigmas out of antiquity; —
Nyhtahnaak ing kam kha awng kawng nyng saw, syn awhkaw ik-oeih, ang hyp ik-oeihkhqi ce kqawn law kawng.
3 Which we have heard, and come to know, And, our fathers, have recounted to us;
Ningmih ing ning za nawh ni huhkhqi ve, ni pakhqi ing amik kqawn law ce ni.
4 We will not withhold [them] from their children, To a later generation, recounting the praises of Yahweh, Even his might and his wonders which he wrought;
A cakhqi venawh am nik phah pe hlyk khqi hy, ak law hly kawi cadilkhqi venawh Bawipa am kyihcah hly kawi ik-oeih saikhqi, amah ak tha awmnaak, kawpoek kyi ik-oeih a saikhqi ce nik kqawn pe patoe kaw.
5 When he set up a testimony in Jacob, And, a law, appointed in Israel, —Which he commanded our fathers, That they might make them known to their children;
Jacob aham a hquut hly kawi awi ce pe nawh Israelkhqi anglakawh anaa awi ce caksak hy, cawhkaw anaa awi ce ningnih a pa venawh a cakhqi ami cawng sak patoe aham pehy,
6 To the end, A later generation, might come to know, Children who should be born, Who should arise, and recount [them] to their children;
ak law hly kawi cadil naasenkhqi ing, ak thang hly kawi naasenkhqi ingawm sim unawh, a cadilkhqi venawh ak kqawn pek patoe aham pehy.
7 That they might set, in Elohim, their confidence, —And not forget the doings of El, But, his commandments, might observe;
Cawhtaw Khawsa ce ypna kawm usaw a ik-oeih saikhqi ce am hilh voel ti kawm uh, ak awi peekkhqi ce hquut hawh kawm uh.
8 And not become, like their fathers, a generation stubborn and rebellious, —A generation that fixed not their heart, Neither was their spirit, faithful with GOD.
Cekkhqi taw ami pahqamkhqi amyihna am awm kawm uh - kaw ak tiing ingkaw ak oelh taih, Khawsa venawh kawlung amak cak thlangkhqi ingkaw aming myihlakhqi awm a venawh ypawm na am awm uhy.
9 The sons of Ephraim—armed bowmen, Turned in the day of battle;
Ephraim thlangkhqi ce, li pawm mai u seiawm, qaltuknaak nyn awhtaw a huna hlat tlaih uhy.
10 They kept not the covenant of God, And, in his law, refused to walk;
Khawsa a paipi ce am ha na unawh a anaa awi a peek amyihna awm am sai uhy.
11 And forgat His doings, And his wonders which he had showed them:
Kawpoek kyi ik-oeih a mingmih a venawh ang dang peek sak ce hilh uhy.
12 In presence of their fathers, wrought he, wondrously, —In the land of Egypt—the field of Zoan:
Izip qam zan khaw awh ami pahqamkhqi mik huh awh kawpoek kyi ik-oeih ce sai pehy.
13 He clave the sea, and caused them to pass through, And reared up the waters like a mound;
Tuncunli ce pak khih na hqe phuk nawh lan hqawng awh cekkhqi ce sawi hy; tui ce ip bang amyihna dyih sak hy.
14 And led them, by a cloud, in the daytime, And all the night, by a light of fire;
Dai awh cingmai ing sawi nawh than zung awh maivang ing sawi hy.
15 He used to cleave rocks in the desert, And let them drink as out of mighty deeps;
Qamkoh awh lungnu ce can sak nawh tuicunli zah tui ce khawzah pehy;
16 And he brought forth streams out of the cliff, And caused waters to flow down, like rivers.
Lungnu ak kqek awhkawng tui phyt sak nawh lawngnu amyihna lawng sak hy.
17 But again, once more sinned they against him, Resisting the Most High in a land of drought:
Cehlai cekkhqi ing ak khan awh thawlh bak bak hyn uhy, Sawsang Soeih ce qamkoh awh oelh sih hyn uhy.
18 They put GOD to the proof in their heart, By asking food to their mind:
A mimah ak phoen cawih a sitnaak qungna Khawsa ce noek a dak uhy.
