< Psalms 55 >

1 To the Chief Musician: with stringed Instruments. A Psalm of Instruction, of David. Give ear, O God, to my prayer, And do not hide thyself from my supplication:
Kwa mtsogoleri wa mayimbidwe. Ndakatulo ya Davide. Pa zoyimbira za zingwe. Mvetserani pemphero langa, Inu Mulungu, musakufulatire kupempha kwanga,
2 Attend unto me, and answer me, I may ramble in my complaining, And be driven to and fro—
mverani ndipo mundiyankhe. Maganizo anga akundisautsa ndipo ndathedwa nzeru
3 Because of the noise of the enemy, By reason of the oppression of the lawless one, For they would let trouble drop upon me, And, in anger, would they entrap me.
chifukwa cha mawu a adani anga, chifukwa cha kupondereza kwa anthu oyipa; pakuti andidzetsera masautso ndipo akundizunza mu mkwiyo wawo.
4 My heart, would writhe within me, And, the terrors of Death, have fallen upon me:
Mtima wanga ukupweteka mʼkati mwanga; mantha a imfa andigwera.
5 Fear and trembling, would enter me, And there would have overwhelmed me—a horror!
Mantha ndi kunjenjemera zandizinga; mantha aakulu andithetsa nzeru.
6 Then I said—Oh that there were given me a pinion, like a dove, I would fly away and be at rest:
Ndinati, “Ndithu, ndikanakhala ndi mapiko ankhunda! Ndikanawulukira kutali ndi kukapuma.
7 Lo! I would take a distant flight, I would tarry in the wilderness. (Selah)
Ndikanathawira kutali ndi kukakhala mʼchipululu.
8 I would hasten mine escape, From rushing wind, from storm.
Ndikanathamangira kumalo anga a chitetezo; kutali ndi mphepo yaukali ndi yamkuntho.”
9 Confuse, O My Lord, divide their speech, For I have seen violence and contention in the city;
Sokonezani maganizo a oyipa, Inu Ambuye, tsutsani mawu awo; pakuti ine ndikuona chiwawa ndi mkangano mu mzinda.
10 Day and night, they go round her, upon her walls, And, trouble and misery, are in her midst;
Usana ndi usiku iwo akuzungulirazungulira pa makoma ake; nkhwidzi ndi kuzunza kuli mʼkati mwake.
11 Engulfing ruin, is in her midst, And there depart not from her broadway, oppression and deceit.
Mphamvu zowononga zili pa ntchito mu mzinda; kuopseza ndi mabodza sizichoka mʼmisewu yake.
12 For it is, not an enemy, that reproacheth me, Or I could bear it, —Not one that hath hated me, who, against me, hath magnified himself, Or I might hide myself from him;
Akanakhala mdani akundinyoza, ine ndikanapirira; akanakhala mdani akudzikweza yekha kutsutsana nane, ndikanakabisala.
13 But it is, thou, a man esteemed as mine equal, mine associate, and mine acquaintance;
Koma iweyo mnzanga, mnzanga woyenda naye, bwenzi langa la pondaapanʼpondepo, ndi amene ukuchita zimenezi.
14 So that together have we been wont to find sweetness in counsel, In the house of God, used we to walk in the throng.
Mnzanga amene nthawi ina tinkasangalala pa chiyanjano chokoma ku nyumba ya Mulungu.
15 Desolations on them! Let them go down into hades alive, For, wicked doings, are at home within them. (Sheol h7585)
Mulole imfa itenge adani anga mwadzidzidzi; alowe mʼmanda ali amoyo pakuti choyipa chili pakati pawo. (Sheol h7585)
16 I, unto God, will cry, —And, Yahweh, will save me.
Koma ine ndinafuwulira kwa Mulungu, ndipo Yehova anandipulumutsa.
17 At evening and morning and high noon, have I been wont to lament and complain, And he hath heard my voice!
Madzulo, mmawa ndi masana ndimalira mowawidwa mtima, ndipo Iye amamva mawu anga.
18 He hath completely redeemed my soul, out of the attack upon me, For, in multitudes, were they [in conflict] with me.
Iye amandiwombola ine osavulazidwa pa nkhondo imene yafika kulimbana nane, ngakhale kuti ndi ambiri amene akunditsutsa.
19 GOD will hear, Yea He will humble them who aforetime sat [enthroned]. (Selah) With whom are no changings, Neither have they revered God.
Mulungu amene ali pa mpando wake kwamuyaya, adzandimenyera nkhondo; adzawatsitsa adani anga, chifukwa safuna kusintha njira zawo zoyipa ndipo saopa Mulungu.
20 He hath thrust forth his hands, against them he was wont to salute, he hath violated his covenant;
Mnzanga woyenda naye wathira nkhondo abwenzi ake; iye akuphwanya pangano ake.
21 Smoother than curds, were [the words of] his mouth, But, war, was [in] his heart, —Softer his words than oil, Yet, they, were drawn swords!
Mawu ake ndi osalala kuposa batala komabe nkhondo ili mu mtima mwake; mawu ake ndi osalala kwambiri kuposa mafuta, komatu mawuwo ndi malupanga osololoka.
22 Cast upon Yahweh thy lot, and, he, will sustain thee: He will not suffer, to times age-abiding, the righteous one to be shaken.
Tulani nkhawa zanu kwa Yehova ndipo Iye adzakulimbitsani; Iye sadzalola kuti wolungama agwe.
23 But, thou, O God, wilt bring them down to the pit of destruction, Men of bloodshed and deceit, shall not live out half their days; But, I, will trust in thee.
Koma Inu Mulungu mudzawatsitsa anthu oyipa kulowa mʼdzenje lachiwonongeko; anthu okhetsa magazi ndi anthu achinyengo sadzakhala moyo theka la masiku awo, koma ine ndimadalira Inu.

< Psalms 55 >