< Psalms 65 >

1 To the Chief Musician. A Melody of David—a song. Thine, are silence [and] praise, O God, in Zion, —And, to thee, shall be paid the vow.
大衛的詩歌,交與伶長。 上帝啊,錫安的人都等候讚美你; 所許的願也要向你償還。
2 Thou hearer of prayer! Unto thee, shall all flesh come.
聽禱告的主啊, 凡有血氣的都要來就你。
3 Iniquitous things, have been too strong for me, As for our transgressions, wilt, thou, by propitiation remove them.
罪孽勝了我; 至於我們的過犯,你都要赦免。
4 How happy the man thou shalt choose and bring near! He shall abide in thy courts, —We shall be satisfied with, The blessing of thy house, The holiness of thy temple.
你所揀選、使他親近你、住在你院中的, 這人便為有福! 我們必因你居所、你聖殿的美福知足了。
5 By things reverend in righteousness, wilt thou answer us, O God of our salvation, The confidence of all the ends of the earth, And of the sea far away;
拯救我們的上帝啊,你必以威嚴秉公義應允我們; 你本是一切地極和海上遠處的人所倚靠的。
6 Who setteth fast the mountains by his strength, Being girded with might;
他既以大能束腰, 就用力量安定諸山,
7 Who stilleth, The noise of the seas, The noise of their rolling waves, and The tumult of races of men?
使諸海的響聲和其中波浪的響聲, 並萬民的喧嘩,都平靜了。
8 Yea the dwellers in the uttermost parts have feared at thy tokens, The goings forth of morning and evening, thou causest to shout for joy.
住在地極的人因你的神蹟懼怕; 你使日出日落之地都歡呼。
9 Thou hast visited the earth, and made it abound, Abundantly, dost thou enrich it—The channel of God, is full of waters, Thou preparest their corn, Yea, thus, dost thou prepare it:
你眷顧地,降下透雨, 使地大得肥美。 上帝的河滿了水; 你這樣澆灌了地, 好為人預備五穀。
10 The ridges thereof, drenching, Settling the furrows thereof, With myriad drops, dost thou soften it, The sprouting thereof, doth thou bless.
你澆透地的誆溝,潤平誆脊, 降甘霖,使地軟和; 其中發長的,蒙你賜福。
11 Thou hast set a crown upon thy year of bounty, And, thy tracks, drop fatness;
你以恩典為年歲的冠冕; 你的路徑都滴下脂油,
12 Fruitful are the pastures of the wilderness, And, with exultation, the hills do gird themselves.
滴在曠野的草場上。 小山以歡樂束腰;
13 Clothed are the pastures with flocks, The valleys also, cover themselves with corn, They shout for joy, yea they sing.
草場以羊群為衣; 谷中也長滿了五穀。 這一切都歡呼歌唱。

< Psalms 65 >