19 Yea they spake against Elohim, —They said, Can GOD prepare a table in the desert?
Khawsa oelh doena, “Qamkoh awh Khawsa ing caboei dawn law hly tang nawh nu?
20 Lo! he hath smitten a rock, And waters, have gushed out, Yea, torrents, have rushed along, —Food also, can he give? Or provide flesh for his people?
Lungnu a vyk awh, tui cawn law nawh tui khawzah lawngca tuina lawng hy. Buh awm ni pe hly thai bai nawh nu? Ak thlangkhqi meh ak ai hly sak thai tang lawt nu?” ti uhy.
21 Therefore, Yahweh hearkened, and became wroth, —And, a fire, was kindled against Jacob, Moreover also, anger, mounted against Israel;
Bawipa ing ce ak awi ce ang zaak awh, ak kaw so hy; Jacob ak khan awh mai kqawng sak nawh, Israel ak khan awh ak kawsonaak ce pha hy.
22 Because, They believed not in God, Nor trusted in his salvation;
Cekkhqi ing Khawsa ce ap cang na unawh a hulnaak awm ap cangna uhy.
23 Though he had commanded the skies above, And, the doors of the heavens, had opened;
Cehlai khan khawnghi ce awi pe nawh khan chawmkeng ce awng sak hy;
24 And had rained on them manna to eat, And, the corn of the heavens, had given to them:
cekkhqi ing ami ai ham manna ce khaw na aa sak hy, khan nakawng buh ce pehy.
25 The food of the mighty, each one did eat, Nourishment, sent he them to the full;
Khan ceityih a muk ce ai unawh; ami ai thai khuina buh ce pek khqi boeih hy.
26 He let loose an east wind in the heavens, Then guided he, in his might, a south wind;
Khan nakawng khawlaw ben khawhli ce hlah pe nawh ak thaawmnaak ing a hawt ben nakaw khaw ce hli pe sak bai hy.
27 And rained upon them flesh as the dust, And, like the sand of the seas, birds of wing;
Dekvai amyihna meh ce khaw na tlan pe sak hy, tuicunli a keng awhkaw dizui amyihna pha ce ding pe sak hy.
28 And let them fall in the midst of their camp, —Round about their habitations.
Ami awmnaak hi ipkhuikhqi na tlak pe sak nawh, hi im a ceng a awm awh awm pe sak kyng hy.
29 So they did eat and were abundantly filled, When, what they longed for, he had brought them: —
Ami hym ami ngaih ce a peek khqi hawh a dawngawh, a mingmih ing ami phyi aawk dyna ai uhy.
30 They had not turned away from what they had longed for, Yet was their food in their mouth,
Cehlai ami hym buh zani ami cehtaak hlanawh, amim kha awh ami pem hui awh;
31 When, the anger of God, mounted against them, And he slew of their vigorous youths, And, the choice young men of Israel, caused he to bow down in death.
Khawsak kawsonaak ce cekkhqik khan awh pha hy; cekkhqik khuiawh tha ak awm soeih khqi ce thih pe sak nawh Israel cadawngkhqi ce him pek khqi hy.
32 For all this, sinned they still, And believed not in his wonders;
Vemyihna awm bai seiawm thawlh bak bak hyn uhy; kawpoek kyi ik-oeih a sai pek khqi awh awm ap cang na bak bak hyn uhy.
33 So he ended, in a breath, their days, And their years, in a sudden terror!
Cedawngawh cekkhqi a khawnghi ce a sawhqat na boeih pe sak khqi nawh kum khqi ce kqih awmnaak ing boeih pe sak hy.
34 If he slew [of] them, then they sought him, Yea they turned, and did earnestly seek GOD;
Khawsa ing cekkhqi ce ahim qit awh amah ce sui uhy; cawhtaw amah a venna hlat tlaih uhy.
35 And remembered that, Elohim, was their rock, Yea, EL Most High, their Redeemer:
Khawsa taw a mimah a Lungnu ni tice sim unawh Sawsang soeih Khawsa taw a mingmih a hulkung ni tice sim uhy.
36 So they spake him fair with their mouth, And, with their tongue, did promise him falsely;
Cehlai amim kha hqoeng ing amah ce kyihcah unawh, amim lai ing a venawh ami qaai kqawn uhy;
37 But, their heart, was not fixed with him, Nor were they trusty in his covenant:
a venawh amik kawlung am cak hy, a paipi sai awh ypawm na am awm uhy.
