< Psalms 64 >
1 To the Chief Musician. A Melody of David. Hear, O God, my voice when I complain, From dread peril by the foe, wilt thou guard my life.
Oye, o! Dios, mi voz en mi oración: guarda mi vida del miedo del enemigo:
2 Wilt thou hide me, From the conclave of evil-doers, From the crowd of workers of iniquity.
Escóndeme del secreto consejo de los malignos: de la conspiración de los que obran iniquidad.
3 Who have sharpened, like a sword, their tongue, Have made ready their arrow—a bitter word;
Que afilaron su lengua, como espada: armaron por su saeta palabra amarga:
4 To shoot, in secret places, at the blameless one, Suddenly they shoot at him, and fear not.
Para asaetar a escondidas al perfecto: de presto le asaetean, y no temen.
5 They strengthen for them a wicked word, They talk of hiding snares, They have said, Who can see them?
Afírmanse asimismos sobre palabra mala: tratan de esconder los lazos: dicen: ¿Quién los ha de ver?
6 They devise perverse things, They have completed the device well devised, Both the intent of each one, and the mind, are unsearchable.
Inquieren iniquidades; perficionan la inquisición del inquiridor, y lo que inventó lo íntimo de cada uno, y el corazón inventivo.
7 Once let God have shot at them an arrow, Suddenly have appeared their own wounds!
Mas Dios los asaeteará con saeta, de repente serán sus plagas.
8 When they were to have ruined another, their tongue smote themselves, All who observe them take flight.
Y harán caer sobre sí sus mismas lenguas: espantarse han todos los que los vieren.
9 Therefore have all men feared, —And have told the doing of God, And, his work, have considered.
Y temerán todos los hombres, y anunciarán la obra de Dios, y entenderán su obra.
10 The righteous man shall rejoice in Yahweh, and seek refuge in him, Then shall glory—all who are upright in heart.
El justo se alegrará en Jehová, y asegurarse ha en él: y alabarse han todos los rectos de corazón.