< Psalms 5 >

1 To the Chief Musician. For the Flutes. A Melody of David. To my words, give ear, O Yahweh, Understand thou my softly murmured prayer:
“For the leader of the music; to be accompanied with wind instruments. A psalm of David.” Give ear to my words, O LORD; Have regard to my cry!
2 Attend to the voice of my cry, my King and my God, for, unto thee, do I pray.
Listen to the voice of my supplication, my King and my God! For to thee do I address my prayer.
3 O Yahweh! in the morning, shalt thou hear my voice, In the morning, will I set in order unto thee, and keep watch;
In the morning shalt thou hear my voice, O LORD! In the morning will I address my prayer to thee, and look for help.
4 For, not a GOD finding pleasure in lawlessness, art thou, and wrong can be no guest of thine:
For thou art not a God that hath pleasure in wickedness; The unrighteous man dwelleth not with thee.
5 Boasters, shall not station themselves, before thine eyes, —Thou hatest all workers of iniquity:
The haughty shall not stand in thy sight; Thou hatest all that do iniquity.
6 Thou wilt destroy them who speak falsehood, —The man of bloodshed and of deceit, Yahweh abhorreth.
Thou destroyest them that speak falsehood; The man of blood and deceit the LORD abhorreth.
7 But, I, in the abounding of thy lovingkindness, will enter thy house, I will bow down towards thy holy temple, in reverence of thee:
But I, through thy great goodness, will come to thy house; In thy fear will I worship at thy holy temple.
8 O Yahweh! lead me in thy righteousness, because of mine adversaries, Make even, before me, thy way:
Lead me, O LORD! in thy righteousness, because of mine enemies; Make thy path straight before my face!
9 For in his mouth is nothing worthy of trust, Their inward purpose, is engulphing ruin, —An opened sepulchre, is their throat, With their tongue, speak they smooth things.
For in their mouth there is no truth; Their heart is malignity; Their throat is an open sepulchre; They flatter with their tongue.
10 Declare them guilty, O God, Let them fall by their own counsels, —Into the throng of their own transgressions, thrust them down, For they have rebelled against thee: —
Requite them, O God! Let them be confounded in their devices; Cast them out for the multitude of their transgressions; For against thee have they rebelled!
11 That all may rejoice who seek refuge in thee, to times age-abiding, may shout in triumph, that thou wilt protect them, and they may leap for joy in thee who are lovers of thy Name.
But let all, that put their trust in thee, rejoice; Let them ever shout for joy, because thou defendest them; Let them, that love thy name, be joyful in thee!
12 For, thou, wilt bless the righteous man, O Yahweh, As with an all-covering shield—with good pleasure, wilt thou encompass him.
For thou, O LORD! dost bless the righteous; With favor dost thou encompass him, as with a shield.

< Psalms 5 >