< Psalms 70 >

1 To the Chief Musician. David’s. To call to Remembrance. [Be pleased] O God, to rescue me, O Yahweh, to help me—make haste.
Al Músico principal: Salmo de David, para conmemorar. OH Dios, [acude] á librarme; apresúrate, oh Dios, á socorrerme.
2 Let them turn pale and then at once blush, Who are seeking my life, —Let them draw back, and be confounded, Who are taking pleasure in my misfortune;
Sean avergonzados y confusos los que buscan mi vida; sean vueltos atrás y avergonzados los que mi mal desean.
3 Let them turn back, on account of their own shame, Who are saying, Aha! Aha!
Sean vueltos, en pago de su afrenta [hecha], los que dicen: ¡Ah! ¡ah!
4 Let all them be glad and rejoice in thee, Yea, let them, who are seekers of thee, —say continually, God be magnified! Who are lovers of thy salvation.
Gócense y alégrense en ti todos los que te buscan; y digan siempre los que aman tu salud: Engrandecido sea Dios.
5 But, I, being humbled and needy, O God, haste to me, —My help and my deliverer, art thou, O Yahweh do not tarry.
Yo estoy afligido y menesteroso; apresúrate á mí, oh Dios: ayuda mía y mi libertador eres tú; oh Jehová, no te detengas.

< Psalms 70 >