38 Yet, he, full of compassion, would put a propitiatory-covering over iniquity, and not destroy, —Yea, many a time, turned he back his anger, And would not stir up all his wrath.
Cehlai anih taw qeennaak ing a be a dawngawh; cekkhqi a thawlh ce qeenkhaw ngai pe nawh cekkhqi ce am hqe hy. Ak kawsonaak ce yh ngahngah nawh ak kawso a benaak amyihna am dang sak hy.
39 So then he remembered, That, Flesh, they were, A Wind departing, that returneth not.
Cekkhqi taw pumsa, amak hlat voel hawh zilh mai ni, tice amah ing sim hy.
40 How often they, Resisted him in the desert, Vexed him, in the waste:
Qamkoh awh iqyt dy nu oelh unawh kqawnghu awh iqyt nu ak kaw ami seet sak ce!
41 Yea they again put GOD to the test, And, to the Holy One of Israel, caused they sorrow:
Khawsa ce noek a dak khawthai uhy; Israelkhqi a thlakciim ce yng sak uhy.
42 They remembered not his hand—The day, When he ransomed them from the adversary;
Ak thaawmnaak ce am sim qoe uhy – a mingmih ak thekhanaak thlangkhqi kut khui awhkawng a hulnaak ce.
43 When he set, in Egypt, his signs, And his wonders, in the plain of Zoan;
Izip qam awhkaw poek kyi hatnaak ang dang sak khqi ingkaw zoan hun awhkaw ngaihkyi ik-oeih a saikhqi ce.
44 When he turned, into blood, their Nile-streams, And, their own rivers, could they not drink;
Lawngnukhqi ce thi na ang coeng sak a dawngawh; lawngca tuikhqi ce am aw thai voel uhy.
45 He sent among them, The gad-fly, and it devoured them, And the frog, and it despoiled them;
A mingmih ak cuui aham pi hlah pek khqi khawng hak nawh, a mingmih hqe aham uphyihkhqi tyih pehy.
46 When he gave to the corn-locust their produce, And their toil, to the swarming locust;
Ami locangkhqi ce khamkhokkhqi venawh pe nawh, ami bibinaak khqi ce khamkhawk peek pehy.
47 He killed, with hail, their vine, And their sycomores, with frost:
Misur a thingkhqi ce qeel ing him pe nawh thaikungkhqi awm qawhnu ing him pehy.
48 When he gave up, to hail-storms, their beasts, And their cattle, to pestilent fevers;
Amik khqintaikhqi awm qeel ing him pe nawh, vawk a ai amim cahkhqi awm kqek mai a venawh peek pehy.
49 He sent among them the heat of his anger, Wrath and indignation and distress, —A mission of messengers of misfortune:
Cekhqik khan awh ak kaw a hlawknaak ce am dawk qoe voel hy, ak kawsonaak, yh thai na amak awm voel kawsonaak ingkaw ak kaw ama lawnaak awh - a mingmih him aham khan ceityih hloep oet ce tyih pehy.
50 He leveled a path for his anger, Withheld not, from death, their soul, But, their life—to the pestilence, he delivered:
A kawsonaak ham a lam ce qoek a bah nawh; cekkhqi ce thihnaak awhkawng am hlyn kana tlawh che a venawh cekkhqi ce pehy.
51 So he smote, Every first-born in Egypt, The beginning of their strength, in the tents of Ham;
Izipkhqi ak caming boeih him pehy, Ham ipkhui awh ak awm thlanghqing ak thaih cyk khqi ce him pe boeih hy.
52 And he set forth, like sheep, his people, And guided them, like a flock in the desert;
Cehlai, ak thlangkhqi cetaw tuuk kqeng amyihna khai nawh; qamkoh awhkaw tuu amyihna sawi poe hy.
53 Yea he led them securely, and they dreaded not, And, their enemies, the sea did cover.
Syngyp cana a sawi dawngawh cekkhqi ing ap kqih uhy; Cehlai a qalkhqi cetaw tuicunli ing sing pe malh hy.
