< Psalms 54 >

1 To the Chief Musician: with Stringed Instruments. A Psalm of Instruction, of David. When the Ziphites came and said unto Saul, Is not, David, hiding himself, with us? O God! by thine own Name, save me, And, by thine own strength, wilt thou vindicate me?
Til Sangmesteren; med Strengeleg; en Undervisning af David,
2 O God! Hear my prayer, Give ear to the sayings of my mouth;
der Sifiterne kom og sagde til Saul: Har David ikke skjult sig hos os?
3 For, aliens, have risen up against me, And, men of violence, have sought my life, They have not set God before them. (Selah)
Frels mig, Gud! ved dit Navn og beskik mig Ret ved din Magt.
4 Lo! God, is bringing me help, My Lord, is with the upholders of my life;
Gud! hør min Bøn, vend Øren til min Munds Tale.
5 Let him turn back the mischief upon mine adversaries, In thy faithfulness, destroy them!
Thi fremmede staa op imod mig, og Voldsmænd søge efter mit Liv; de have ikke Gud for Øje. (Sela)
6 With a freewill-offering, will I sacrifice unto thee, I will praise thy Name, O Yahweh, for it is good;
Se, Gud hjælper mig; Herren er iblandt dem, som opholde min Sjæl.
7 For, out of all distress, hath he rescued me, —And, upon my foes, hath, mine own eye, looked.
Han skal betale mine Fjender det onde; udryd dem ifølge din Sandhed! Jeg vil ofre dig frivilligt Offer; jeg vil takke dit Navn, Herre! thi det er godt. Thi han friede mig af al Nød, og mit Øje saa sin Lyst paa mine Fjender.

< Psalms 54 >