< Psalms 58 >
1 To the Chief Musician. "Do not Destroy." A precious Psalm, of David. Are ye, indeed, silent [when] righteousness, ye should speak? When, with equity, ye should judge, O ye sons of men?
MAGAJET na jamyo manudo, anae debe de unfanguentos jamyo tininas? manmanjujusga jamyo tunas, O jamyo, ni y lalajin taotao sija?
2 Aye! ye all do work, perversity, —Throughout the land, your hands, weigh out, violence!
Magajet, na y jalom corason nae manmachochocho jamyo tinaelaye; intajlang gui canaenmiyo y tinaelaye gui tano.
3 Lawless men have been estranged from birth, They have gone astray from their nativity, speaking falsehood;
Y manaelaye, manaotao juyong desde y jalom tuyan: enseguidas qui manmafañago, manabag manguecuentos ni y mandague.
4 Their poison, is like unto the poison of a serpent, Like the deaf adder, that stoppeth his ear;
Y binenoñija, parejo yan y binenon y culebbla: sija parejo yan y tangan y serpiente, ni y jajuchum talangaña;
5 That will not hearken to the voice of whisperers, Though the wise one try to bind him with spells.
Ya ti jaecungog y inagang y encantador, ni y gosfaye manencanta.
6 O God! break away their teeth in their mouth, The biters of the young lions, knock thou out, O Yahweh!
Yamag y nifenñija gui jalom pachotñija, O Yuus: yamag juyong y dangculo na nifen y patgon leon, O Jeova.
7 Let such men flow away like waters that disperse themselves: He prepareth his arrow, Like [grass] let them be cut down:
Polo ya ufanmadirite taegüije y janom ni y malalagoja gui iyoña: anae jaachechetgüe y flechaña, polo ya calang manutut.
8 Like a snail, which melteth away as it goeth, An untimely birth of a woman, which hath not seen the sun:
Polo ya utaegüije y acaleja ni y madirite ya umalofan: taegüije y taetiempo na mañagon palaoan, ni y ti guinin lumilie y atdao.
9 Before your kettles can perceive the [kindled] bramble, Be he green or be he withered, he shall be swept away.
Antes di usiente y lauyanmiyo y guafen y tituca, uchule sija ya unajanao, nu y remulinon manglo, ayo manbetde taegüije mansinenggue,
10 The righteous man will rejoice when he hath seen an avenging, His feet, will he bathe in the blood of the lawless one: —
Y manunas ufanmagof yanguin jalilie y inemog; ufagase y adengña gui jâgâ y taelaye.
11 So that a son of earth may say—Surely there is fruit for the righteous man! Surely there are gods who judge in the earth!
Para ualog y taotao: Magajet na guaja apasñija y manunas: magajet guaja si Yuus ni y manjujusga gui tano.