54 Then brought he them within his own holy bounds, The mountain-range, which his right hand made his own:
Cemyihna cekkhqi ce qam ciim a khawqi dyna sawi khqi nawh, ak tangkut ing a lawh tlang qam dyna sawi khqi hy.
55 So he drave out, before them, [whole] nations, And allotted them, by line, an inheritance, And caused to dwell, in their own homes, the tribes of Israel.
Cekkhqi haiawh pilnam thlangkhqi ce hqek pek khqi nawh ce a qam ce cekkhqi venawh qo na pang sak khqi nawh: cekhqi a im awh Israelkhqi ce pah sak khqi hy.
56 But they tested and resisted God Most High, And, his testimonies, did not observe;
Cehlai cekhqi ing Khawsa ce noek a dak unawh Sawsang Soeih ce oelh unawh; ak awipeek ce am hquut uhy.
57 But drew back and dealt treacherously, like their fathers, They turned aside, like deceitful bowmen;
Ami pakhqi mih baina ypawm na ami awm kaana cangnaak awm am ta uhy, ypnaak amak cu la amyihna hlat uhy.
58 And provoked him to anger with their high places, And, with their images, used to move him to jealousy.
Hun sangkhqi sai unawh ak kaw so sak unawh; myi bawknaak ing tlai seet sak uhy.
59 God heard and was wroth, And greatly abhorred Israel;
Cekhqi ce Khawsa ing ang zaak awh, ak kaw so soeih hy; cedawngawh Israel ce qoeng bang tlang hy.
60 So he gave up the habitation of Shiloh, The tent he had set up among Men;
Shiloh awh thlang khqing lak awh ang dyih sak hi im awm cehta hy.
61 Yea he gave up, into captivity, his strength, And his beauty into the hand of an adversary;
Ak tha awmnaak bawm ce tamna na khum sak nawh, a boeimangnaak ce qaal a kut awh pehy.
62 And delivered up, to the sword, his people, And, with his own inheritance, was he wroth;
Ak thlangkhqi ce zawzi ing him aham pe nawh; a qo ak pang hly khqik khan awh ak kawso soeih hy.
63 His young men, were devoured by fire, And, his virgins, were not praised in song;
A tawngpalangkhqi ce mai ing daih pek khqi boeih nawh a nulakhqi ing zulawh vataaknaak a laa am sa voel uhy;
64 His priests, by the sword, did fall, And, his widows, were not able to bewail.
A khawsoeihkhqi awm zawzi ing thi unawh, nulakhqi awm am kqang hqa voel uhy.
65 Then awoke, as one that had slept, Adonay, As a warrior exulting with wine!
Cawhtaw zu ak qui a caih amyihna, Bawipa ce a ihnaak awhkawng hqyng law hy.
66 So he smote his adversaries in the rear, Reproach age-abiding, laid he upon them.
A qaalkhqi ce tuk pe pheng nawh; kumqui dy awh chah qai phyikawt na tahy.
67 Howbeit he rejected the tent of Joseph, And, the tribe of Ephraim, did not choose:
Cek cong awhtaw Joseph a hi im ce qoeng nawh, Epharaim a phun awm ap tyk voel hy;
68 But made choice of the tribe of Judah, The mountain of Zion, which he loved;
Cehlai Judah phun, Zion tlang, amah ing a lungnaak ce tyk hy.
69 And built, like the heights, his sanctuary, Like the earth, he founded it to times age-abiding.
Amah ing khawmdek kumqui dy a caksak amyihna, amah cawh hun ciim ce ak sang soeih na sa hy.
70 And made choice of David his servant, And took him from among the folds of the sheep:
A tyihzawih David ce tyk nawh tuu a ip khui awhkawng dawk hy;
71 From after the sucking ewes, he brought him in, —To be shepherd to Jacob his people, And to Israel, his inheritance.
Tuu ak khainaak kung awhkawng hawlaw nawh ak thlang Jacob, a qo pang Israel ce tuu ak khaikung na tahy.
72 So he did shepherd them, according to the singleness of his heart, And, with the discernment of his hands, used he to guide them.
David ing cekhqi ce kawlung dyngnaak ing qym hy; a kut suinaak ing cekhqi ce khai hy.

< Psalms 78 >