< Psalms 5 >
1 To the Chief Musician. For the Flutes. A Melody of David. To my words, give ear, O Yahweh, Understand thou my softly murmured prayer:
In finem pro ea, quæ hereditatem consequitur, Psalmus David. Verba mea auribus percipe Domine, intellige clamorem meum.
2 Attend to the voice of my cry, my King and my God, for, unto thee, do I pray.
Intende voci orationis meæ, Rex meus et Deus meus.
3 O Yahweh! in the morning, shalt thou hear my voice, In the morning, will I set in order unto thee, and keep watch;
Quoniam ad te orabo: Domine mane exaudies vocem meam.
4 For, not a GOD finding pleasure in lawlessness, art thou, and wrong can be no guest of thine:
Mane astabo tibi et videbo: quoniam non Deus volens iniquitatem tu es.
5 Boasters, shall not station themselves, before thine eyes, —Thou hatest all workers of iniquity:
Neque habitabit iuxta te malignus: neque permanebunt iniusti ante oculos tuos.
6 Thou wilt destroy them who speak falsehood, —The man of bloodshed and of deceit, Yahweh abhorreth.
Odisti omnes, qui operantur iniquitatem: perdes omnes, qui loquuntur mendacium. Virum sanguinum et dolosum abominabitur Dominus:
7 But, I, in the abounding of thy lovingkindness, will enter thy house, I will bow down towards thy holy temple, in reverence of thee:
ego autem in multitudine misericordiæ tuæ. Introibo in domum tuam: adorabo ad templum sanctum tuum in timore tuo.
8 O Yahweh! lead me in thy righteousness, because of mine adversaries, Make even, before me, thy way:
Domine deduc me in iustitia tua: propter inimicos meos dirige in conspectu tuo viam meam.
9 For in his mouth is nothing worthy of trust, Their inward purpose, is engulphing ruin, —An opened sepulchre, is their throat, With their tongue, speak they smooth things.
Quoniam non est in ore eorum veritas: cor eorum vanum est.
10 Declare them guilty, O God, Let them fall by their own counsels, —Into the throng of their own transgressions, thrust them down, For they have rebelled against thee: —
Sepulchrum patens est guttur eorum, linguis suis dolose agebant, iudica illos Deus. Decidant a cogitationibus suis, secundum multitudinem impietatum eorum expelle eos, quoniam irritaverunt te Domine.
11 That all may rejoice who seek refuge in thee, to times age-abiding, may shout in triumph, that thou wilt protect them, and they may leap for joy in thee who are lovers of thy Name.
Et lætentur omnes, qui sperant in te, in æternum exultabunt: et habitabis in eis. Et gloriabuntur in te omnes, qui diligunt nomen tuum,
12 For, thou, wilt bless the righteous man, O Yahweh, As with an all-covering shield—with good pleasure, wilt thou encompass him.
quoniam tu benedices iusto. Domine, ut scuto bonæ voluntatis tuæ coronasti nos.