< Psalms 62 >

1 To the Chief Musician. On Jeduthun—A Melody of David. Surely, towards God, silence [becometh] my soul, From him, is my salvation:
Nkunga Davidi kuidi Yedutuni, pfumu minyimbidi. Muelꞌama umbakanga luvovomo mu Nzambi kaka. Phulusu ama kuidi niandi yimbanga.
2 Surely, he, is my rock and my salvation, My high tower—I shall not be greatly shaken!
Niandi kaka ditadi diama ayi phulusu ama; niandi suamunu kiama kingolo; Ndilendi bulangana ko.
3 How long will ye shout at a man? Ye shall be crushed all of you, —Like a wall that bulgeth, —a fence pushed in!
Nate zithangu zikua lufueti nuanisina mutu e? Lutombidi beno boso bu kumbuisila e? Banga baka kioki kitengama banga luphangu lolo lueka bua e?
4 Surely, from his elevation, they have taken counsel to thrust him down, They accept falsehood, —With his mouth, they each of them bless, But, inwardly, they revile. (Selah)
Balembo nyendila manenga muingi bankundumuna va buangu kiandi ki zangama; khini beti mona mu mambu ma luvunu. Mu muinu miawu, balembo sakumuna, vayi mu khati ntima miawu, balembo singi.
5 Surely, towards God, be thou silent, my soul, For, from him, is mine expectation:
Ba mu ndembama, a muelꞌama, mu Nzambi kaka! Diana diama kuidi niandi dimbanga.
6 Surely, he, is my rock, and my salvation, My high tower—I shall not be shaken!
Niandi kaka ditadi diama ayi phulusu ama; niandi suamunu kiama ki ngolo; Ndilengi bua ko.
7 Upon God, [depend] my salvation and mine honour, My rock of strength, my refuge, are in God.
Phulusu ama ayi nzitusu ama kuidi Nzambi bidi; niandi ditadi diama dingolo, suamunu kiama.
8 Trust ye in him all ye assembly of the people, Pour out, before him, your heart, God, is a refuge for us. (Selah)
Tulanganu diana dieno mu niandi mu thangu zioso, a batu. Luyalumuna mintima mieno kuidi niandi bila Nzambi niandi suamunu kieto.
9 Surely, vanity, are men of low degree, Deception, men of high degree, —In the balances, they go up, They, are [made] of vanity, altogether.
Batu baphamba badi kaka phemo, batu banneni badi kaka luvunu; enati babasidi va basikilu, basi kadi kiasa. Kubafuba va kimosi, badi kaka phemo.
10 Do not trust in extortion, Nor, with robbery, become vain, As for wealth, when it beareth fruit, Do not set [thereon your] heart.
Kadi tulanu diana mu vinza bima bingana; voti tula luniemo mu bima bibuivi. Ka diambu ko kimvuama kiaku kilembo yilama, kadi tula ntimꞌaku mu biawu.
11 One thing, hath God spoken, Two things, [there are] which I have heard, That, power, belongeth unto God;
Khumbu mosi Nzambi utuba, zikhumbu zizole ndiwila: ti ngeyo, a Nzambi, ngolo widi,
12 And, thine, O My Lord, is lovingkindness, —For, thou, wilt pay back unto every man—according to his deed.
ayi ti ngeyo, a Yave, widi kiluzolo. Bukiedika, wetafuta kadika mutu boso bukasadidi.

< Psalms 62 >