< Psalms 59 >

1 To the Chief Musician. "Do not Destroy." A precious Psalm of David. When Saul sent, and they watched the house, to kill him. Rescue me from my foes, O my God, From them who lift themselves up against me, wilt thou set me on high:
Načelniku godbe: "Ne pogubi"; Davidova pesem odlična; ko je bil poslal Savel može, ki so ogledavali hišo njegovo, da bi ga umorili. Reši me sovražnikov mojih, moj Bog; nad nje, ki se spenjajo v méne, povzdigni me.
2 Rescue me, from the workers of iniquity, And, from the men of bloodshed, save me.
Reši me njih, ki delajo krivico, in ljudî krvoločnih otmi me.
3 For lo! they have lain in wait for my life, Mighty ones stir up strife against me, Without transgression of mine, and without sin of mine, O Yahweh;
Ker, glej, življenje moje zalezujejo, shajajo se zoper mene krepki, brez hudobije moje, brez greha mojega, Gospod!
4 For no iniquity, do they run that they may take their stand, Rouse thyself to meet me, and see.
Brez krivice moje se zbirajo in pripravljajo: vstani meni naproti in ozri se.
5 Thou, therefore, O Yahweh, God of hosts, God of Israel, Awake, to visit all the nations, Do not show favour to any iniquitous traitors. (Selah)
Ti torej, Gospod, Bog vojnih krdél, Bog Izraelov, zbúdi se, obiskat vse one narode: ne bodi milosten nikomur, ki dela krivico, nezvesto.
6 They return at evening, They grow like a dog, And go round the city.
Povračajo se zvečer; bevkajo kakor pes, in obdajajo mesto.
7 Lo! they belch forth with their mouth, Swords, are in their lips, For [say they], Who doth hear?
Glej, bljujejo z usti svojimi, z mečem na ustnah svojih; ker kdo sliši? pravijo.
8 Thou, therefore, O Yahweh, wilt laugh at them, Thou wilt mock at all nations.
Ti pa, Gospod, bodeš se jim smijal, zasmehoval bodeš vse tiste narode.
9 O my Strength, unto thee, will I make melody, For, God, is my high tower.
Ko ima on moč, gledal bodem v té, ker Bog je moj grad.
10 My God of lovingkindness, will come to meet me, God, will let me look on mine adversaries.
Bog milosti moje bode me prestregel; Bog storí, da bodem gledal sovražnike svoje.
11 Do not slay them, lest my people forget, Cause them to wander by thy strength, and prostrate them, [Thou] our shield, O Lord!
Ne pobij jih, da ne pozabijo rojaki moji; izženi jih s krepostjo svojo, in pahni jih dol, ščit naš, Gospod!
12 The sin of their mouth, The word of their lips, Let them then be captured in their pride, Both for the oath and for the deception they record.
Greh njih ust je njih ustnic beseda; ko bodejo vjeti v napuhu svojem, tedaj naj oznanjajo od prekletstva, tedaj od slabosti.
13 Bring to a full end in wrath, Bring to a full end, that they be no more, —That men may know that, God, is ruling in Jacob, Unto the ends of the earth. (Selah)
Pokončaj v srdu, pokončaj, da jih ne bode več; vedó naj, da Bog gospoduje v Jakobu do mej zemlje.
14 Let them return, then, at evening, Let them growl like a dog, And go round the city.
Ko se povračajo zvečer, bevkajo naj kakor pes, in obdajajo mesto.
15 They, may prowl about for food, —And, if they are not satisfied, then let them whine!
Sami se naj gonijo, da bi jedli; ko ne bodejo nasíteni, tedaj primorani naj bodejo prenočevati.
16 But, I, will sing thy power, And will shout aloud, in the morning, thy lovingkindness, —For thou has become a refuge for me, And a place to flee to in the day of my distress.
Jaz pa bodem prepeval moč tvojo, in pel bodem do vsakega jutra milost tvojo, da si ti mi bil grad moj in pribežališče, ko sem bil v stiski.
17 O my Strength, unto thee, will I make melody, For, God, is my high tower, my God of lovingkindness.
O moč moja, tebi bodem prepeval, da je Bog grad moj, Bog milosti moje.

< Psalms 59 >