< Psalms 40 >
1 To the Chief Musician. David’s. A Melody. I waited patiently for Yahweh, —And he inclined, unto me, and heard my cry for help;
Zborovođi. Psalam. Davidov. Uzdah se u Jahvu uzdanjem silnim, i on se k meni prignu i usliša vapaj moj.
2 So he brought me up, Out of the destroying pit, Out of the swampy mire, —And set, upon a cliff, my feet, Making firm my steps:
Izvuče me iz jame propasti, iz blata kalnoga; noge mi stavi na hridinu, korake moje ukrijepi.
3 Then put he, into my mouth, a new song, Praise to our God, —Many shall see and revere, And shall trust in Yahweh.
U usta mi stavi pjesmu novu, slavopoj Bogu našemu. Vidjet će mnogi i strah će ih obuzeti: uzdanje će svoje staviti u Jahvu.
4 How happy the man, Who hath made Yahweh his confidence, who hath not turned unto the haughty, nor gone aside unto falsehood.
Blago čovjeku koji se u Jahvu uzda, koji ne ide za štovateljima lažnih bogova, za onima koji se predaju prijevari.
5 Mighty things, hast thou done—Thou, Yahweh my God, Thy wonderful doings and thy purposes towards us, There is no setting them in order unto thee—I would tell, and would speak!—They are too great to rehearse.
Čudesa mnoga tvoriš, o Jahve, Bože moj, i namisli čudesne - ravna ti nema! Kazivat' ih i objavljivati želim, al' odveć ih je da bi se nabrojit' mogli.
6 Sacrifice and meal-offering, thou didst not delight in, Ears, didst thou pierce for me, —Ascending-sacrifice and sin-bearer, thou didst not ask:
Nisu ti mile ni žrtve ni prinosi, nego si mi uši otvorio: paljenice ni okajnice ne tražiš.
7 Then, said I—Lo! I am come, In the written scroll, is it prescribed for me;
Tada rekoh: “Evo dolazim! U svitku knjige piše za mene:
8 To do thy good-pleasure, O my God, is my delight, And, thy law, is in the midst of mine inward parts:
Milje mi je, Bože moj, vršit volju tvoju, Zakon tvoj duboko u srcu ja nosim.”
9 I have told the good-tidings of righteousness in a great convocation, Lo! my lips, do I not restrain, O Yahweh, thou, knowest:
Tvoju ću pravdu naviještat' u velikom zboru, i usta svojih zatvoriti neću, o Jahve, sve ti je znano.
10 Thy righteousness, have I not hid in the midst of my heart, Thy faithfulness and thy salvation, have I spoken, I have not concealed thy lovingkindness and thy truthfulness from the great convocation.
Tvoju pravdu neću kriti u srcu, kazivat ću vjernost tvoju i tvoj spas. Tajit neću dobrote tvoje, ni tvoje vjernosti velikoj skupštini.
11 Thou, O Yahweh, wilt not restrain thy compassions from me, Thy lovingkindness and thy truthfulness, shall continually watch over me.
A ti, o Jahve, milosrđa mi svog ne krati, dobrota tvoja i vjernost neka me svagda čuvaju.
12 For there have closed in upon me, misfortunes beyond number, Mine iniquities have overtaken me, and I cannot see, They have become more than the hairs of my head, And, my courage, hath forsaken me!
Jer me okružiše nesreće nebrojene, krivice me moje sustigoše da gledat' ne mogu: više ih je no vlasi na glavi, i srce mi je stoga klonulo.
13 Be pleased, O Yahweh, to rescue me, O Yahweh! to help me, make haste!
Bilo ti milo, o Jahve, da me izbaviš; Gospodine, u pomoć mi pohitaj!
14 Let them turn pale and then at once blush, who are seeking my life to snatch it away, —Let them draw back, and be confounded, who are taking pleasure in my calamity;
Neka se postide i smetu svi koji mi o glavi rade. Nek' uzmaknu i neka se posrame koji se nesreći mojoj raduju!
15 Let them be astonished on account of their own shame, who are saying of me, Aha! Aha!
Neka se skamene u sramoti svojoj koji zlurado na me grohoću!
16 Let all them be glad and rejoice in thee, who are seekers of thee. Let them say continually—Yahweh be magnified! who are lovers of thy salvation.
Neka kliču i nek' se vesele u tebi svi koji te traže! Neka govore svagda: “Velik je Jahve!” svi koji spasenje tvoje ljube.
17 But, I, being oppressed and needy, May My Lord devise for me, —My help and my deliverer, thou art! O my God, do not tarry!
Bijedan sam ja i nevoljan, al' Jahve se brine za me. Ti si pomoć moja i moj spasitelj; o Bože moj, ne kasni!