< Psalms 71 >

1 In thee, O Yahweh, have I sought refuge, May I not be ashamed unto times age-abiding:
Kuwe, Nkosi, ngiyaphephela; kangingayangeki lanininini.
2 In thy righteousness, wilt thou rescue me, and deliver me, Incline unto me thine ear, and save me:
Ngikhulula ngokulunga kwakho, ungophule; beka indlebe yakho kimi, ungisindise.
3 Be thou unto me, a Rock to dwell in, a Place of Security, To save me, For, my mountain crag and my stronghold, thou art.
Woba lidwala lokuhlala kimi, ngiye kulo njalonjalo; ulayile ukungisindisa, ngoba ulidwala lami lenqaba yami.
4 Oh my God, deliver me, From the hand of the lawless one, From the clutch of the perverse and ruthless one;
Nkulunkulu wami, ngophula esandleni somubi lesandleni songalunganga lolesihluku.
5 For, thou, art my hope, My Lord, Yahweh, My confidence from my youthful days:
Ngoba wena, ulithemba lami Nkosi, Jehova, ithemba lami kwasebutsheni bami.
6 Upon thee, have I stayed myself from birth, Thou art he that severed me, from the body of my mother, Of thee, shall be my praise—continually.
Ngeyame kuwe kwasesizalweni; nguwe owangikhupha esiswini sikamama; indumiso yami ingawe njalonjalo.
7 A very wonder, have I been unto many, Seeing that, thou, hast been my strong refuge,
Benginjengesimangaliso kwabanengi; kodwa wena uyisiphephelo sami esiqinileyo.
8 My mouth shall be filled with, thy praise, All the day, with thy splendour.
Umlomo wami kawugcwaliswe ngendumiso yakho, usuku lonke ngodumo lwakho.
9 Do not cast me off in the time of old age, When my vigour faileth, do not forsake me;
Ungangilahli esikhathini sokuluphala, ungangitshiyi ekupheleni kwamandla ami.
10 For mine enemies have spoken of me, And, they who watch for my life, have taken counsel together;
Ngoba izitha zami zikhuluma zimelene lami, labacathamela umphefumulo wami bayacebisana,
11 Saying, God, hath forsaken him, Pursue and take him, For there is none to rescue.
besithi: UNkulunkulu umtshiyile; zingelani, limbambe, ngoba kakho okhululayo.
12 O God, be not far from me, O my God, to help me, make haste!
Nkulunkulu, ungabi khatshana lami; Nkulunkulu wami, phangisela usizo lwami.
13 Let them be ashamed—be consumed, Who are assailing my life, —Let them be covered with reproach and confusion, Who are seeking my hurt.
Kabayangeke baphele abayizitha zomphefumulo wami, kabasitshekelwe yikuyangeka lehlazo labo abadinga ukoniwa kwami.
14 But, I, continually will hope, And will add to all thy praise;
Kodwa mina ngizathemba njalonjalo, ngengeze ekudunyisweni kwakho konke.
15 My mouth, shall relate thy righteousness, All the day, thy deliverance, For I know not the numbers.
Umlomo wami uzalandisa ukulunga kwakho, usuku lonke usindiso lwakho, ngoba kangiwazi amanani akho.
16 I will enter into the mighty doings of My Lord—Yahweh, I will make mention of thy righteousness—thine alone.
Ngizahamba emandleni eNkosi uJehova, ngiqambe ukulunga kwakho, okwakho kuphela.
17 O God, thou hast taught me from my youthful days, And, hitherto, have I been wont to tell of thy wonders;
Nkulunkulu, ungifundisile kusukela ebutsheni bami, njalo kuze kube khathesi ngitshumayele izimangaliso zakho.
18 Even now, therefore, that I am old and grayheaded, O God, do not forsake me, —Until I tell of thine arm unto a [new] generation, Unto every one that is to come, thy might;
Lalapho sengiluphele sengiyimpunga, Nkulunkulu, ungangitshiyi, ngize ngitshumayele ingalo yakho kuso isizukulwana, amandla akho kuye wonke ozakuza.
19 And, as for thy righteousness, O God, up on high, Wherein thou hast wrought great things, O God! who is like unto thee?
Lokulunga kwakho, Nkulunkulu, kufika ezingqongeni, owenze izinto ezinkulu; Nkulunkulu, ngubani onjengawe?
20 Thou who hast let us see many distresses and misfortunes, Wilt again bring us to life, And, out of the resounding depths of the earth, wilt again raise us up;
Ongenze ngabona inhlupheko ezinengi lezibuhlungu, uzangivuselela futhi, ungikhuphule futhi ezinzikini zomhlaba.
21 Thou wilt increase my greatness, And, on every side, wilt comfort me.
Uzakwandisa ubukhulu bami, ungiduduze inhlangothi zonke.
22 I also, will praise thee by the aid of a harp, Thy faithfulness, O my God, —I will make music unto thee with a lyre, Thou holy one of Israel;
Lami ngizakudumisa ngogubhu lwezintambo, iqiniso lakho, Nkulunkulu wami; ngizahlabelela izibongo kuwe ngechacho, wena ongcwele kaIsrayeli.
23 My lips shall make a joyful noise, When I make music unto thee, And my soul which thou hast ransomed;
Indebe zami zizamemeza ngentokozo lapho ngihlabelela kuwe, lomphefumulo wami owuhlengileyo.
24 Even my tongue, all the day, shall softly utter thy righteousness, For they have turned pale—for they have blushed, Who were seeking my hurt.
Futhi ulimi lwami luzakhuluma ngokulunga kwakho usuku lonke, ngoba bayangekile, ngoba badumazeka, abadinga ukoniwa kwami.

< Psalms 71 >