< Psalms 75 >

1 To the Chief Musician. "Do not Destroy." A Melody of Asaph, a Song. We have given thanks unto thee, O God, we have given thanks, And, in calling upon thy Name, men have recounted thy wonders.
Kwa mtsogoleri wa mayimbidwe, potsata mayimbidwe a “Musawononge.” Salimo la Asafu. Nyimbo. Tikuthokoza Inu Mulungu, tikuthokoza, pakuti dzina lanu lili pafupi nafe, anthutu amafotokoza za ntchito zanu zodabwitsa.
2 Surely I will take a set time, —I, with equity, will judge:
Mumati, “Ine ndimayika nthawi yoyenera, ndine amene ndimaweruza mwachilungamo.
3 Earth was melting away with all its inhabitants, I, have fixed the pillars thereof. (Selah)
Pamene dziko lapansi ndi anthu ake onse anjenjemera, ndine amene ndimagwiriziza mizati yake molimba. (Sela)
4 I have said to the boasters, Do not boast, And to the lawless, Do not lift up a horn;
Kwa odzitama ndikuti, ‘Musadzitamenso,’ ndipo kwa oyipa, ‘Musatukulenso nyanga zanu.
5 Do not lift up on high your horn, Nor speak of the Rock, with arrogance;
Musatukule nyanga zanu motsutsana ndi kumwamba; musayankhule ndi khosi losololoka.’”
6 For neither from east nor west, Nor from the wilderness of the mountains [cometh exaltation];
Kugamula milandu sikuchokera kummawa kapena kumadzulo kapena ku chipululu.
7 For, God himself, is about to judge, One, he will cast down, Another, he will lift up;
Koma ndi Mulungu amene amaweruza: Iyeyo amatsitsa wina, nakwezanso wina.
8 For, a cup, is in the hand of Yahweh, Whose wine is foaming, It is full of spiced wine, Which he hath caused to flow from one to another, —Surely, the dregs thereof, they shall drain out—they shall drink, Even all the lawless ones of the earth.
Mʼdzanja la Yehova muli chikho chodzaza ndi vinyo wochita thovu, wosakanizidwa ndi zokometsera; Iye amamutsanulira pansi ndipo onse oyipa a dziko lapansi amamwa ndi senga zake zonse.
9 But, I, will exult unto times age-abiding, I will sing praises unto the God of Jacob;
Kunena za ine, ndidzalengeza izi kwamuyaya; ndidzayimba matamando kwa Mulungu wa Yakobo.
10 But, all the horns of the lawless, will I hew off, —Exalted shall be the horns of the Righteous One.
Ndidzadula nyanga za onse oyipa koma nyanga za olungama zidzakwezedwa.

< Psalms 75 >